Yesterday was cloudy with a high of 14C. This morning it is cloudy and 4C. Today is supposed to be cloudy with showers with a high of 11C.
I was out early to make sandwiches which were done by 9 am. It was a small but efficient crew that worked on them. There is a cold going around that is keeping people home.
Once done, I went grocery shopping. I walked around most of the store to get some exercise. Once home I rested as I was sore. Sometimes I think my SI joint is out and won't go in and other times I think the adductor or hip flexor is so tight it is affecting my SI joint and knee. I keep stretching and applying heat to help it, and it feel better and then it gets sore again.
I made a new dinner to me. It was Cheesy Bacon Pasta. It was okay but if I make it again, I would use this recipe. I would decrease for 2 people. This recipe calls for salted water for the pasta which mine didn't and it had no onion which would add flavour. I do research recipes to see how they are done by other cooks and I like the one I found to replace this one.
I did sew yesterday. I did the stitching on the squares so I will have half square triangles. They are ready to cut down the line I drew. I won't do that until I get to the retreat. I didn't take pictures of them as you can hardly see the stitching on the light side.
I did spend some time looking for fabric for the backing of the table runner (half square triangles) and found some ideas. I also looked for fabric for the bag I want to make. I have a list for when I go shopping today.
I picked up the vest and started to sew the side seams together. I did some, undid it, and redid it. This is how much I got done in 90 minutes. I do not like to sew the seams when I have to deal with purl stitches on the right side.
It looks okay but what a lot of work to get half the seam sewn together. I am going to persist and get this vest done so I can knit the socks I started 2 weeks ago. I am ready to knit socks once again.Thoughts
I was hoping to start cleaning the garage this weekend but I may have to put it on hold. It may be too cold to do much of anything out there. I could take the bottles to the return depot so they are gone. After that, I need to have the garage door open and the car outside. Not happening if it snows like they say it could.
I have been watching videos on how to set up the robot vacuum cleaner. I want to set it up right away and start vacuuming the upstairs. I will try the vacuum and mop setting once I get the house mapped and have it vacuum for several days. One of the videos said it only uses water and no cleaners so I know I will be mopping the floors if they start to look streaky. I also know I will have to vacuum the areas it doesn't get to once a week.
I am out again this morning to make sandwiches and then I am heading out to get fabric so I can prep the rest of the projects for the retreat. I want to sew one item this afternoon (pillow for doll's quilt) and I will work on the vest tonight.
Until the next time.................................................................
I am anxious for reports on your floor cleaning robot, especially as to how it does mopping. I could really use something like that. The vest is looking great. I love the color. Marianne