Though yesterday was cloudy, we did see the sun during the day. The high got to 20C. This morning it is raining and 12C. Today is supposed to be wet with the temperature dropping to 9C.
I had one busy day yesterday. I started out washing the living room windows. The three of them took me almost an hour to clean and the top outside part is not done. I can reach them. I cleaned, vacuumed, scrubbed, and polished them.
Next up came moving furniture, dusting, vacuuming, and mopping. It took what felt like forever to get the room clean. I will say it was dirty and I went over it with a fine tooth comb. I am pleased with the room and how much I did. I even emptied my knitting bag and shook all the dirt out of it. The small balls of yarn was put into a bag for the yard sale, and a ball of yarn and knitting needles put away.
I made a new to me dinner last night from Chef's Plate. It was pork and egg rice bowl. It wasn't overly spicy but it wasn't bland. I did enjoy it. One thing I got a chuckle out of was how the one egg I needed was packed.
Well done Chef's Plate.I was over to family's after dinner. Son suggested that daughter-in-law sit in the hot tub and to see if I would help her. We had no issues at all and we enjoyed our time in the hot water. It helped all my sore tight muscles relax and I do feel better today. Hopefully it helped her sore muscles. I know it won't help her knee but it probably gave it some relief.
I spent time in the sewing room prepping my projects for the retreat. The doll's quilt had the last squares and border piece cut from the fabric I had to wash and starch. I also cut the binding, backing, and batting for the quilt.
Next up, I drew lines on the squares for the table runner. It didn't take as long as I had thought it would. I just kept drawing until they were done.
I also cut out the batting and looked for a piece of fabric for the backing. I found a light grey and will see if I have enough for it.
I had a good day prepping so I can just sew while I am there.
None done last night as I got home at almost 8 pm.
I was sore yesterday with the storm coming in. I had to push myself to do things due to the pain but am glad I did. The hot tub really did help and I did a lot of stretching in bed last night. I was awake a lot last night so I did the exercises I could in bed and they did help.
I have been watching some videos on people renovating chateaus in France. One is doing over the top as they will be a bed and breakfast. Not my style but interesting how they do things. Another is renovating but they are doing it so they can live in it as a family. It will be nice as it is simplistic and calm. The third one is of a couple who bought a chateau from a couple I watched renovate the main floor before selling it. The new couple had quite the winter in the chateau. It was cold as the windows and doors are old. They didn't want the heavy curtains that covered the windows and doors so paid that price. Their heat pump froze up and they lived in a room where they heated with a fireplace. The heat pump needs what we call an igloo. It is a protective cover that keeps the outside part from freezing up if it is in an exposed to the winds etc area. It will be interesting to see how this couple renovates the chateau as they are talking about putting in new windows and doors.
I had to go and put the outdoor furniture cover back into the neighbour's yard. If it comes back into my yard again, I am going to put it into the trash. I'm done with moving it back to their yard and having them ignore it. The ditch will be done the same way. Into the trash except for one pot which I will see if it is my neighbour's. If not, I will keep it for flowers.
Our weather is going to cool off again as this storm moves over us. Not surprising at this time of the year. I am glad I enjoyed the warm days we had and will hunker down once again while it is cool/cold.
I have to defrost the fridge as the freezer part has a lot of ice in it. While it is defrosting, I will clean the dining room. This afternoon I would like to sew something. I hope I am awake enough tonight to start sewing the side seams up on the vest.
Until the next time...................................................................
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