Thursday, March 13, 2025

Doll's Dress Completed

 Yesterday was sunny with the temperature dropping to 3C midafternoon. This morning it is clear and -7C (windchill -12C). Today is supposed to be sunny with a high of 3C. (Full moon = cold weather for us). 


I had a very busy day. I started out in the spare bedroom and cleaned it. I laundered the sheets, dusted, and vacuumed and mopped the floor, dusted. I made the bed and pressed the pillow cases. The room looks really nice and fresh. 

I turned my attention to the front entry. I vacuumed it as Elliott had his litter box there while grandson was visiting. I then washed that area, did down the stairs and vacuumed and mopped the front door floor. It is clean once again. 

While waiting for the floor to dry when cleaning areas of the spare bedroom, I got out all my 2024 medical receipts and did an excel spreadsheet which I sent off to the accountant. It is our income tax season and mine should be ready in the next couple of weeks. I will have to pay. 

I made dinner last night and it was quite good. I did roasted potato wedges with a garlic/herb seasoning, chicken smothered in dijon mustard and mayo and coated with panko, and zucchini. I can make this dinner again easily as I have the ingredients on hand. 

I did have a nap after lunch. It wasn't long but I certainly did need it. It gave me the energy to get through the afternoon without feeling like I was exhausted. 

My sore spots along with my both my knees were really flared up most of the day. The cold weather system we are now experiencing caused it. Once the system was here, the pain subsided. The muscles around my left hip joint are still sore but not like they were. Hopefully they will improve with time. 


While ironing the pillowcases, I decided to hem the doll's dress. It did take a bit of time as there was a lot of hem on that dress. It is now done and I am pleased with it. 

I can now turn my attention to prepping projects and doing craft bazaar items. 


It took me 2 hours to get the stitches picked up on the 2nd armhole. My first attempt had too few stitches and the 2nd attempt was great to the shoulder and then too many down the other side. I finally got it correct and put it away as I wasn't in the mood to knit. 

Once the ribbing is done, the next big job is sewing the side seams together. Then it will be ready to wear next winter. 


    It was great to have a day at home and do some things I really needed to do. It wasn't a slow paced day as I had a long list to get through. But, I did enjoy just being at home doing my thing. I did get a couple of plans in place which is what I also needed to do. 

    Our weather is going to warm up starting tomorrow. I hope to open windows and air out the house. On my list is to clean the filters in the heat pump head when I don't have to run heat. It will be nice to smell the fresh air in the house as I clean. I have been craving it for a while now. 

    I am looking forward to spending a bit of time each day in the sewing room. I have to prep for the retreat and get some ideas flowing for sewing for the craft bazaar. I feel behind but life happens and I need to remember that. 


I am out for a hair cut this morning and then will be picking up daughter-in-law as we need to get groceries to make sandwiches tomorrow. I will be at her house as we prep some of the fillings and make a square. Once I have the kitchen cleaned up, I will come home and do a few small things here in the sewing room. I hope to knit tonight. 

Until the next time........................................................................

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