Tuesday, March 04, 2025

A Doll's Outfit Started

 Yesterday was sunny and windy with a high of -8C (windchill -15C). This morning it is clear and 12C (windchill -16C). Today is supposed to be get cloudy with a high of 0C. This little cold snap ends tonight. 


I was out to the doctor's office to get my tetanus shot. The nurse gave it to me and did it hurt. She made me sit while she rubbed the injection spot and it really helped. My arm is quite sore today but not unbearable. That job is done for 10 years. 

Next up was a visit to the dietician. It was a great visit in which we talked about my trip to Sweden, my eating habits, and my activity level. I have to loose 10 lbs slowly over the next 6 months but can't start until my body has the full effect of the Synthroid. I am ready to loose the weight and get active again. I was discharged from the program as I am doing well but can go back again if I need assistance from the program. 

My level of exhaustion hit when I got home from the dietician as I had been busy and on the move for a few hours. I rested and revived for some unknown reason. I did go out in the late afternoon to get a friend flowers and a birthday card. By the time I got home from a short visit with her, I could barely put one foot in front of the other one. The tiredness hit with a vengeance. Part and parcel of this disease. 


I pushed myself down to the sewing room and spent some time getting the doll's dress cut out. The skirt is scaring me a bit as I have to pleat it. I will be putting marks on it and getting it done slowly but surely. 

It is ready to start sewing. My brain was foggy when I got to this point. I had to hyper focus on the job. But, I did enjoy the process and am feeling like sewing again. 


None done as I was falling asleep on the couch last night. 


    I am sad to think that there is a tariff war between the US, Canada, Mexico, and China. There are so many people in the world who are going to be affected by this with an increase in their cost of living. Are we going to be having a recession or will it become a depression? How long will it take for the world to recover? So many questions as we navigate this. 

    I was told that I am to rest and not worry about doing a lot of extra things until I feel the full effect of the new dose of Synthroid. I did notice this morning that I am feeling somewhat more alert than I have been which is a good sign. I just need to stop pushing myself trying to get things done. One of my downfalls. 

    It will be nice to have some warmer weather again. It wasn't the temperature that was bad, it was the cold north wind. It went straight through you. People were complaining about that while I was waiting for my appointment at the hospital. 


I need to get moving as I have to be at the community hall by 8 am. I am helping out with sandwiches this morning. When done, I may head out to get a few groceries. I need make a few meals and am short some items for making them. I don't know if I will sew, but if I rest in the afternoon, I will try to knit. I know I will be tired tonight. 

Until the next time....................................................................

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