Saturday, March 22, 2025

Fabric For Project Purchased

 Yesterday was cloudy with rain in the evening. The high got to 14C. This morning it is cloudy and 5C. Today is suppose to be cloudy with showers or drizzle and the high is supposed to get to 9C. 


I was out early to make sandwiches. I was the 2nd person there so we got things ready -- wiping counters, setting up the stations, and prepping fillings. We were done by 9 am. 

I went to New Minas before lunch. I was to the quilt store and Walmart. I was home by noon. I have to stay that traffic was light in New Minas. It wasn't lined up for several blocks as the only stop light in the town. I was in and out with no problems. 

My right hip was sore yesterday and it cracked last night. I really think the SI joint was out and is still out a bit. Or it may not be quite seated properly. The pain is back to the old pain in my knee and glutes. I am tired of the pain but will endure it until the SI joint is seated. Part of the soreness could be from the barometric pressure dropping but I think most of it was from me vacuuming and mopping daily. 

I got a lovely gift from an internet friend to remind me of Elliott. I was so surprised to open the box and see it. 

I have hung it up in the dining room window near where I sit. I can look at it every day and remember my companion. 


My sewing consisted of the visit to the quilt shop. The first thing I looked for was fabric for the bag I am going to make. I hunted around quite a bit and finally came up with these for daughter to choose from. 

The pink on the left was bought for a shirt and the purple print on the right was not chosen. Everyone in the store was excited to see what fabrics daughter would choose. They love how I do it texting pictures to her. It works for us. 

The lovely eggplant and the light print will go great together on the straps. The green will be a border at the top of the bag front. I am looking forward to making this bag. 

I also bought the fabric for the table runner backing and binding. It is the line I wanted but the darker shade. 

The half square triangles look lovely on it. 


I finished the one side seam last night. As I did more, I got better at it. I made a decision not to undo it start again. 

I hope to start the other side tonight. 


    It was great to be out yesterday getting the fabric. I enjoyed it a lot but know I won't be buying any more until I get all the projects done. I am thinking of using the left over bag fabric for another bag which I may put embroidery on it. A surprise for daughter. 

    I am the dark horse at the retreat I am going to. I am the unknown person. This has me a bit nervous but I have been assured that the people attending are really nice. I do hope to meet people so I can connect with them at other functions. 

    I have been watching videos on the robot cleaner I have coming. One thing I have learned that it does a good job of vacuuming but the mopping part is only for floors that are not really dirty. If floors get dirty, you need a robot cleaner that has spinning pads and will go back to the dock to clean those pads. They then go back and finish washing the dirty area. My floors do not get ultra dirty and if they do, I will mop them by hand. One thing they are not designed to do is to pick up spilled liquids. If this arrives today, I may not be able to set it up until tomorrow as it will arrive around 5 pm. 

    The one good thing about the weather today is the flurries/snow have disappeared from the forecast. Flurries not until Wednesday which I hope disappears from the radar. March does not need to go out like a lion. 


I need to do some laundry and I want to start cleaning the garage. I know this job will take me several days as I need to do a real clean up after parking in there all winter. I want to prep the fabric I bought yesterday and, if I have enough time, cut out the pillow and pillow case for the doll's quilt. Tonight I would like to start sewing up the other side seam on the vest. 

Until the next time.................................................................

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