Thursday, September 29, 2022

Binding The Quilt

 Yesterday the sun shone and it was lovely. The high got to 21C. This morning it is 11C and it is to be sunny with a high of 18C. 


I did the balance sheet (aka budget). As of yesterday I had saved more than I had expected towards the Spousal Unit's care if he had gone into long term care. With funeral costs, I will be dipping into what we had saved prior to this which was tagged for something unexpected. 

I called the lawyer and talked to her briefly. I need to take in a proof of death so they can do the land title/deed change. The list is slowly getting done one item at a time. 

I got the garbage out and briefly looked at the garage. There is so much to do that I walked into the house. I need to deal with the smoker and pucks this weekend and leave the rest for a bit. One step at a time. 

I did do my exercises once yesterday and kept stretching during the day. There is an improvement in the past week but I need to keep working on it until it is much better.


I spent several hours in the sewing room yesterday. One thing I did miss was the Spousal Unit sitting in the chair and us talking about anything and everything. He has done that since 2010 and it was near and dear to my heart. 

I worked on the Regency doll shoes and got the beads on the second shoe. 

You can see that one shoe has a wide upper than the other but under the dress it isn't noticeable.

I did learn a lot more about shoe making and am looking forward to making more pairs of shoes. 

I also cut out and made the binding for daughter's quilt. I even got it sewn on. Though the binding is a slightly different shade of grey, only a small amount will show on the right side. I know I was short at least one length of binding and maybe two in the acorn fabric. The plain grey matched perfectly but quilting it in pink thread gave the acorn fabric a more warmer tone.

My neighbor did an exceptional job of quilting it for me. Feathers, hearts, and butterflies. I can't wait to send it to daughter for her to snuggle under this winter. 

While on Instagram, I found this darling outfit. It sung to me and I had to save the picture. It is done by Eighteen Cotton Lane (Instagram and Etsy).

The coat is Keepers Dolly Dud's 1927 coat and tam. The dress is the Little Flapper dress by Bonjour Teaspoon. Both patterns are for sale at Pixie Faire. 


The shawl is too small to go around to the back of the doll. It will work as a small shawl with a pin to keep it closed. I will have to make another one the right size. I didn't look in my yarn stash as I forgot to. I'll try to do that today.

I did not knit last night. I wasn't in the mood to deal with anything so just watched shows in the iPad. I was in a brain dead mood.


I get my hair cut today and then I will stop at the lawyers on my way home. I need to trim the excess backing and backing off the quilt and start to hand stitch the binding down. I will probably do it while watching shows on the iPad. I need to start knitting tonight. It will be sweater vs shawl.

Until the next time............................................................

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