Thursday, January 09, 2025

Rabbit Ears and A Doll's Quilt

 Yesterday was cloudy with snow flurries. The temperature dropped to -4C (windchill -11C) midafternoon. This morning it is cloudy and -5C (windchill -9C). Today is suppose to be cloudy with snow or rain and a high of 1C. 


I sat at the coffee table and sorted patterns yesterday morning. I put the ones that were not cut into a bag for the thrift store and the ones that were cut into the recycling bin. I took that bag to the thrift store and am happy they are gone. I have a few patterns to put away and that job is done. 

I also sorted out the two drawers in my cutting table. They were a mess and had a few items in them that needed to be put into their correct place. Here is the one with the scissors and rotary cutters. Both rotary cutters have new blades in them.

The other drawer has paper tape and my rhinestone wand in it. 


I had a great afternoon sewing. My first task was to work on the rabbit ears. I traced them on the body and ear fabric, cut them out, interfaced them and sewed them together. I even got out my pinking sheers and trimmed them.

I was a bit nervous about turning them but all went well. I pressed them and then stitched a pink line down the center of the ears (1.5" from the point). 

It is hard to see the pink but I chose the one that wasn't too dark. 

I stressed again sewing the ears together but had not big issues with it. I took my time and sewed slowly. 

I even figured out how to have them stand up so I could see how they will look on the rabbit. 

With that done, I traced the head and marked the eye. I did not cut it out as I am not ready to do it yet. 

I decided to take a pile of scraps daughter sent me and cut out another doll's quilt. I had to add one piece of fabric from the stash to make a middle border and binding and used the left over blue from the last quilt. 

It is now ready to sew together. The backing will be pieced backing left over from the Scandinavian quilt I made. I did have a lot of fun putting this quilt together. I estimate that I used 1.2 meters of fabric that had been sitting on the cutting table for well over a month. 


I knit 12 rows on the vest last night. It is slowly getting longer. I am enjoying the process. 


    I am slowly getting the sewing room cleaned up. When I knew I didn't have to do cutting tools yesterday as I have only what I need, I cleaned an area that needs organizing. It is satisfying knowing I don't have excess cutting tools and that I do keep them organized all the time. I have the main cutting tools in a drawer at the cutting table, a pair of small scissors at each machine, two pairs of trimming scissors at the main machine and the pinking sheers in a drawer as I don't use them very often. I only have 2 rotary cutters. 

    Today's challenge is thread and mine is already organized. I did that a long time ago. I also put away all the embroidery thread when I cleaned up the embroidery machine table. Most are in shoe bins. My only criteria is to make sure the ends of the thread are wound up so they don't unravel in the bins. I have also done bobbins. They are all corralled into their proper spaces except for 2. Those are at my main sewing machine to use when I hand baste (which I do a lot of). When they are empty, I put them into their proper spot. 

    I am still cracking and popping in my right SI joint and maybe back. I am ready for a treatment today to see if my hip has tipped forward a bit. I have been watching what I eat and know I have most of the sugar/chocolate out of my system (cravings) and have lost 5 lbs. Most of that is fluid. I will continue to watch what I eat and keep stretching. I will know after today if I can start painting next week. 


I have a bit of vacuuming to do this morning before I go for osteopathy. I am not sure when I will get home but if early enough, I will start sewing the doll's quilt. If not, I will work on the rabbits arms. I need to photocopy them, add seam allowances and then copy onto card stock. Tonight I would like to knit. 

Until the next time...................................................................

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