Sunday, September 18, 2022

One Very Busy Day

Yesterday was warmer with a high of 18C. The wind blew but not as hard as it had been. We had lots of sunshine which was nice. This morning it was 12C and we are suppose to have a high of 16 with showers part of today. It is cloudy and the wind is blowing in the storm. 


I had a very busy day yesterday. My list was long and I slowly worked through it. My first job was to do my exercises. I am spending a lot of time working on my gait as I walk. I walk slowly which is okay as I'm paying attention to each step I take. Laundry was folded and more laundry was done as I changed the bed. 

Daughter-in-law was over to pick tomatoes so out we went. She picked and we pulled the tomato plants. I also pulled the flowers in pots by the door into the shed. The bags of dirt in the shed were put into the box we grew garlic in. The tomato cages were stacked and stored neatly in the shed rather than put under the deck. We finished at noon and I was pleased with what we got done. 

After lunch, I got the bed made, did my exercises the second time, and puttered in the sewing room for a bit. 

I had dinner at family's last night and enjoyed it very much. I helped grandson get his papers organized into his binders. By the time we were finished, he had also done his journal and was happy to have everything done. I'm not the queen of organization; I have to work hard at it. It does not come naturally so I've had to figure out what is best for me to keep life organized. I have a planner that I write what I'm hoping to do each day, my to-do list for sewing and knitting are online and will be in part of the planner, and now I'm hoping to add meal planning. I relate to how grandson struggles so helping him lets me talk to him about how I'm trying to get and stay more organized in my life. 


I got the soles on the shoes and it took a bit for the glue to stick enough so I could leave them to dry. At that point, I put the quilt, thread and pin tub into a bag and took it over to my lovely neighbor and friend to free motion quilt it for me. 


Today I want to start doing some extra cleaning in the kitchen. It is time to wipe out some cupboards and drawers that have been ignored for a long time. Exercises will be done twice. My knee isn't as sore today. This afternoon I want to put away the Christmas gifts and take out a tub of ornaments to sort through. I'm decorating less this Christmas as I will be spending the day with family. I'm not sure if I will sew but I'm hoping to knit. 

Until the next time...................................................................

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