Sunday, March 09, 2025

Doing Things I Have Avoided Doing

 Yesterday was cold and windy with a high of -1C (windchill -7C). This morning it is cloudy and -6C (windchill -12C). Today is suppose to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 1C. The wind is still blowing and will blow for the next 24 hours. 


Grandson and I were out the door just before 8 am. I was nervous about the roads as we had snow during the night. The roads were great and the traffic was light to the turn off to Bayers Lake. Another period of nervousness as I worried about the traffic being heavy. Nothing to worry about as it was light all the way to the BMO Center. It took under 40 minutes to get there which is normal. 

While grandson did his course, I sat in the seating area and watched two soccer games at the same time and knit. I did leave after an hour and shopped at Walmart. The traffic was light both ways which was nice. (Lesson learned -- shop Bayer's Lake early on Saturday and leave early). 

I continued to watch the two games when I got back and enjoyed both. Both teams played two games against each other. I was ready to leave when grandson was done his course. 

The trip home was equally as good. There was more traffic but it wasn't too bad. We hit a snow squall close to home and had to deal with blowing snow but nothing to worry about. 

I took grandson home and helped daughter-in-law as she is pretty much immobile. Once son was home from shopping, we had lunch and I left. Daughter-in-law has crutches and is able to get around some with the help of son and grandson. 

When I got home, I sat for a bit and realized how tired I was. I had been stressed, anxious, and nervous about many things. I did the trip to Bayers Lake with no issues (win-win). Daughter-in-law will take up to 6 weeks to recover and will need to rest a lot for the next couple of weeks. I will have to help with sandwiches at the community hall but I am okay with that. 


None done as I was exhausted. 


I started to knit a pair of socks and have a few rounds done on them. 

I bought the yarn in Sweden at a small shop close to where we stayed. It is from Finland and is soft and delightful to knit. I am putting them away until I finish the vest (incentive to get it done). 


    I am able to do more than I had thought. My concern is doing more than I am able to and crashing. I will have to pace myself and get my rest. I have to be out a lot over the next 3 days which I am not use to. 

    One of my stresses has been the economic situation we are all living in. Everyone in North America (and probably other parts of the world) will be affected. I know grocery prices are going to rise and people are going to struggle to meet ends. There are difficult times coming and it is going to be hard for people. 

    I watched a video yesterday done by a lady who lives near New Minas. She does frugal shopping setting low budgets when she grocery shops. Yesterday was shopping at the Dollarama (the US equivalent to the Dollar Store). She was showing how many products sold in there are made in Canada. I was surprised beyond belief. I thought this store bought mainly overseas with a few Canadian products. Not so. I do shop there as the prices are low. My favourite store is in Sackville and I will be going there at least once a month to shop. 

    We are patiently waiting for spring to arrive. It seems as if we get a warm day or two and then we have to have winter again. The wind comes in the from the north and it brings us colder temperatures and windchills. The only spring flowers we see are those in the grocery stores. 

    My mind is messed up with the time change this morning. So is Elliott's. He was screaming that he had no food and I now need to change the clock on his food dispenser. We will take a couple of days to adjust and have a few good laughs along the way. 


I have to be at family's house at 9 am to help prepare for sandwiches tomorrow. I have to make squares and boil eggs while daughter-in-law sits at the table and slices cucumbers. Once that is done, I will come home and try to do a few things here. I may not sew or knit depending on what I want to do in the house. I have a lot of cleaning I need to do. 

Until the next time............................................................

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