Saturday, October 19, 2024

More Purging From The Closet

 Yesterday was another gorgeous fall day full of sunshine and a high of 13C. This morning it is clear, frosty and 1C. Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of 16C.


Yesterday morning I scrubbed half of the spare bedroom floor and the baseboards. It was good to get that job done. The rest of the house was vacuumed as it was dusty. Also good to get that job done. 

I was out to pick up grandson at 5 pm and had dinner with family. Daughter-in-law, grandson, and I went to a live performance put on by the local theatre group. They did Beauty and the Beast. It was very well done. The "band" or small orchestra of 16 musicians was amazing. The actors were extremely talented; acting, singing, and dancing. All I can say is Wow!! 

The play is performed at the school grandson attends. They have a lovely theatre where the students put on their performances. In return, the theatre group helps the students with their performances. 


No pictures but I did redo the lettering on daughter's ornament and redid son-in-laws. I am happy with how they look. I put them into a box and they are ready to ship to them. 

In my craft stash I have both clear round and the flat ornaments. I am planning on buying pour paint to colour them in white and then put words on in black. I found a few videos that explains how to do this project. I have 3 boxes left and will put 4 ornaments in each one to sell. 


I didn't sew yesterday but did some more sorting. I took out the tub of embroidery thread that I don't use. I went through it and put it into a bag to donate. One tub emptied. Next up, I looked the tub with ribbon in it and sorted it out and bagged the loose pieces. I do use the ribbon for doll clothes. 

Next up was the rhinestones. Most of what I have is in small amounts that I use on doll clothes. I did a bit of organization of them. 

I have several bags that have 1440 rhinestones in each one. They were used on rodeo queen outfits and the supplier sent me twice as much as I had ordered. 

I am not sure how I am going to deal with them as I will never use them. I have a supply of that type in the tub. I may have to put out feelers on how to get rid of them. 

Next up was the bag making supplies. I moved a few items to the button tub and will probably donate the rest to a person who makes bags. It is almost empty as I had purged it hard the last round. The last tub was one which I have linen fabric stored in. The red linen is in the donation pile and I kept the natural and white linen fabrics. I will use them. I have 3 tubs left on the shelf to look at. 

I did take out a box that has leather in it. I was shocked to find that I have 3.5 hides of teal leather (and scraps). I had ordered it to make a jacket when I was sewing rodeo queen clothes. That leather took a long trip to my house ending up spending a few days in a post office in norther Saskatchewan. It basically was lost. The company sent me more leather which I sewed into the jacket. The lost leather arrived and I put it away. The other pieces of leather are left over from projects I had sewn for rodeo queens. Royal blue, red, and two types of silver. 

I am thinking of how to sell the leather. It is what is called dress weight and is used to make clothes rather than bags/purses. At the moment it and a bunch of faux suede sits on the coffee table as I ponder how to dispose of it. 


I did finish the doll's sweater in the afternoon. It wasn't a big job. After I got home from the live performance, I sewed on the buttons. 

Now I can focus on the purple socks. 


    Our frosty nights are done and we will be having sunny and warmer days and nights. Perfect for planting the garlic. I also need to trim back the rose bush and prep it for winter. Those are the last two jobs I have to do. The men will be around to trim the hedge in the next two weeks. The fall fertilizer will be applied on Monday and by the end of October the yard will be ready for winter. 

    I haven't sewn for a few days and will need to get back to it. I have to make piping to ship to daughter. Hopefully I can start on it today. I am stalled with decluttering/purging the closet as I need to deal with the leather. I think the leather is going to force me to sew the projects I have currently cut out. 

    My hip flexor has been sore and I am hobbling a bit more than usual. I am hoping it settles down and allows me to walk more. I have physical therapy on Wednesday so we wait and see that happens there. 


I am going to paint the baseboards after I put down painter's tape. When done, I will plant garlic. I am hoping I am not too tired (lack of sleep) to sew this afternoon and knit tonight. It is going to be a quiet day at home for me. 

Until the next time...................................................................

1 comment:

  1. Carol in Denver1:32 PM

    Your "quiet day at home" sounds very ambitious to me!
