Wednesday, March 19, 2025

A Clean Upstairs

 Yesterday it rained constantly and the temperature dropped to 2C in the afternoon. This morning it is cloudy and 0C. Today is supposed to be clear and 12C. 


With it raining fairly hard, it was a great day to continue cleaning the house. My first job was to defrost the fridge. After a google search, I got the basket so I could put towels in to catch the water. I boiled water and put it in the freezer. I got the ice off after a couple of hours and then put more boiling water in to finish defrosting. By mid afternoon, I was finished and had the fridge cleaned and put back into its spot. 

While the fridge was defrosting, I cleaned the dining room. I did not clean the heat pump head or the windows. But, I did get rid of junk off the table, clean it good, vacuum the floors and mop them. I took out some garbage and stood back to look at the upstairs. It was officially cleaned. Now to keep it up. 

I ran outside to pick up the flyers at the end of the driveway. It was cold and wet out there. There was plenty of water running in the ditch. I didn't stay out very long as I was getting cold and wet. I didn't put on a jacket just a light sweater. 

I was tired from not sleeping well on Monday night. I was also sore. I sat on the hot pad and napped after lunch. My energy level was low. I am happy I pushed through the house and am hoping that my muscles will stop aching now that I can take it easier for the rest of the week. 

I didn't sew or knit yesterday. 


    It rained for about 18 hours yesterday. It ranged from light to heavy rainfall. Very little wind which was nice. What air movement we had came from the northeast blowing the storm down on us. It was moving more across New Brunswick and was pushed down onto us. Hence why the colder temperatures. 

    I am amazed at how much cat hair is still floating around the house after it has been cleaned. Elliott was a big shedder and it is going to take time to get the hair gone. I do miss him a lot and called out to him twice yesterday. As the days go by, I am sure he will be the last cat I have. 

    I was shocked to hear that Donna Jordon from Jordon Fabrics passed away. I enjoyed watching her videos on quilting. She was always inspiring and talked about her process openly. She will be missed in the quilting world and I know I will be watching some of her videos again for inspiration. Some of the tricks I use today I learned from her. 


I have to fold laundry and do a bit of vacuuming and mopping. I would like to do a few things in the sewing room today I am going with daughter-in-law to her physio appointment this afternoon and hopefully work on the vest tonight. I have to take recycling down to the road also. It is going to be another day at home as I will be busy the next two days. 

Until the next time...................................................................

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