Monday, March 03, 2025

Trying To Get Motivated

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds and it got colder by the hour. By 3 pm it was -6C (windchill -14C) and there were snow flurries. This morning it is mainly cloudy and -12C (windchill -19C). Today is supposed to be mainly sunny with a high of -7C (windchill -13C). 


I decided to start cleaning the living room. When I started to remove cat hair, Elliott was up on the couch wanting to be brushed. I spent quite a bit of time (like nearly a half hour) brushing him. I removed a lot of hair and dander from him. That job done and him a happy boy, I took the quilt and blanket off the couch and shook them outside. The wind was blowing so the birds got no fur for their nests. The quilt and blanket were put in the dryer with steam to freshen them up. 

Once I had done that job, I vacuumed and mopped part of the living room floor. I vacuumed as much as I could before charging the battery. That part of the living room now looks good. I am ready to do the other part. 

I am still working an hour each day on the family tree. I work on branches that need doing finding information, dates, pictures, etc. I am finding the stories, obituaries, pictures, and other information interesting. I am very careful and make sure the information is correct. 


I was down to the sewing room and tried to get myself motivated to sew. I played with the sleeves on the shirt and have the printouts on where I like them. They are ready to embroider. 

I took out a tub of doll fabric looking for inspiration. Nothing. Then I looked in the main stash and found this piece. 

I laundered it along with the pieces for the doll's quilt. I looked at all the doll patterns and was totally uninspired. I then looked at my large stash of pdf files on the tetra drive. Nothing. Lastly I looked at patterns I hadn't downloaded from PixieFaire and found one I wanted to make. 

I chose this dress when the topic was about Barbie. It was close to a dress that Barbie wore in the 1950's - 1960's. The skirt was gathered not pleated. I will pleat the skirt as I like it.

By the time I got this little project figured out, I was exhausted. The brain fog was back and all I wanted to do was sleep. At least I lasted for a good portion of the afternoon. 


None done and I'm frustrated at being so tired at night. 


    I was able to check the results of my blood work online and my thyroid numbers had almost doubled in 9 months. The higher the number, the lower your thyroid works. I was outside the normal range. What I thought was going to be a fast turn around isn't going to happen. I have to get my Synthroid level up to a point where I can feel normal all day. At the moment, I still get tired and have brain fog. I can't do a lot when it hits which is annoying.

    The wind came in from the north and brought the cold weather. We are to have it today and tomorrow it will start to warm up. Friday it cools off again and I am hoping it won't get as cold as it is today. We are done with the cold weather and would love to have it warm like it was. I am ready to open windows and enjoy the fresh air. 

    I need to do a brain dump for this week's meals. I also need to figure out what I would like to accomplish this week. I do know that I will probably try to do more than my body will let me but I need a plan to work from each day. I hope to do that this morning. 


I am out this morning to get a tetanus shot and to see the dietician. Once home, I want to do the brain dump for meals and cleaning the house. I hope to print out the pattern and lay it out on the fabric this afternoon. I hope to knit tonight as it is only a few rows of ribbing. I will push myself to do it. 

Until the next time.......................................................

Sunday, March 02, 2025

A Fast Trip To The City

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 6C. This morning it is cloudy and 0C. Today is supposed to be mainly cloudy with some flurries. The temperature is to drop to -6C this afternoon. We are to have cold weather for the next couple of days.


I started the day off doing the balance sheet and got it to balance. Having a cold, low thyroid, bad weather had me staying at home a lot and I certainly did not spend a lot of money. I finished up paying bills. 

Once done the balance sheet, I folded laundry and sat quietly for a bit as I was tired. My body was rebelling from over doing it on Friday. I noticed that my brain fog is slowly lifting and I am not having to focus as hard as I was to do things. 

After lunch, I made dinner and cleaned up the kitchen. I did not have beans needed for the dinner and they are ones I am not supposed to eat (soya) so I substituted snap peas and green onions. It is have a spicy mayo on the top which I will add sriracha sauce to regular mayo. 

I decided to do a bit more searching on the family tree and I found some great information. One of my relations was a crew member on the Blue Nose and sailed into Glouchester MA in 1938. Another family member was the master of a small ship that landed in the same place in 1934. I found pictures of another family member taken in 1943 in Ontario. Those were exciting bits of information to add to the family tree. 

My roadblock is a person who is supposed to a daughter of my great-great grandfather. When I did my research on her it states her mother is the same person my great-great grandfather married but it states the father has a different first name. I may have to go to Newfoundland to get this all sorted out. 

While researching, daughter-in-law phoned and asked if she could use the car and if I wanted to come along with her. Grandson forgot his futsal shoes at home and needed them for practice at 6 pm. Son had taken grandson in for practice and she was stranded at home. So we were off to the city. I got to go on the new highway from Sackville to Cole Harbour. It is beautiful and full of traffic circles. We got the shoes to their destination and were off to have dinner. 

The first restaurant had a waiting line out the door onto the sidewalk. It was off to our second choice. We were seated in less than 10 minutes in the bar. We had a delightful dinner and a great talk. When done, it was time to go home. When we arrived home, son and grandson were there. Inside we went to find out what happened. After jerking our ropes, we found out futsal was cancelled due to a basketball game. We had a great laugh at how we had rushed in for no reason at all. The great thing is grandson is now on the university soccer teams chat line so he knows if that practice is cancelled in the future. 

I got home after 7:30 pm. I watched TV to relax and went to bed. I was tired but happy. Would I do a fast trip to the city again? Absolutely yes. 

While at the first restaurant, I looked quickly at a bush I had to walk by. I stopped to take a picture as the leaves are starting to show. 

I don't think this is normal for March 1. I hope they don't freeze and die due to the cold weather we are to get starting today.


I need to do some housework and start prepping projects for this month's sewing. I hope I have enough energy to knit tonight. I am going to try and pace myself so I am not too tired.

Until the next time........................................................................

Saturday, March 01, 2025

A Bag Is Finished

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 6C. This morning it is cloudy and -6C. Today is supposed to be a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 5C.


I was out the door and at the arena at 8 am to walk. We did 6 laps and I was tired when done. Once home, I sat and rested. I realized that the tiredness was due to the low thyroid and knew it was going to pass with the new medication. 

My plan was to go to the quilt store in the afternoon but I decided to go in the morning. It was a nice drive though the roads were wet from all the snow and rain we had had the night before. It was good to get outside and do something. 

I noticed that the brain fog I was having started to lift in the late afternoon. The spurts of energy were longer and the fits of tiredness were a bit shorter. I was what I call entering the world of the living. The medication was starting to work its magic. I did have a nap after lunch but it wasn't as long or as deep as it had been. 

With the weather being warmer the snow is melting. I have grass showing up in the front. With all the ice we had, I thought it would have been damaged but it is looking healthy. 


The trip to the quilt store was successful. I bought daughter this piece of fabric for a shirt and the plain piece is for piping. 

I also bought 3 pieces of fabric for a doll's quilt I want to sew at the end of the month. I fell in love with the pieces I bought to go with the two plain ones. 

I also sewed for almost 2 hours yesterday afternoon and finished the bag I was working on. It went together well and I am pleased with how it looks. 

I am going to put it into the craft bazaar to see if I can sell it. If not, I will give it to someone. 

I have started to update my to do list for March. I need to finish some items from February and prep for the retreat at the end of the month. I also want to sew a few things for the craft bazaar. 


I didn't knit last night as I was tired and ready for bed early. Hopefully I can start knitting again at nights. It is time to finish the vest and start knitting socks. 


    l didn't realize how much my low thyroid had been affecting me. One day of the new dosage has been feeling better and wanting to do things. I know it will take a while to get the benefit of the new dosage. Knowing I want to do more is a great feeling. 

    I saw a cardinal yesterday. The first one I have seen for a long time. I love those birds and know that they do bring messages from loved ones. It was amazing that it coincided with me starting my new medication. 

    The days are getting longer. It is hard to believe that it is light shortly after I get up in the morning and isn't dark until 6:30 pm. I do like spring though fall is still my favourite season. I am looking forward to getting outside and doing things without having to wear a coat all the time. 


I have to do the balance sheet and pay bills this morning. I want to do some housework and fold laundry. This afternoon I want to do a few things in the sewing room and I hope to knit tonight. 

Until the next time...........................................................