Thursday, October 24, 2024

No Pain No Gain

 Yesterday started out cloudy and ended up sunny. The high got to 21C. This morning it is cloudy and 12C. Today is suppose to be mainly cloudy with a high of 17C. 


I was out to physio early yesterday. It was a good session. The SI joint was in place and both were moving together. The therapist worked on the hip flexor as it was tight. It fought her every inch of the way to "neutral". While I was having a good dose of pain, she decided to work on the adductor. I went out and worked in the gym to keep stretching those two muscles and ended the session with the TENS machine and heat. 

I was exhausted when I got home. The amount of pain was the main reason. I rested for a while with heat on the area that was worked on. I also had a cup of coffee and read while I did the heat trick. All was good about 30 minutes later. 

My first job was to replace a light bulb in the kitchen. It takes me quite a while as I have to go up and down the ladder 5 times to do the job. It is done.

The next job was to get the western mugs out of the cupboard above the fridge. I wrapped them and put them into a shoe box. The box was wrapped and put into the box to go to daughter. I wrapped the salt and pepper shakers and put them into a gift bag. I stuffed the box with paper and it is ready to ship. Hurrah!!

After lunch I rested for a bit as I was still tired. Part was from physio and the rest is from not sleeping well due to the pain. I  also did a new exercise a few times to stretch the hip flexor and adductor. I am determined to get these muscles back into shape. 


I sewed on the pyjama top and, boy, do I need to practice the zig zag stitch. I did have issues with the bobbin and wound a new bobbin but I am not the best at doing this stitch. 

I got the upper bodice completed and am ready to work on the skirt part. I had to sit and think about it for a while as I don't like how the pattern puts it together. 

I did look at the closet and cringed with how much I still have to purge/declutter from that space. I am not looking forward to doing it but I will get at it once I deal with the leather. 


I knit last night until I got the gusset done. 

It is amazing how the leg has one pattern and then the foot is getting a new pattern -- more stripe than blotchy. 


    I was surprised at how exhausted my body had gotten from the pain. It drained all of the energy I had from me. It had interrupted my sleep at night. I have been pushing through it to get things done but it did catch up with me this past week. I had a bit of a problem going to sleep last night as I had no pain. I slept well and for many hours. Hopefully it will continue so I can recover and get my energy back. 

    I am starting to get into Christmas mode. I know I had a funk this month missing the Spousal Unit but I worked through it and am ready to start buying things for Christmas. I am also ready to start sewing/crafting for Christmas. I think part of it was getting the western dishes out to give as a gift to daughter. I was and wasn't ready to part with them as the Spousal Unit had given them to me when we lived in Dawson Creek. 

    I am ready to go back to painting the baseboards in the spare bedroom. I will do that tomorrow. On Saturday I will start prepping my bedroom to paint. I know it needs some sanding and holes filled. This room is big and it will take me more time to paint as I know my limit. But, I am looking forward to getting it done. 


I am heading out to New Minas to get Elliott cat food. I also need a few other items. I want to be home by noon. This afternoon I want to sew and will knit tonight. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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