Yesterday was rainy for part of the day and cloudy the rest. The high got to 8C. This morning it is wet and 1C. Today is suppose to be a mix of rain/snow with the temperature dropping to -7C this afternoon.
I was very busy yesterday morning. I laundered the bed linens right away and got the bed made in the afternoon. While that was happening I started to cook meals.
My first dish was meat loaf so I could have meals in the freezer. While it was cooking, I made a pot of fish chowder. I diced up potatoes and cooked them in the air fryer. While they were cooking, I made the rest of the soup. This time, I put a mix of halibut, salmon, shrimp and scallops in it.
While the soup simmered I cooked more potatoes and carrots for the meat loaf dinners. In the end, I got 5 dinners, and 4 lunches made.
By 11:30 am, I had the meals done and the dishes washed. Next up was doing the balance sheet. That took me about 15 minutes to do as I had two debits and one credit entries. I only bought groceries last week. I needed nothing else.Sewing
I had a bit of self talk yesterday about my attitude in the sewing room. I did much better while sewing the cardinals. I finished the center block and then stitched in the ditch around the light triangles.
Once they were done, I pressed two of the corners and got more stitch in the ditch done. I am half done that part. Once that is done, it is only the 4 corners left to do, stitch around the whole square, trim, and bind.
I am hoping to have the quilting done this afternoon.
None done last night. I was tired.
The snow is gone. The warm weather and rain took care of it. With today's forecast, we could be white once more. We are going to have a cold spell for several days.
I am happy to have meals in the freezer. I do have Chef's Plate being delivered today for this week. I will use up 3 of the meals I made and will have to make chicken soup on Thursday. Next weekend I will have to do more freezer meals using up what I have in the freezer.
Today's declutter is fabric. I did that in the fall but I still need to revisit the stash. I need to think about what I have left and how I will use it. Most of it is Christmas prints and I need to have a list of projects I can make from them to sell at the craft bazaar. I have some other fabrics to use up this year and then there is the fabric for piping. I almost gave up making it but daughter is now using it for her western shirts rather than hoarding it. I will be spending a bit of time over the next few weeks handling the stash and getting a game plan in place. By the end of this week, I want to have the bag of fabric scraps gone to the quilter's group.
I am looking forward to physiotherapy on Wednesday. I am wondering if my SI joint is not seated properly. I am stretching it nightly and getting it to pop into place. I am also stretching my leg trying to get the muscles to relax. That is working and I am hoping that it continues to improve.
I am heading out to walk at the arena this morning. When I get home, I will have my 2nd cup of coffee and heat on my hip. Then it will be time to put away the laundry and vacuum and mop the kitchen floor. I want to quilt this afternoon, look at the stash, and knit tonight.
Until the next time............................................................
Great job on getting the meals for the freezer done! I love the effect you created with the quilting of branches on the cardinal quilt. It is lovely. Marianne