We are having our typical fall weather; sunshine, wind and showers. The sunny days are glorious with temperatures as high as 25C or 77F. This can continue into October. This morning our temperature at 6 a.m. was 4C or 39.5F. That is one of our coolest mornings.
I worked Friday, Saturday and Sunday which was an Ultimate Sale (50% off most everything in the store) and then was in early Monday to set up for the next sale. I was really tired when I got done Monday afternoon and wasn't too ambitious after I got home. Yesterday was a better day with some shopping and ordering the new entry doors. It was a slower paced day which I needed. When I got weighed on Monday, my weight was the same. I hit a small plateau which was fine with me. My body needed to catch up to the weight loss. This morning, I got on the scales as I had two good days and bang! I was down another 2.9 pounds for a total of 36.6 pounds total. I was amazed at what my body did.
I am still cutting out the top for my store project. Just one more piece and I can sew it. But, I decided to cut out a top for one of the dolls from some scraps and test sew the fabric.
It sews up beautifully and I am looking forward to making my top. Now the doll wants blue jeans to go with her new blue runners.
And a belt for the top. The jeans will be cut out of a pair of my worn jeans. The back of the legs will be perfect for her.
I bought new knitting needles on Friday and I love them. They are metal (carbide steel with stainless points). Knitting is a dream. I am getting more and letting go of some of my wood needles. I knit two evenings on the doll socks and got one finished. The second one has the ribbing done. It won't take long to finish. The hardest part is to remember to tally the rows as I knit.
Once done, I will be knitting socks for Grandson.
I work today and tomorrow so not a lot will get done. All I have on my to do list is cut out the last piece of my top and be ready to sew it up on Friday morning. Until the next time.....................
It was a totally sunny day yesterday both weather and lifestyle wise. With a high of 20C or 69F, we enjoyed every minute of our sunny day.
The day started off with the Spousal Unit having his final IV therapy session. He is done getting his immune booster for the time being. He is looking and doing so much better than in May. At noon, I got a phone call that I needed my thyroid medication changed and I got to see the doctor when the Spousal Unit did in the afternoon. He got his prescription for his gastro issue renewed. He is down to taking them only when necessary. My visit was a big one. I thought I needed a higher dose of thyroid medication but it wasn't the case. My dose was dropped by 12 mcg due to weight loss. Then I asked about my A1C (glucose in blood for the past 3 months) and it was down to 5.5 from 5.8 in the spring and from 6.3 in 2014. I am in the normal range and couldn't be happier. Cholesterol levels are in the normal range and blood pressure where it should be using a normal sized cuff. I usually have to use a large cuff. I was Snoopy dancing out the door. My goal is to continue eating well, walking lots at work, and loosing weight. My foremost goal when I started this journey was to become healthy and I am doing that. I did a quick survey of the house yesterday and need to get some boxes from work that I can fill and drop off at the thrift stores. We still have too much stuff in our space and we both know we need to get rid of the excess. One would think we would have very little but we don't. It seems we brought too much with us and with last winter being a bad one, we didn't get rid of much due to the circumstances.
I had thought I would be cutting out my project yesterday afternoon but that didn't happen. Instead, I started to purge my sewing stuff. The journey started with quilting cottons and I purged a box and 5 small containers of cottons into the box. The box isn't full. I didn't touch 3 containers as one has a quilt that needs to go on the long arm, one has pieces of linen in it (I will probably give those away), and the third one has some of my parents items in it. The last container I didn't get to has patterns in it that I need to purge. I feel I did a great job of letting go of fabrics I love but won't use. What I kept I will use over time. What is sitting on the couch needs to be given to a co-worker so her daughter can take it to her quilting group and a few scraps need to go into the garbage.
I work the early shift and tonight I will sort a few more containers and box/bag up the excess. Until the next time.
We had a lovely spell of sunny weather and then some rain with high winds and it has turned into fall. The leaves are coming off the trees though we haven't had a frost. There are low clouds in the morning which burn off to sunshine or remain and it is gloomy with light rain showers.
The Spousal Unit has mowed the lawn several times this fall and it is looking lusher and greener than it did during the summer. He is also getting the garden pulled so we will be going to the composting center next week. Our garden has been over the top this summer and we have to freeze carrots and use up onions and potatoes. Son will be moving to Nova Scotia at the end of October. They put their house up for sale at the end of September and Daughter-in-law will move when it sells. It is final they will be on the other side of Canada from us. I have decided to start cleaning up our stuff in this house. We have too much and it needs to be thinned downed a whole pile. I will start with my sewing room and working out from that. It needs to be done during the next year. The weight is still coming off me and I am down 33.7 pounds to date with a 3.5 pound in the last week. I am eating healthy but find I am not as hungry as I was before. The journey continues until it is completed.
I finished up one of the doll's Halloween costumes. The leggings and t-shirt are really cute but my machine didn't like the fabric. I put in the right needle and set it for knits but there were some small issues. Re-sewing seams was done in a couple of places.
I found a pair of shoes for her to wear until the sneakers are ordered and arrive. It allows me to take her to work today.
I bought two more dolls yesterday (two for the price of one). They will be put into rotation also.
The umbrella for Raine is really cute.
I see a spring outfit using the umbrella. I also looked at their clothes and am going to make red nylon jackets to go with the soccer outfits. That was the only inspiration I had while going through the outfits. I have decided to clean up and purge my sewing room once again. I need to look at everything and make huge decisions. I want our house to have less in it and I must start in that room.
I worked on the doll's sock and realized something was wrong. I had too many stitches on the needles so I ravelled it all out. During that process I lost a needle in the couch so need to buy a new package of needles to knit doll clothes on. I wouldn't have to buy them but Elliott bit the end of one of the needles.
I work a full shift and close the store. I would love to figure out what I could knit tonight but don't want to start another project. Maybe I will sort through some sewing tubs I have stored in the living room. Until the next time..............................
Yesterday was beautiful with a lot of sunshine and a high of 28C or 82F. Today is suppose to be cloudy, almost as warm but showers are moving in for the weekend.
We were busy most of yesterday. I went to have blood tests done and found out I needed to fast this time. So, I try again next week. The Spousal Unit went to see the plastic surgeon for the results of the brown spot on his back and the biopsy showed cancer cells. He has surgery on Oct. 4 to have it removed. He was one upset man about this. When he settled down, he did say it is best to have it done so it won't head to his organs. This cancer is very aggressive if left alone. Elliot went in for his weigh in. No weight lost. He is still the same weight as last month. We are removing 1/8 cup of food from his daily intake to see if it will jump start a loss for next month. He isn't an active cat which doesn't help him loose weight. Son and Daughter-in-Law texted us saying they now own a house in Nova Scotia. They will update us on when and who moves first. I have been loosing weight and am now down 33.5 pounds. This is the lightest I have weight in 6 years. I am feeling so much better and am still very focused on my journey.
I started the first of the Halloween outfits for the dolls.
This is a fitting picture and I do love how it looks. The pattern is a Liberty Jane pattern found at Pixie Faire. The only change I made was to interface the cotton pumpkin for a bit more shape. I fooled around with the neck piece and added green crystals to it.
The hat will have three crystals on each section.
The t-shirt and leggings are now pinned onto the fabric ready to cut out.
Winter outfits are going through my head right now but I am remaining focussed on Halloween at the moment. I have two more outfits to make both are more labour intensive than this one.
The first sock has had the heel turned, the gusset stitches picked up and the first couple of rows of the gusset knit. We are making progress though I am not rushing through this project.
I work all day and hope to knit on the socks tonight.
It as a really sunny day yesterday and is suppose to be like that for the rest of the week. The mornings are cool which reminds us of Indian summer. How I love this kind of weather.
We did a bit of running around today as I was off work. We are planning our renovations -- new exterior doors. We also talked about painting the stucco on the house and adding a faux rock trim to the front. Ideas are flowing.
Daughter got a new lunch bag. She provided the print and I provided the light weight denim and cotton lining. Part of her birthday present. The pattern is the Triangle Pocket Bag and it went together well.
I love the print and it was perfect for the pocket. After the pocket was done, the bag went together fairly well. I made sure all the pieces were the same size. The handles are 30" long so Daughter can put it on her shoulder when going upstairs to work.
I also got the sewing room ready to have the valance taken down. Not cleaned out as I wanted. I put the next few projects out so I can grab them to sew. A few others are in the closet and can be grabbed easily. I can live with that until the room is done. I am taking stock of what I have piled in the house and realize that I need to either sew faster or get rid of more fabric. I am hoping to sew faster. Next on the list is the trick or treat bag for Grandson. It should be easy as it is just my regular reusable grocery bag pattern. Knitting I set up the first doll sock and it is nice to be knitting again. Elliot had to have a look at it also.
I have knit it to ankle length and will be knitting it to be knee high.
I work a full shift. I hope to knit on the doll sock tonight. I am not rushing it, just enjoying it. Until the next time......................
Though we had a bit of rain in the morning, sunshine shone for most of yesterday. Except for a short period of time mid afternoon when it poured rain. It came down in sheets. Then the sun shone for the rest of the afternoon. This morning is cool at 7C or 44F but we are to see sunshine for the next few days.
Though we haven't complained about the road construction, yesterday was the worst we have had. The equipment ran in front of our house all day and we felt the vibration of the packer under our feet, heard the beeping of trucks and excavator, and had to walk a long ways around to cross the street. The guys worked hard and put in long days to get our street fire truck and ambulance accessible each night. We spent a bit of time in the shed yesterday afternoon and sorted through some jars. Some will go to Daughter and the rest will go to another person who does a lot of canning. It will be nice to have them gone as I won't be canning again. I enjoyed my years of canning when in Ashcroft and we do miss parts of that life.
I spent every minute I could working on the wall hanging and got it finished.
The binding is only pinned in place in this picture and I sewed it down by hand last night. I will take it to work today to see if I can find any buttons to put on it. If not, I will be sending it to its owners my next day off. Next will be Daughter's lunch bag. Can't wait to work on it.
The afghan got finished last night and is in the washing machine ready for its second laundering. Elliott urinated on the yarn during the summer. Not his thing to be dirty like that. I don't know why he did it when this project has been in the house for 8 months. When cleaned, it will go to its rightful owner next week. I am hoping to set up a pair of doll socks this weekend. Then on to socks for Grandson.
I work the afternoon/evening shift. I am hoping to pull a few more things out of the sewing room. I am trying to get it closer to being ready for renovations. Until the next time.................
Though we woke up to rain yesterday morning, the rest of the day was nice. Not to warm at 21C or 69F. We had a repeat again this morning -- rain again this morning. Our days are getting shorter -- 13 hours of daylight today.
The Spousal Unit got a call from the doctor who did the biopsy on his back. He goes in next Thursday for the results. A bit unsettling to say the least. We cooked a turkey yesterday and it was delicious. Moist and tasty. I roasted potatoes, onions, and carrots to go with our meal. No gravy or dressing but we were happy with what we chose.
I did a lot of sewing yesterday. First thing I finished the western outfit. Sewing tiny buttons, several snaps, and a cuff finished the outfit.
I did fix the rhinestone at the top of the chaps. Next I got out a strapless sundress I had made earlier as an idea hit me for that outfit. It was too big so I had to alter it to fit the doll.
The side seams and back seam were taken in 1/8" so it would fit. This dress is lined. I need to get a spool of matching thread to finish up the dress. I plan on making a white t-shirt, hat, and bag to complete the outfit. I love the white sandals I bought to go with the outfit. A very summery look.
I worked on the wall hanging (no pictures yet). I used glow in the dark thread to quilt it with and orange thread to stitch in the ditch at the border. Now I am thinking about using the orange thread to stitch around the pumpkins in each square. I hope to trim it up today and do more stitching on it.
I am on the last round of the afghan. I did a lot of crocheting last night. Next will be to weave in the loose ends. It will be nice to return it finished to its owner.
I am home today. A busy day but I hope to get some sewing done. And, hopefully get a picture of the wall hanging. Until tomorrow...........................
It wasn't too bad a day yesterday. We saw sunshine after the rain. People are now saying they think it is going to be a cold snowy winter. Who knows though we did have a lot of snow fall last year around Christmas.
I spent most of yesterday doing signs at work. As I did the signs, I had to move some fabrics around, fix tables, and make sure all was right. The first of many go rounds on signage. Next will be to make signs for the notions.
I might be buying some fabric. I found some that I really liked in a mountain theme that is sort of cartoon-like. I have to think of an project to show case the fabric. I really am thinking hard on it. The shoes arrived yesterday and the cowboy boots set off the western outfit.
I hope to finish the outfit on my days off and have it in the store on Friday afternoon.
I worked on the afghan last night and have one long side to crochet and the first round of navy will be done. I forget how long it is around the afghan so I feel I have four to five more nights before it will be done.
I am not working so I do hope to get some sewing done. The doll outfit for sure. Then on to the Halloween wall hanging. Until the next time............................
Yesterday started out nice; cool but sunny. In the afternoon it started to rain and last night it rained. With the mess out on the road, I am thinking it rained most of the night. It is still raining this morning. Yuck!!
A friend and her two sons (ages 7 and 11) arrived yesterday afternoon for vegetables. They pulled carrots, onions, and beets. Then they dug potatoes. The Spousal Unit picked cucumbers and tomatoes for them. They left with quite the haul and had baked vegetables for dinner. We had a great visit with them. Even Elliott remembered who they were and let them pick him up for cuddles.
I got the Halloween panel trimmed and the border put on. The backing is pressed and I am ready to stuff it. I need to find the safety pins so I can do the job. I am hoping to find them tomorrow. Once I got that far with the quilt, I flipped over a piece of fabric and there were the tiny rhinestones I needed. I decided to work on the doll's shirt.
The second sleeve was inserted and the rhinestones put on the second yoke. Then the side seams and hem were sewn and the first cuff put on. Button decision came next.
The blue buttons were chosen. I sewed one onto the cuff and one on the shirt and called it a day. I was tired from tiny sewing.
The second cuff, Velcro and buttons are all that is left to do on this shirt. We wait for the boots to arrive.
I finished up the lighter blue yarn on the afghan and started on the darker blue. I am winging it as to how many rows I will do -- two or three. I am coming to the end of this project and am happy about that.
I work today and then have two days off. The goal is to try and finish the first round of dark blue on the afghan tonight. That remains to be seen. Until the next time..........................
The rain seems to have left us and we are now having sunny weather. There will be clouds and some showers according to the weather person but nothing like we had. Mornings are cooler but in the normal range. Fall is coming.
Our son sent us a link last night to let us know during our weekly Skype that they bought a house in Nova Scotia. One half will be moving as soon as the sale goes through with the other half moving as soon as the house in Edmonton is sold. A surprise but not a surprise. A six hour flight to visit them. The weight is still coming off at a good rate. This week I lost 2.5 pounds for a total of 28 pounds to date. I am happy with the loss.
I bought (yes I did) a Halloween panel and enough fabric to make a wall hanging for Grandson. The goal is to quilt it with glow in the dark thread. Pictures to follow. They saw it on Skype last night and are waiting for it to be done. Will start it this week.
I have been working on the afghan and am nearly half done the last row of the light blue. Two rows of navy and it will be done. Will have to weave all the yarn ends in and launder it. Then onto knitting socks.
I am off work. We have a friend coming with her two boys to get vegetables from the garden. It will be a hoot watching the boys dig what they need from the garden. Until the next time...............
Yesterday was grey and dreary until mid afternoon when the sun shone. There was over 1/2" of rain fall leaving the area in good shape moisture wise. Showers are in the forecast for today.
We are changing up displays at work and got two done while it was quiet (evening). I spent time thinking of what to put in the displays, putting away a lot of fabrics, and cleaning up some of the quilting cottons. Got a bunch of those cottons condensed and tidied -- 18 shelves to be exact.
As I was home in the morning, I worked on the doll's shirt. The first sleeve is in and my eyes were crossed. I put in a tiny placket and folded tiny pleats.
After the second sleeve is in, I need to dig and find the crystals for the yoke and the buttons for the front. The joys of having to empty the sewing room.
I have picked up the crochet hook to finish the afghan so I can start knitting socks. Am on the last round of the sea foam green and then will do two or three rows of a light navy blue.
I work an 8 hour shift so won't get much done at home today. Until the next time.........................
The weather was perfect yesterday for travelling but it turned over night and rained and rained and rained. Our road is a slime bog this morning. On the upside, we don't have to water the lawn.
We were to the Cancer Clinic in Kelowna yesterday. The check up was excellent according to the oncologist. All blood work is in the normal range. Now, the Spousal Unit needs to build up his strength and get back to normal. We left elated but there is still a bit of worrying at the back of your mind. I left home with an eating plan and did well. I was hungry on the trip home (emotional hunger after the check up) but we drove by the DQ and on to a fruit stand for fresh fruit. I did okay and lost a bit of weight (bonus).
I am still looking at what needs to come out of the sewing room and what needs to be gone through and eliminated. Then comes the decision on how to put it back into the closet. I am coming to the conclusion that I may put the garment fabric just onto the shelves so I can see it. The boxes hide it and I forget about it (out of sight, out of mind). The craft/quilting fabric will remain in plastic tubs as I can see what is in them. As will the doll clothes fabric. Patterns are coming along though I could tweak them a bit. Book storage still needs to be thought through. But, it is coming along.
I work the closing shift so will be home late. I also start at 8:30 a.m on Saturday and Sunday. Until the next time.........................
The weather has been quite nice the past few days. Even the nights have been warmer which was surprising. The unsettling part is the rain that is coming for the long weekend.
We were busy on my day off doing a variety pack of things. It was all housework related but it all needed doing. With the road being redone, there is a layer of dust on everything and I started to wipe it all off. The thought of a housecleaner raised its head once again. What I got done looks amazing so we will see after Labour Day Monday's cleaning spree. Our little garden is still producing. We are eating tomatoes by the handful, onions when we can and will soon have to eat carrots and potatoes. Those three raised beds have been amazing this year.
The only things that got done in the sewing room were ironing, taking a tub of stabilizers out of the closet and grabbing Daughter-in-Law's birthday gift to mail. I am still doing unselfish sewing for September along with a project for the store. The list is somewhat long but once done, I will have some gifts made and a couple of other items done.
lunch bag for Daughter
two cushion covers for Grandson (Minon)
reusable grocery bags for Daughter and Daughter-in-Law
gift bags for stocking stuffers
The store project will be a shirt in cotton.
I am hoping it will work as I loose weight as the pattern sizes are not what I expected.
We are off to Kelowna as the Spousal Unit has a check up at the Cancer Clinic. We will do a bit of shopping (new runners) and, hopefully pick up my sewing machine. Until the next time......................................