Yesterday was cloudy with some good snow flurries. The high got to 1C. This morning it is cloudy and 1C. Today is suppose to be cloudy with flurries and 1C.
I just saw that on Jan. 9, 2020, we had 12" of snow fall in 12 hours.
One thing I did do before heading out for osteopathy was to vacuum most of the house. I knew I wouldn't be doing it after the treatment and there was cat hair everywhere. I was ready when daughter-in-law picked me up and off we went. The drive was good with just a few flurries.
Osteopathy was an intense session. My left SI joint was not quite seated properly and she fixed that. Then she worked on the right side which was seated properly but the muscles and tendons were very tight. I could feel it all and when done I could barely get off the bed. But I knew it was worth it as the pain was decreasing by the minute.
We headed home as daughter-in-law had things to do before taking grandson to the city for soccer practice. I needed heat on my sore spots. I was also very tired which is common after an intense session.
At home I had lunch and rested for an hour. I knew I needed to get up and move. It was time to do something.
My activity time was spent in the sewing room. I could stand, sit, and move while I made a doll's quilt. It was the perfect mix for the afternoon and it kept me awake. In the end, I got the top completed in about 90 minutes.
This was a fun make as came from fabric scraps. It isn't fabric combination I would have bought to make a doll's quilt but it sort of put itself together in the bag of scraps. I did find a spool of blue thread to quilt it with.Knitting
I knit another 12 rows on the vest last night. I am glad I set a goal of 12 rows per night as this piece is growing nicely.
I am almost half done up to where I decrease at the underarm.Thoughts
I am grateful for osteopathy and the work she does to keep me in alignment. She did her masters paper on my issue so she understands what needs to be done. She also tells me what she did and what I need to tell the physiotherapist to look for when I see her. It is a great system for me as I feel like I am getting great care.
I am glad I got up and sewed yesterday or I would have fallen asleep on the couch. That wouldn't have been good as I wouldn't have slept well last night. It is so easy to do nothing after having a treatment and I need to watch that. Moving is good even if only sewing or walking around the house doing a few small things.
Today's declutter challenge for the sewing room is pins and needles. I have gone through mine and will look at the sewing machine needles today. I may see if there are some I can let go of. I haven't bought needles for a long time as I am trying to use up what I have. There are some that I will never use so they can disappear from the sewing room. I did hand sewing needles and the ones with tiny eyes are gone. Pins I discard when they bend so am constantly assessing them.
Daughter-in-law and I are starting to walk at the arena on the inside track. I will do as much as I can and try to do a bit more each time we go which is 3 times a week. I am going to buy a Fitbit so I can track my activity. At the moment, I guess at how much activity I do as I don't pack my phone with me in the house.
Daughter-in-law and I are walking at the indoor track this morning. Once home, I want to fold laundry and do a bit of housework. I need to go to the post office to mail off a box to daughter. This afternoon I want to work on the doll's quilt and see if I can finish it. Tonight I will knit. I am pacing myself so I don't get over tired.
Until the next time......................................................................
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