Thursday, January 23, 2025

Applying The Binding

 Yesterday was sunny and cold. The high got to -10C (windchill -13C). This morning it is cloudy and -13C (windchill -15C). Today is supposed to be a mix of sun, clouds, and flurries. The high is to get to -4C. We are to have snow tonight. 


It was out to walk at the arena yesterday morning. We did 8 laps (just over a mile) yesterday and I felt pretty good. I am starting to enjoy going to walk.

After a brief time at home to have something to drink, it was out the door to physiotherapy. That was some visit. I am aligned and both the SI joints are in place. We talked about the sore spots and she found them. The worst one, she applied pressure to it and massaged around the sore spot. The pain left. Then it was the rotary exercises and the last attempt had me flex to the right a full 25 degrees further than I've ever done. Progress was noted. I got back in 4 weeks and after that it is 6 week intervals. I am to continue walking and doing the yoga I was given and I can progress to chair yoga when I want to. 

My last job of the morning was to grocery shop. I was getting tired and wanted to get the job done. I was home just after noon, put everything away, ate, and promptly fell asleep on the couch. I had a good 20 minute nap. My sleep score was fair last night due to the nap. 


I did spend quite a bit of time working on the cardinal quilt/wall hanging. I pressed the binding fabric and got it cut and made. I then sewed the binding on and sat until dinner time hand sewing the binding down. 

I enjoyed every stitch as I relaxed and watch tv. I was in my happy space finishing up a project. I got one half the binding hand stitched down before Elliott came down to meow me upstairs for dinner. 

The time had slipped by quickly. I was tired but happy. 


None done last night as I was too tired to think about setting up the second side. I have to think about each row until I get it memorized. Not last night. 


    I am so happy that I rebounded from the set back I had mid December. What I call stubborn is what my physio therapist calls determination. We talked about how much I can do and I can start painting the house once again. She wants me to be active, continue walking, and taking care that I don't over do it. Why both SI's went out is still a mystery as I was strong and doing well. Now they are both back in and being stable, I am working on getting strong once again. 

    Thought it was cold, having the sun shine yesterday was lovely. We needed it for our mental health. Everyone was in such good moods due to the sun shine. We have a few more days of it being sunny before it clouds up. Cloudy weather means warmer temperatures and snow. 


I need to do yoga this morning and then move on to cleaning upstairs. I want to finish the binding this afternoon and look at the next project. I am hoping that I can knit tonight. It is a stay at home day for me. 

Until the next time...........................................................

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