Friday, January 31, 2025

Emotionally Tired and Sad

 Yesterday was mainly sunny and windy. The high got to -11C (windchill -20C) at 8 pm. The day time temperature averaged about -13C (windchill -23C). This morning it is mainly cloudy and -13 (windchill -18C) Today is supposed to be cloudy with some snow/rain and a high of 1C. 


I made 2 slices of toast so I could be out the door at 7:30 am to shovel the driveway. I was out there about 25 minutes and got the driveway done by myself. I was proud of how clean I got it. The berm wasn't too bad and I did tackle it first. 

Inside, I had breakfast and then it was out at 9:30 am to pick up daughter-in-law from the repair shop. Their truck needed some work done on it. From there I went to the hair dressers to have my hair cut. She wasn't busy at all and had 2 more customers coming in the afternoon. 

Once home, family came and got my car to take to the city. They left their car at my house so it would have full batteries for when son had to take grandson to the city last night for soccer training. Once they were gone, I vacuumed the living room floor and mopped it. It was time for lunch. I had had a busy morning. 

At noon son texted me to say my motor vehicle inspection had expired. I thought I had until September and he said no. I found the paper work and it had expired in 2022 when the Spousal Unit passed away. I didn't even think of it nor did the  place I bought it from and have the car serviced regularly think of it. Even the RCMP who looked at it in early summer didn't notice it was expired. The car gets inspected this morning. 

Somehow, the MVI and the back story hit me like a ton of bricks and I slumped into a puddle of sadness. It triggered emotions I thought I had conquered. I was emotionally sad as the Spousal Unit won't get to see his son turn 50 this year. I sat on the couch and let my emotions take control of me for a while. 

I picked myself up at 2 pm and went out and shovelled off the deck. Not just a pathway like planned but the whole deck. I sucked in the very cold air, pushed myself, and flung the snow over the railing. It felt good to do something and I mentally felt better. I still was sad but I had improved mentally. 


I sewed up the proper shoulder and started to pick up the stitches down the one side of the neckline. It is slow going as I want it to look nice all the way down. 


    I think my emotions have been building up since the middle of the month. I have been fighting some depression as it is January. But I think it has been intensified as it is son's 50th birthday this year (how did that happen?). Add a few little things and it tipped me into the pond of sadness. 

    The storm we were to get today has moved away from our area. We are supposed to get some flurries but not the 4-6" of snow forecasted. I am thankful for that as I am tired from shovelling snow and was dreading going out to shovel more snow twice today. I need a day of rest. 

    We are still to have some cold weather and I found this comic which I thought suited me. I have been wearing layers of clothes since it has turned cold. 

Truth be told, I wear a wind proof fleece hat outside. It keeps my head warm even when there is a cold wind blowing. 


We walk at 9 am which gives me time to load the car with stuff to give to daughter-in-law. Then I am off to have the car inspected for its MVI sticker and get an oil change. Once that is done, I will probably do some more housework and I may sew a bit this afternoon. I am supposed to be out to family's for dinner and to celebrate son's birthday. 

1 comment:

  1. Carol in Denver1:17 PM

    I am impressed with all you accomplish; you are certainly a hard worker. Though I would not describe myself as a poetry lover, memorizing a poem is useful to me. Especially in times of stress (having stitches removed after surgery), loneliness (no family in my area) or depression I have turned my attention memorizing and/or reciting poetry and am delighted to have it to turn to. Andrew Marvel's "Ode to His Coy Mistress" is a favorite challenge.
