Yesterday was mainly snowy and the high got to -6C (windchill -9C). This morning it is cloudy and -13C (windchill -19C). Today is supposed to be cloudy and windy with a high of -10C (windchill -20).
It was out the door to walk at the arena. I did 9 laps yesterday with part of the last lap spent stretching out my knee. I walked at a good pace and walked almost 1.2 miles.
When I got home I sat with a cup of coffee and rested a bit. When done the coffee, I got busy. I did 2 loads of laundry, cleaned the spare bedroom as the floor needed vacuuming and mopping (litter box area). Once done that, made the last Chef's Plate meal which was another rice bowl with pork/beef, rice, soya beans, and peppers. It was tasty. My last chore of the morning was to get the garbage ready to go to the curb.
Daughter-in-law arrived when I had finished my chores and we worked on the craft project until noon. They are done and I will deliver them tomorrow. I had lunch and rested a bit more.
I shovelled snow about 3 pm. I had made 2 passes when a boy from down the street came to help me. We had almost half the driveway done when another boy showed up to help. We were busy when the older brother came to help. We were done, including a piece of the road in good time. I even got the garbage out.
The road was plowed just after 5 pm and I got ready to go out and shovel the berm. My neighbour had done it without me seeing him. As I was dressed for the elements, I shovelled the driveway again. I got it done fairly quickly as there was about an inch of dry snow. It has snowed since then.
I woke this morning to the municipality plowing the road. I have another berm at the end of the driveway. A bigger one as it snowed more last night. I will have to tackle it before I go for a hair cut.
I did spend time in the sewing room yesterday afternoon. I ordered 2 different embroidery designs and started to put them together so I had a design that was needed for the shirt I am embroidering. I did a lot of printing and texting pictures and we got a design we liked for one front.
Once this design was decided upon, I then chose the colours for daughter to decide upon. I didn't give many choices as some were very obvious ones. The flowers were one and she could choose from pink or linen. She chose linen as the flowers are a soft white on the trees. I remember them as a child as there were lots of big dogwood trees around the school I went to. We still have to choose the colours for the words and banner outline at the top of the design. I ran out of time as I had to shovel snow.Knitting
I unpicked the shoulder seam and pinned the other one together. I did not sew it up as I had to shovel snow and was tired when I got in from that job.
I had sore muscles last night from shovelling so much snow. My hip and SI joints seem to be fine but I will know more next week when I have osteopathy. I still have one muscle that is pulling a bit. Not painful but I can feel it. It worries me as I think it is the hip joint. It doesn't seem to be as I can do everything I want to without problems.
My IBS has flared up again. I am not sure if it food and wondered if it wasn't MSG in some of the sauces/seasonings in the Chef's Plate's meals. It could be me stressing out over the political scene and the unrest it is causing. A bit is worrying about my hip. It is becoming a cycle as I worry, I don't sleep well, and I have IBS flare ups.
I was grateful that I had so much help shovelling snow yesterday afternoon. The first boy who arrived to help saw me and ran to ask his parents for permission to come help. The other two came over a bit later on. They haven't had school for two days and won't have school until Monday. We have more snow coming tomorrow. I am sure they needed the exercise and fresh air just as much as I did.
I was very pleased with how the embroidery design went together for the shirt front. I remembered how to modify the designs so I could put them together. It is tweaking them to get them placed to where we like them. I haven't had to print out a design for years and I did enjoy the process.
I will be out to shovel the berm for certain and then this morning will be car exchange and hair cut. Once home I want to fold laundry and do some cleaning. This afternoon I will do a stitch out of the design on some fabric so we know what it will look like with the colours we have chosen. Tonight I would like to work on the vest.
Until the next time............................................................
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