Saturday, January 25, 2025

A Sewing And Crafting Afternoon

 Yesterday was sunny and warmer with a high of -6 (windchill -13C). This morning it is clear and -11C (windchill -17C). Today is supposed to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of -6C (windchill -9). 


I was out to walk yesterday and did 7 laps at the arena. My stride has improved since having physio so I pushed the intensity of my walk. I was tired when I got done. I walked in my vigorous and peak zone for the whole time. I am going to have to slow down if I am going to do more laps. 

After a rest and coffee, I cleaned the kitchen. I had let it go the day before and was happy to get it back to being clean and tidy. I also vacuumed and mopped the floor. I also took out recycling and tidied up and wiped down the table. 

Once I was done cleaning, I sat and folded laundry and got it put away. I also laundered a hoodie and some fabrics. The hoodie is drying on the drying rack and the fabrics are folded and ready for projects. 


I decided to do one leg on the rabbit. It took me almost 2 hours to make it. The leg was easy but getting the sole in took time. I had to watch the video on how to do it. I also stuffed the leg and may have over stuffed it. I will evaluate that today. 

You can see a bit of a wet spot on the leg and I put some fray check on a piece that looks like it might have come apart at the seam. 

The fabric I am using had a water mark on it and the more I tried to get rid of it the worse it became. I ended up washing the fabric to get rid of it. 

My last job in the sewing room was to cut up a piece of fabric to make piping for daughter. 

My next job was to work on the memory book for an hour. I knew what I wanted to do and enjoyed my time working on the page. 

And the folded part opened.

I have to remind myself that the pictures have to represent the book but not look exactly like it. For this page I used cut-outs from two packages I have. I used the idea of a tree lot we see in town at Christmas. 

I still have 3 pages left in this signature. They are all planned and just need putting together. 


I did knit 16 rows on the vest last night and it is coming along. 

I am looking forward to getting this project completed as I am itching to knit socks once again. 


    We had a crazy snow flurry yesterday afternoon. I found out why they happen so suddenly and when the sun shines. The cold air meets the open warmer air over open waters and it creates these flurries. There was a warning out yesterday we could expect a big flurry but it never happened. I guess the conditions weren't quite right. 

    I am having less pain since the physio therapist did the pressure point and massage on the sorest spot. There is still some soreness but not like it was. I am working on stretching the muscles several times a day. I also stretch in bed and get a pop every night. It is an alignment pop which is good. 

    I get my last Chef's Plate on Monday and then I will be cancelling my subscription. I need to clean out the freezer before I decide if I will subscribe again. I need to do some batch cooking starting in February. That also means I need to get some more freezer containers. I am slowly getting all the chicken broth used up and I am enjoying the soup I am making. So nice to have on cold days.


First and foremost I have to do yoga. I have a batch of chicken soup to make this morning. I also need to do 5 minutes of vacuuming and then charge the battery. I want to do a bit of tidying up also. This afternoon I will make the piping for daughter and then decide on my plan of action for the other leg on the rabbit. I do have to go out for a bit this afternoon. I want to knit tonight. 

Until the next time......................................................................

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