Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Surgery #1 Done

Yesterday was clear and frosty and it looks like it will be the same today. I have to dig out the liner for my winter coat to wear over my hoodie. I don't mind this weather when the sun shines.


The Spousal Unit had his back surgery yesterday. He was hungry and grumpy when he arrived at the hospital at 11:30 a.m. We had to walk to the new part of the hospital to pick up his ECG as it was "lost". The technician printed off a new copy and we headed to Day Care Surgery (aka the OR floor).
After doing all the paper work and giving everyone a good chuckle, he was ready to go for his surgery. It took about 45 minutes to remove the cancer cells and he spent some time in recovery. He told me he was disoriented in there but was fine when I saw him. At 5 p.m. they discharged him and he was feeling great. We had supper and he spent the night with stomach issues. He will be fine today as he get this when he comes to from the anesthetic. I work, he sleeps and I will crash tonight early.
You can tell I was stressed yesterday morning as I stripped the bed, washed the mattress cover, and vacuumed the mattress. When that was done, I emptied the linen closet and cleaned it all up and got rid of what we didn't need. I also folded some laundry and did the ironing. I didn't eat though which was good.


When I finished up the cleaning, I cut the binding for the Halloween quilt. It is sewn on to joining the ends. I had to stop as I was tired and couldn't focus on that step. But I did find out the fabric I used on the back of the quilt and binding (spider webs) glows green in the dark. I am sure a little boy will be excited about that.
I got the fabric to make one of the dolls a housecoat and pyjamas. I can hardly wait to cut it out but must refrain until next week.


I work and then have the next two days off. I plan on doing housework and sewing. Looking forward to two days at home.
Until the next time..........................

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