Saturday, September 17, 2022

Another Pair Of Shoes Started

Yesterday was cooler than anticipated with a high of 16C. The wind blew and the sun shine until later in the day when clouds rolled in and it looked we would have a storm. No rain though. This morning it was 9C and there is suppose to be sunshine and a high of 19C.


The Spousal Unit had a quiet day. He slept but I don't know how much. He took his medications with chocolate pudding which he loved. He hasn't been reevaluated yet and will get his Covid vaccine if they have 10 people who need it. 

I did my physio exercises twice yesterday and hurt like crazy (the storm?). I hobbled around doing laundry and some housework. No matter if I sat or stood, I hurt. The hot water bottle was my best friend which I'm still putting hot water into this morning. On the up side, I am standing better. I don't have the range in right knee like the left one. But it has improved since Wednesday.

I did get the cucumber plants pulled and found 3 more cucumbers to eat. I also watered the garden which was protected from the wind. It was, once again, to windy to water the front lawns. 

Our neighbors came over last night. While visiting he changed the door handles on 13 doors. I have 6 handles left to buy plus 3 dead bolts which he will do for me. He is using all the old handles in their rental unit. Fair exchange. 


I did get into the sewing room yesterday. I started off making daughter piping using up a piece of yellow fairy frost. 

Honestly, if there had been enough for a doll's dress she wouldn't have got piping. It looks amazing with the navy blue fabric I chose to showcase it. There was almost 4 meters.

It is very hard to photograph fabrics in the afternoon in the sewing room. 

I then cut out shoe uppers from the satin to go with the Regency dress. I had interfaced the fabric to give it more body. The interfacing wanted to absorb the glue and it took a long time to get the fabric to stick to the insoles. I am happy with the shoes so far. 

 I will need to glue on the foam soles today. I was going to sew on some pearls but I think I will leave them plain at this time.

One thing I will do when I order soles again is to get the 6mm rather than the 2mm thickness. I would like to try a thicker sole. This order was a learning curve for me. 


I have to take out the recycling from the door handles, do my exercises, laundry and what ever else I can fit in before going for dinner at family's house. I feel it is going to be a busy day. I need to make sure I'm not too sore as I don't sleep well when I have a lot of pain. 

Until the next time....................................................

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry you have pain; it's a big drag on life. A corn bag might help: cut a piece of soft fabric about 23" x 26", seam it up to make a tube, wrap one end tightly with cord or a scrap of fabric, fill the tube with corn (big beans would probably work too), wrap other end of tube with cord or fabric scrap and heat it in the microwave. I heat mine for 4 minutes (with a small jar of water in the microwave too).The heat lasts a long time and the floppy bag can wrap itself around whatever body part is hurting.
