Yesterday was sunny until late afternoon when it started to snow. The high got to -1C. This morning it is "fair" and -6C (windchill -11C). Today is suppose to be similar to yesterday with flurries and a high of -1C.
I got the laundry on early and then started working on the balance sheet. I had it done in good time. Staying home helps me not spend money on items I really don't need. The last job of the morning was to clean up the living room. It was another easy job.
I did yoga after cleaning the living room. I am still a bit stiff but have more mobility in some of the stretches. I also have less pain. I am hoping that everything is in place and the muscles have relaxed and are getting stronger.
I ordered a 6 month subscription (50%) to Ancestry. It has given me a lot of information that I couldn't find before. I have decided to do a bit of genealogy a few times a week filling in blanks I am now able to find.
I spent time stuffing the 2nd leg on the rabbit. Each leg weighs 16 grams. It really takes time to stuff each leg. Longer than I thought.
I also pressed the shirt I am to embroider on. I am going to serge the front seams before I do the embroidery. That project is to start this week.Knitting
I finished the front of the vest.
I need to sew one shoulder seam together and pick up the stitches for the neckline.Thoughts
I think I figured out why I have been tired. I turned off the heat pump yesterday to do the balance sheet. It saves me picking up receipts off the floor. I was really busy all morning and not tired. At noon I felt cool and realized what I had done. I need to have the house cooler during the day even if I only keep it at 21C.
I didn't sleep as well as I had hoped to last night. I was awake for quite a while at midnight. I also had very little deep sleep which is going to make me feel tired this afternoon. I will survive and I hope I sleep better tonight.
Our weather is warming up some and we are to have snow starting tomorrow and ending Thursday night. I will probably have several dates with the snow shovel which will give me the exercise and fresh air I need.
I am off to walk this morning and then need to get a couple of items from the grocery store. Once home, I want to vacuum some floors and do a bit of tidying up. I am hoping to spend some time working on the embroidery design getting it ready. I also will serge the seams on the shirt fronts. If I have time, I would like to add the seam allowances to the body of the rabbit. Tonight I hope to sew up the one shoulder seam and pick up the neck stitches.
Until the next time.................................................................
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