Yesterday was sunny with a high of 1C. This morning it is showering (which turned to snow) and 1C. Today is suppose to be mainly cloudy with a high of 7C.
I was out first thing to make sandwiches at the community hall. I do enjoy helping out. Yesterday my job was to cut the sandwiches and arrange them on the platters. I did enjoy fussing to make the trays look nice.
I also went to New Minas to shop. My first stop was the quilting shop. Day one of their sale and it was busy. I did look around, paid for the retreat and left. I would have had to wait about an hour to have fabrics cut. Not my idea of fun.
My next two stops were to get some groceries and cleaning supplies. I got what I needed and headed home. It was time to rest as I wasn't feeling that great. I had an IBS attack coming on.
I was out for dinner and had a delicious fish chowder. There was birthday cake also. When I came home, I felt horrible knowing that something I had eaten earlier and stress was irritating my IBS. I was up most of the night with it and am heading to bed shortly to see if I can sleep for an hour.
This latest IBS attack has me realizing that I need to go back to eating a bland diet for a few days to settle my system. It means eating rice and chicken with not seasonings but salt and pepper. It isn't the most appealing diet but it works.
I have been stressing out about the tariff wars but I need to look at some positive things that are coming out from this. One is how Canada is standing together and working on some of our own issues. Will we depend on products from the US? Yes. Just as the US will depend on products from Canada.
I am heading back to bed for an hour or two and will see what unfolds when I wake up. It could be a rest day or it could be a productive day. I have a few things I need to do with recuperating high on the list.
Until the next time.....................................................................
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