Thursday, November 03, 2016

Starting Christmas Sewing

Though cloudy, it was warm yesterday with a high of 13C or 55F. This morning, it was 10C or 50F when we got up and it is suppose to be sunny with a high of 17C or 63F. That is warm for this time of the year.


We waited in anticipation to return the rental car but the company is still working on ours. The Santa Fe I get to drive is a lovely vehicle with heated seats and steering wheel.
I did take a picture of the front of our house. The new tree has no leaves left on it.
I stood out in the middle of the street to take the picture. There was a quiet moment with no traffic. We do have plans for the outside -- painting it grey with white trim and putting faux rock where the wood siding is.
We did a look through the basement suite yesterday and I will be getting the cleaners in to wash the walls in preparation for the next renters. The only repair is a light (renters paid for a new one) and the baseboards need painting as there is some scuffing (normal wear and tear). Otherwise it is clean, so clean we could put renters in tomorrow.
The guest room is purged and I am now washing the bedding. There is some items to go to the thrift shop and that will be done next week. I am still storing three feather duvets in that room but it will be down to two once the room is done. They do take up a lot of room.


I finished the book and took it to the store for display. I forgot to take pictures of it. It turned out really well.
I finished another Minion pillow for Grandson. There is one more to sew and they will be done.
While sewing, I washed the Christmas fabric in preparation for sewing up a multitude of items. There is still more fabric to be washed today.
While at the store, I got the fabric to make two dolls Christmas dresses (cotton) and short jackets (lambskin fleece).


I had the Spousal Unit help me wind yarn last night. We had a pretty good mess going on and were at it for 90 minutes. But, I have two cakes of yarn to knit Grandson's socks. I didn't set them up last night but knit on the doll's scarf instead. The crocheting is at a halt as I forgot to get another skein of yarn yesterday. I will get it today as I need to get patterns on sale.


We have to shop, then I have to do laundry, and sew up the last Minion pillow. That will allow me to start Christmas sewing. Lots of ideas going through my head right now. I start work tomorrow for 5 days in a row and it is a big sale for the first three days.
Until the next time.........................

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