Friday, January 31, 2025

Emotionally Tired and Sad

 Yesterday was mainly sunny and windy. The high got to -11C (windchill -20C) at 8 pm. The day time temperature averaged about -13C (windchill -23C). This morning it is mainly cloudy and -13 (windchill -18C) Today is supposed to be cloudy with some snow/rain and a high of 1C. 


I made 2 slices of toast so I could be out the door at 7:30 am to shovel the driveway. I was out there about 25 minutes and got the driveway done by myself. I was proud of how clean I got it. The berm wasn't too bad and I did tackle it first. 

Inside, I had breakfast and then it was out at 9:30 am to pick up daughter-in-law from the repair shop. Their truck needed some work done on it. From there I went to the hair dressers to have my hair cut. She wasn't busy at all and had 2 more customers coming in the afternoon. 

Once home, family came and got my car to take to the city. They left their car at my house so it would have full batteries for when son had to take grandson to the city last night for soccer training. Once they were gone, I vacuumed the living room floor and mopped it. It was time for lunch. I had had a busy morning. 

At noon son texted me to say my motor vehicle inspection had expired. I thought I had until September and he said no. I found the paper work and it had expired in 2022 when the Spousal Unit passed away. I didn't even think of it nor did the  place I bought it from and have the car serviced regularly think of it. Even the RCMP who looked at it in early summer didn't notice it was expired. The car gets inspected this morning. 

Somehow, the MVI and the back story hit me like a ton of bricks and I slumped into a puddle of sadness. It triggered emotions I thought I had conquered. I was emotionally sad as the Spousal Unit won't get to see his son turn 50 this year. I sat on the couch and let my emotions take control of me for a while. 

I picked myself up at 2 pm and went out and shovelled off the deck. Not just a pathway like planned but the whole deck. I sucked in the very cold air, pushed myself, and flung the snow over the railing. It felt good to do something and I mentally felt better. I still was sad but I had improved mentally. 


I sewed up the proper shoulder and started to pick up the stitches down the one side of the neckline. It is slow going as I want it to look nice all the way down. 


    I think my emotions have been building up since the middle of the month. I have been fighting some depression as it is January. But I think it has been intensified as it is son's 50th birthday this year (how did that happen?). Add a few little things and it tipped me into the pond of sadness. 

    The storm we were to get today has moved away from our area. We are supposed to get some flurries but not the 4-6" of snow forecasted. I am thankful for that as I am tired from shovelling snow and was dreading going out to shovel more snow twice today. I need a day of rest. 

    We are still to have some cold weather and I found this comic which I thought suited me. I have been wearing layers of clothes since it has turned cold. 

Truth be told, I wear a wind proof fleece hat outside. It keeps my head warm even when there is a cold wind blowing. 


We walk at 9 am which gives me time to load the car with stuff to give to daughter-in-law. Then I am off to have the car inspected for its MVI sticker and get an oil change. Once that is done, I will probably do some more housework and I may sew a bit this afternoon. I am supposed to be out to family's for dinner and to celebrate son's birthday. 

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Designing For A Shirt

 Yesterday was mainly snowy and the high got to -6C (windchill -9C). This morning it is cloudy and -13C (windchill -19C). Today is supposed to be cloudy and windy with a high of -10C (windchill -20). 


It was out the door to walk at the arena. I did 9 laps yesterday with part of the last lap spent stretching out my knee. I walked at a good pace and walked almost 1.2 miles. 

When I got home I sat with a cup of coffee and rested a bit. When done the coffee, I got busy. I did 2 loads of laundry, cleaned the spare bedroom as the floor needed vacuuming and mopping (litter box area). Once done that, made the last Chef's Plate meal which was another rice bowl with pork/beef, rice, soya beans, and peppers. It was tasty. My last chore of the morning was to get the garbage ready to go to the curb. 

Daughter-in-law arrived when I had finished my chores and we worked on the craft project until noon. They are done and I will deliver them tomorrow. I had lunch and rested a bit more. 

I shovelled snow about 3 pm. I had made 2 passes when a boy from down the street came to help me. We had almost half the driveway done when another boy showed up to help. We were busy when the older brother came to help. We were done, including a piece of the road in good time. I even got the garbage out. 

The road was plowed just after 5 pm and I got ready to go out and shovel the berm. My neighbour had done it without me seeing him. As I was dressed for the elements, I shovelled the driveway again. I got it done fairly quickly as there was about an inch of dry snow. It has snowed since then. 

I woke this morning to the municipality plowing the road. I have another berm at the end of the driveway. A bigger one as it snowed more last night. I will have to tackle it before I go for a hair cut. 


I did spend time in the sewing room yesterday afternoon. I ordered 2 different embroidery designs and started to put them together so I had a design that was needed for the shirt I am embroidering. I did a lot of printing and texting pictures and we got a design we liked for one front. 

Once this design was decided upon, I then chose the colours for daughter to decide upon. I didn't give many choices as some were very obvious ones. The flowers were one and she could choose from pink or linen. She chose linen as the flowers are a soft white on the trees. I remember them as a child as there were lots of big dogwood trees around the school I went to. 

We still have to choose the colours for the words and banner outline at the top of the design. I ran out of time as I had to shovel snow. 


I unpicked the shoulder seam and pinned the other one together. I did not sew it up as I had to shovel snow and was tired when I got in from that job. 


    I had sore muscles last night from shovelling so much snow. My hip and SI joints seem to be fine but I will know more next week when I have osteopathy. I still have one muscle that is pulling a bit. Not painful but I can feel it. It worries me as I think it is the hip joint. It doesn't seem to be as I can do everything I want to without problems. 

    My IBS has flared up again. I am not sure if it food and wondered if it wasn't MSG in some of the sauces/seasonings in the Chef's Plate's meals. It could be me stressing out over the political scene and the unrest it is causing. A bit is worrying about my hip. It is becoming a cycle as I worry, I don't sleep well, and I have IBS flare ups. 

    I was grateful that I had so much help shovelling snow yesterday afternoon. The first boy who arrived to help saw me and ran to ask his parents for permission to come help. The other two came over a bit later on. They haven't had school for two days and won't have school until Monday. We have more snow coming tomorrow. I am sure they needed the exercise and fresh air just as much as I did. 

    I was very pleased with how the embroidery design went together for the shirt front. I remembered how to modify the designs so I could put them together. It is tweaking them to get them placed to where we like them. I haven't had to print out a design for years and I did enjoy the process. 


I will be out to shovel the berm for certain and then this morning will be car exchange and hair cut. Once home I want to fold laundry and do some cleaning. This afternoon I will do a stitch out of the design on some fabric so we know what it will look like with the colours we have chosen. Tonight I would like to work on the vest. 

Until the next time............................................................

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Having Fun On A Snowy Day

 Yesterday was mainly snowy with a high of 2C (at 9 am). This morning it is cloudy and -13C (windchill -18C). Today is suppose to have periods of snow with a high of -4C (windchill -7C). 


I had a busy morning as I decided to make one of the dinners and put them into the fridge. I made Saucy Sesame Pork Bowl which was very tasty. I will make it again using the recipe. 

I decided to clean out the pantry after the meal was made and found four expired items. I was surprised at that. Two were expired a year ago and two were expired several months ago. I am learning that I need to:

    Menu plan each week before I shop

    Buy small packages of pasta as needed. 

    Buy smaller sized containers of food. 

What I find the hardest to use up quickly is potatoes. A 5 lb bag takes me forever to use up and I can't buy them in bulk. 

After cleaning the fridge I did a brain dump and for the rest of this week, I will be eating the meals from Chef's Plate. Next week I have 6 meals I need to use from the freezer and then I can have 1 meal I make. The following week, I have to cook so need to have a menu in place. I am looking at recipes and ideas. 

After lunch daughter-in-law came over and we crafted. It was a crazy afternoon of laughing and having fun. We were creating things for son's surprise 50th birthday party. Cricut Design Space updated and is working perfectly again. I did dice dots for two glass containers and then helped daughter-in-law make 3 large dice for a decoration. She headed out to pick up grandson at about 3pm. 

I shovelled the driveway after she left. It wasn't too bad with about an inch of snow to remove. I got inside and it started to snow heavily and the wind came up. I have some snow to shovel today as it is going to snow about 2" today. I did enjoy my time outside shovelling as I got fresh air and exercise. 


I sewed what I thought was the right shoulder seam and it wasn't. I now have to take it apart very carefully and do the other shoulder seam. Then I can start to pick up the neckline stitches. 


    The barometric pressure dropped to below 100 kPa yesterday causing my knee to be very stiff and sore. It is annoying when that happens as nothing helps it. It stops aching once the barometric pressure starts to come up. 

    We are in for several snow storms this week. Today is suppose to be snowy for several hours and Friday is suppose to snow most of the day and into the night. Our winter is going to start. We get lots of snow at the end of January and well into February. This time last year we had a snow storm of about 8" fall. I am prepared for it knowing that I will get help from family and friends. I also can get a person to come in and move the berm if we get a real heavy snow storm. 

    The municipality was out plowing and salting during the night. I have a berm to deal with today plus I need to shovel the bottom part of my driveway. The top part looks good as the wind blew the snow off it. 

    I am glad I spent some time cleaning the pantry and working on what I want to cook. I am looking at recipes and what I have in the freezer and pantry. 


This morning I am out walking at the arena. Once home, I will shovel snow. I have to check to see if I need to do anything to our craft projects and if I do, get it done. I also want to make the other Chef's Plate meal. I think daughter-in-law is coming this afternoon to finish up the projects. If not, I will be working on the shirt. I will need to shovel snow and put out garbage later this afternoon. Tonight I will work on the vest. A busy day.

Until the next time...........................................................

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Serger Threading Issues

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 0C. This morning it is cloudy and 1C. Today is suppose to be snowy with a high of 1C. The temperature is suppose to fall today and be cold once again. 


I was out the door to walk at the arena first thing. I did 8 laps while daughter-in-law did 10 laps. I slowed my pace a bit but it still was in the vigorous range. I know if I had stopped for a few minutes at the end of lap 8 I could have done one more lap. 

Once home, I grabbed the shovel and cleaned off the driveway. I was out there for 13 minutes and I was impressed that I had it done without any issues. I enjoyed the pace and the fresh air. 

I had a rest and a cup of coffee when I went in. I did a few things and then headed out to do a few things on my list. I am set for the next 2 days of snow. 

My Chef's Plate came yesterday before noon. I have two bowls to make for meals this week. I have cancelled my subscription for now as I am going to do some meal planning and use up what I have in the freezer. I need to do a brain dump on ideas and get going. I know that I enjoy having homemade soups for lunch in the winter and now need to figure out what I want for dinners in smaller quantities. I also have the recipes I can make again. There were a few I did enjoy. 

I was over to my friends for a visit. We had a great discussion on how well we have been buying Canadian produced foods in the past year. We both had to admit it is very easy to buy it here in Nova Scotia. It is well marked, especially vegetables produced in the province. We also looked at other food items we buy and most are Canadian produced. The grocery store we buy at makes it easy for us. It was a fun challenge we set for ourselves. 


I spent a lot of time threading my serger yesterday afternoon. One thread broke while rethreading it. I will have to say that it was a frustrating job but I got it done. It took quite a while to get it done properly. I serged the princess seams on the front of the shirt. I can now start planning the embroidery for the front. 

I also added the 1/4" seam allowances to the rabbit's body. That was easy compared to threading the serger. I am ready to print it onto card stock and start cutting out and sewing the pieces together. 


I did not knit last night as I was really tired. I could barely stay awake. 


    My Fitbit stated that I went to bed an hour later than normal. Not so. I also did not have a lot of deep sleep which I needed. I will be monitoring myself today to make sure that I am not exhausted. 

    The snow is supposed to arrive mid morning and last until late afternoon and then we could get more tonight. I will be monitoring how much falls and will be out shovelling snow when necessary. We have more snow falling tomorrow so I will be outside in the cold shovelling quite a bit. 

    I worked some on the family tree yesterday. I limited my time to just adding information and not searching. I am trying to do a bit each day and have a time limit set so I don't spend all day searching. 


I have to do yoga this morning and clean up the kitchen. I will do a brain dump on planning also. I also want to do a few minutes of genealogy. I will have to shovel snow during the day. I hope to work on the embroidery for the shirt and cut out another large hot pad. I may work on the vest tonight if I am not too tired. 

Until the next time............................................................

Monday, January 27, 2025

More Slow Sewing Completed

 Yesterday was sunny until late afternoon when it started to snow. The high got to -1C. This morning it is "fair" and -6C (windchill -11C). Today is suppose to be similar to yesterday with flurries and a high of -1C.


I got the laundry on early and then started working on the balance sheet. I had it done in good time. Staying home helps me not spend money on items I really don't need. The last job of the morning was to clean up the living room. It was another easy job. 

I did yoga after cleaning the living room. I am still a bit stiff but have more mobility in some of the stretches. I also have less pain. I am hoping that everything is in place and the muscles have relaxed and are getting stronger. 

I ordered a 6 month subscription (50%) to Ancestry. It has given me a lot of information that I couldn't find before. I have decided to do a bit of genealogy a few times a week filling in blanks I am now able to find. 


I spent time stuffing the 2nd leg on the rabbit. Each leg weighs 16 grams. It really takes time to stuff each leg. Longer than I thought. 

I also pressed the shirt I am to embroider on. I am going to serge the front seams before I do the embroidery. That project is to start this week. 


I finished the front of the vest. 

I need to sew one shoulder seam together and pick up the stitches for the neckline. 


    I think I figured out why I have been tired. I turned off the heat pump yesterday to do the balance sheet. It saves me picking up receipts off the floor. I was really busy all morning and not tired. At noon I felt cool and realized what I had done. I need to have the house cooler during the day even if I only keep it at 21C. 

    I didn't sleep as well as I had hoped to last night. I was awake for quite a while at midnight. I also had very little deep sleep which is going to make me feel tired this afternoon. I will survive and I hope I sleep better tonight. 

    Our weather is warming up some and we are to have snow starting tomorrow and ending Thursday night. I will probably have several dates with the snow shovel which will give me the exercise and fresh air I need. 


I am off to walk this morning and then need to get a couple of items from the grocery store. Once home, I want to vacuum some floors and do a bit of tidying up. I am hoping to spend some time working on the embroidery design getting it ready. I also will serge the seams on the shirt fronts. If I have time, I would like to add the seam allowances to the body of the rabbit. Tonight I hope to sew up the one shoulder seam and pick up the neck stitches. 

Until the next time.................................................................

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Small Projects Worked On

 Yesterday was a sunny, cold, and windy day. The high got to -6C (windchill -13C). This morning it is partly cloudy and -10C (windchill -16C). Today is supposed to be a mix of sun and clouds with flurries. The high is to get to 1C (windchill -7C).


I was very tired yesterday and did very little. I made a big pot of chicken soup which gives me 5 lunches. I did 5 minutes of vacuuming and had to recharge the battery. I cleaned up the kitchen and called it a day. 

Instead of doing a lot of small chores, I decided to work on the family tree. I haven't looked at it for months. I worked on a family I hadn't focused on before and found a lot on them. Then I looked at a great uncle and found his will. By the time I got all the information recorded, it was noon. 


I pushed myself to go sew as I knew I would nap. I didn't want that to happen. I decided to make the piping first. I sewed the 10 short lengths together and then made it into piping. It was a good way to sew without having to stress over anything. I got 3 meters of piping made for daughter. 

The two triangles of fabric are ready to be put into the bag for the quilter's group. I am ready to cut out another piece of fabric for more piping. I am trying to make 2 pieces a month. 

Next up I decided to work on the rabbit's second leg. I sewed very slowly making sure I was being accurate. I watched the video to make sure I was doing each step correctly. I pinned the sole in, basted it, and sewed it in place. I have a leg to stuff. 

I checked the fabric and the water stain is gone. I pressed it, sprayed it with starch, left it for a bit, pressed it again and it is fine. I have the body and head left to make. The head is traced out on fabric and I will make it when I get to that part of the video. I need to stuff a leg first. 


I worked on the vest last night and finished decreasing the neck and arms. I now have to knit in pattern until I have the same number of rows as the front. 


    I was boarding on exhaustion yesterday and I don't know why. I slept well last night not waking up until 4:20 am. My sleep score was good so I am hoping that I will be more alert today. It actually crossed my mind that I need time outside shovelling snow. It may be that the house is stuffy and stale. 

    My knees started to throb yesterday. We have a change in the weather. The barometric pressure is slowly dropping and they are forecasting snow flurries for the next few days. The rest of my body is feeling better with only one spot in my hip area hurting at times. 

    I have to defrost the fridge again as it is making its noise. I will have to get it looked at next month as I think it needs a part. It works good for a couple of months and then it seems to slow down or stick in the defrost cycle. I still have the small fridge and will use it once again for a day or two. 


I have to do the balance sheet which shouldn't take too long. I want to do a load of laundry and tidy the living room. This afternoon I want to stuff the rabbit's leg. I also want to press the shirt I have to embroider. It is next on the list. Tonight I hope to finish knitting the front of the vest. 

Until the next time.......................................

Saturday, January 25, 2025

A Sewing And Crafting Afternoon

 Yesterday was sunny and warmer with a high of -6 (windchill -13C). This morning it is clear and -11C (windchill -17C). Today is supposed to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of -6C (windchill -9). 


I was out to walk yesterday and did 7 laps at the arena. My stride has improved since having physio so I pushed the intensity of my walk. I was tired when I got done. I walked in my vigorous and peak zone for the whole time. I am going to have to slow down if I am going to do more laps. 

After a rest and coffee, I cleaned the kitchen. I had let it go the day before and was happy to get it back to being clean and tidy. I also vacuumed and mopped the floor. I also took out recycling and tidied up and wiped down the table. 

Once I was done cleaning, I sat and folded laundry and got it put away. I also laundered a hoodie and some fabrics. The hoodie is drying on the drying rack and the fabrics are folded and ready for projects. 


I decided to do one leg on the rabbit. It took me almost 2 hours to make it. The leg was easy but getting the sole in took time. I had to watch the video on how to do it. I also stuffed the leg and may have over stuffed it. I will evaluate that today. 

You can see a bit of a wet spot on the leg and I put some fray check on a piece that looks like it might have come apart at the seam. 

The fabric I am using had a water mark on it and the more I tried to get rid of it the worse it became. I ended up washing the fabric to get rid of it. 

My last job in the sewing room was to cut up a piece of fabric to make piping for daughter. 

My next job was to work on the memory book for an hour. I knew what I wanted to do and enjoyed my time working on the page. 

And the folded part opened.

I have to remind myself that the pictures have to represent the book but not look exactly like it. For this page I used cut-outs from two packages I have. I used the idea of a tree lot we see in town at Christmas. 

I still have 3 pages left in this signature. They are all planned and just need putting together. 


I did knit 16 rows on the vest last night and it is coming along. 

I am looking forward to getting this project completed as I am itching to knit socks once again. 


    We had a crazy snow flurry yesterday afternoon. I found out why they happen so suddenly and when the sun shines. The cold air meets the open warmer air over open waters and it creates these flurries. There was a warning out yesterday we could expect a big flurry but it never happened. I guess the conditions weren't quite right. 

    I am having less pain since the physio therapist did the pressure point and massage on the sorest spot. There is still some soreness but not like it was. I am working on stretching the muscles several times a day. I also stretch in bed and get a pop every night. It is an alignment pop which is good. 

    I get my last Chef's Plate on Monday and then I will be cancelling my subscription. I need to clean out the freezer before I decide if I will subscribe again. I need to do some batch cooking starting in February. That also means I need to get some more freezer containers. I am slowly getting all the chicken broth used up and I am enjoying the soup I am making. So nice to have on cold days.


First and foremost I have to do yoga. I have a batch of chicken soup to make this morning. I also need to do 5 minutes of vacuuming and then charge the battery. I want to do a bit of tidying up also. This afternoon I will make the piping for daughter and then decide on my plan of action for the other leg on the rabbit. I do have to go out for a bit this afternoon. I want to knit tonight. 

Until the next time......................................................................

Friday, January 24, 2025

Cardinal UFO Completed

 Yesterday was sunny and warmer. The high got to -4C. This morning it is cloudy and -6C (windchill-10C). It snowed a bit during the night. Today is suppose to be partly cloudy with flurries. The high is to get to -5C (windchill -8C to -13C). 


I started the morning out in a rush. I got a load of laundry on and cleaned the bathroom. The forecast had said periods of snow in the afternoon so I took off to New Minas. 

The drive to New Minas was sunny and gorgeous. I planned my trip to pick up Elliott's cat food first. He has food for almost 2 months now. Next up was the office supply store to pick up a refill for my daily journal. My last stop was the dollar store where I did snoop shopping and bought a few items. One was this tomato rocket

A bit of research needed to be done. It has several seeds in it which is perfect for me. I will start them in a pot and then plant them in a garden box. 

I was home just after noon and had my lunch. It was a good trip. The roads were good and the temperature had warmed up to be nice when outside. 

I did some kitchen clean up in the late afternoon. It is still on the list to do a good cleaning today. 


I spent 2 hours hand sewing the rest of the binding down. It was relaxing and I did while I watched TV. It was more listening to the TV. 

It is folded up and put away with the other cardinal quilts. I am happy that I have finished it after making it 15 years ago. 

I traced out the rabbit's legs and soles onto the correct fabrics. They are cut out and the seam lines drawn on the curved part of the foot. 

I have pinned the legs together and am ready to sew them. 

The soles will be the hardest part as they are small and need to be fit into the bottom of the foot. I will be hand basting them in place before sewing them in. It is a slow sewing project. 


I did knit last night and I had to be on top of my game making sure I put the decreases in the right place. Neck decreases first and arm decreases last. I did 16 rows last night before my brain crashed on me. 

Once I get going on it, I know I will be able to knit a few more rows each night. 


    I figured out why I was struggling with the cardinal quilt. I was going into a funk/depression as the Spousal Unit has been gone for 28 months and his death was Wednesday 22, which happened to be where it landed this month. I got through it and am feeling better though I do miss him a lot. It still hits me hard on occasion. 

    My hip is improving a lot. I am stretching it and trying to do more flexibility moves. It is improving even if it gives me pain when doing the flexibility moves. I am hoping that my gait will improve over time. This is the best I've felt in quite a while and I am enjoying it.

    The cold snap is to end on Sunday. It will be nice to have warmer temperatures once again. This cold snap wasn't as bad as it could have been but the wind was the brutal part. We can have more cold weather as February is our "winter" month. 


I am out to walk this morning. Once home, I have to clean the kitchen, take out recycling, and fold laundry. This afternoon I want to work on the rabbit and I might get a piece of piping cut out. Tonight I want to knit on the vest. It is a home day as I need nothing at this time. 

Until the next time.................................................................

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Applying The Binding

 Yesterday was sunny and cold. The high got to -10C (windchill -13C). This morning it is cloudy and -13C (windchill -15C). Today is supposed to be a mix of sun, clouds, and flurries. The high is to get to -4C. We are to have snow tonight. 


It was out to walk at the arena yesterday morning. We did 8 laps (just over a mile) yesterday and I felt pretty good. I am starting to enjoy going to walk.

After a brief time at home to have something to drink, it was out the door to physiotherapy. That was some visit. I am aligned and both the SI joints are in place. We talked about the sore spots and she found them. The worst one, she applied pressure to it and massaged around the sore spot. The pain left. Then it was the rotary exercises and the last attempt had me flex to the right a full 25 degrees further than I've ever done. Progress was noted. I got back in 4 weeks and after that it is 6 week intervals. I am to continue walking and doing the yoga I was given and I can progress to chair yoga when I want to. 

My last job of the morning was to grocery shop. I was getting tired and wanted to get the job done. I was home just after noon, put everything away, ate, and promptly fell asleep on the couch. I had a good 20 minute nap. My sleep score was fair last night due to the nap. 


I did spend quite a bit of time working on the cardinal quilt/wall hanging. I pressed the binding fabric and got it cut and made. I then sewed the binding on and sat until dinner time hand sewing the binding down. 

I enjoyed every stitch as I relaxed and watch tv. I was in my happy space finishing up a project. I got one half the binding hand stitched down before Elliott came down to meow me upstairs for dinner. 

The time had slipped by quickly. I was tired but happy. 


None done last night as I was too tired to think about setting up the second side. I have to think about each row until I get it memorized. Not last night. 


    I am so happy that I rebounded from the set back I had mid December. What I call stubborn is what my physio therapist calls determination. We talked about how much I can do and I can start painting the house once again. She wants me to be active, continue walking, and taking care that I don't over do it. Why both SI's went out is still a mystery as I was strong and doing well. Now they are both back in and being stable, I am working on getting strong once again. 

    Thought it was cold, having the sun shine yesterday was lovely. We needed it for our mental health. Everyone was in such good moods due to the sun shine. We have a few more days of it being sunny before it clouds up. Cloudy weather means warmer temperatures and snow. 


I need to do yoga this morning and then move on to cleaning upstairs. I want to finish the binding this afternoon and look at the next project. I am hoping that I can knit tonight. It is a stay at home day for me. 

Until the next time...........................................................

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Ready To Bind

 Yesterday was mainly sunny and cold. The high got to -8C (windchill -14C). This morning it is cloudy and -14C (windchill -18C). Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of -10C (windchill -22C). 


I did yoga yesterday. All went well once Elliott stopped grabbing my leg in one of the stretching exercises. I did my usual exercises and am not ready to add the hardest one yet. I will when my body says I can. 

I took the vacuum downstairs and vacuumed the sewing room. It had a lot of thread, fibre bits, and fine fibre dust on the floor. I vacuumed very carefully to get the floor as clean as possible. It now needs to be mopped. Once done, I sat on the floor and cleaned the lint and thread out of the rollers on my chair. Not as much as I had thought but enough to be embarrassing. 

I cooked the 2nd meal from Chef's Plate yesterday. It was a chicken and rice bowl. I liked the rice as it had onions in it along with a chili cumin spice mix. The chicken was okay but not as spicy as I had thought it would be. I did like the tomato. It was a Roma tomato cut into small cubes, the zest of a lemon added along with the juice of half the lemon. I added a bit of salt but omitted the oil. It was refreshing. I would have that again. 


I spent 2 hours on the quilt yesterday and finished the quilting. It was a big push as I had to take my time and make sure each outer triangle had about the same amount of quilting. 

Once done, I trimmed the quilt ready to add the binding. It wasn't perfectly square but it was better than I had thought. 

The binding is the red and the fabric is on the ironing board ready to be pressed prior to cutting the 4 strips I need. The end is in sight. The hardest part is done and the easiest part is left to do. 


I didn't knit last night as I was tired and I need to be less tired to start the 2nd side of the front. 


    I realized I am tired as I have been pushing myself to walk and do yoga 6 days a week. I am at the point where it would be easy to quit but I know my body is moving towards being more fit. I will get past this stage even if I have to have a nap today. I hope not. 

    The quilt also drained me. I have pushed to get it done, had my emotional spell, and got over it all. The binding is more relaxing for me as I can sit and work on it while watching TV. 

    I have also been worrying about things outside of my control. Most of it has been what others are worrying about but others are things I shouldn't worry about. Most is about the economy and I need to focus on how I can live during times of uncertainty. 

    I did not look at fabrics yesterday as I focused on the cardinal quilt. I have some fabrics to launder so I can make piping and donate the rest. I have to organize the fabrics a bit more and come up with a game plan on how projects to sew. I need to start work on the embroidery project for daughter. I need to take a deep breath, relax with some hand sewing, and then get busy again. 


I am out to walk this morning, see the physiotherapist after that, and do some grocery shopping. This afternoon I am hoping I can make the binding and sew it onto the quilt. If time, I would love to sit and do a bit of hand sewing on it. Tonight I will knit if I am not too tired. 

Until the next time...............................................................

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Progress in Sewing and Knitting

 Yesterday's rain turned to flurries with a cold wind. The temperature dropped steadily all day. This morning it is partly cloudy and -14C (windchill -22C). Today is supposed to be windy with flurries and a high of -7C (windchill between -23 and -12C).


I watched the rain turn to snow flurries and was not impressed. The ground was turning white and icy before my eyes. I did drive to the arena to walk and the roads were okay. 

Daughter-in-law and I arrived early and wasn't sure if the place was unlocked. It was and we did go up to the track to find 2 people walking. We got ready and headed out. We walked 2 laps together and then daughter-in-law went at her speed and I went at mine for a total of 7 laps. When I was done, she did one more lap and stretched my leg in the warm room. It was a good walk even if I forgot to set my Fitbit. 

On my way home, my friend was walking so we talked for a couple of minutes. Once inside, I had my coffee and rested. My jobs for the morning were to put the laundry away and vacuum and mop the kitchen floor. 

I spent part of the afternoon visiting my friend. She saw my cardinal quilt and I looked at the quilt she is fixing for a friend. We went through the bag of scraps I took over and she took out what she wanted, the blues for her daughter-in-law, and the rest will go to the quilting group. We had tea and chatted away. She needed a break from hand sewing tiny pieces to a wall hanging she is making. I got home at 4 pm after a nice afternoon out. 


I worked on the cardinal quilt in the morning. I got the stitch in the ditch completed. I stitched around the quilt with a long stitch so it is secure when I do the trees in the corner triangles. I also trimmed the backing and batting to 1.25". I took no pictures as the stitching didn't really show up on the light fabric I worked on. 

I didn't have any issues mentally with the quilting yesterday. I think I am pleased with it and know I am doing the best I can. I realize that stitch in the ditch is very hard to do and I am working on a project that I made when I beginning my foray back into quilting. 


I finished the one side of the vest last night. 

I am now ready to start on the other side. Still a lot of work before this vest is finished. 


    This cold spell will be over by Wednesday. It isn't the cold I mind, it is the wind which makes going out unpleasant. I will be staying home until Wednesday when I have a busy morning. 

    The driveway had a mix of snow and ice on it yesterday morning. I did throw salt down to get a few bare patches. By 1 pm, the driveway was bare and dry. It wasn't the salt as I didn't put that much on. It has to have been a bit of warmth in the air that did the trick. I was happy to have a bare and dry place to walk on. The road was clear and dry as it had been salted by the municipality. 

    Chef's Plate arrived well before lunch and I made the Tex Mex Beef Tortilla Bake. It was spicy but good. I put more cheese on it. I would make it again but using my meat sauce recipe and if I could get the right number of flour tortillas. It is a nice change. 

    My hip and knee are doing so much better now that I am walking and doing yoga. I have noticed that the muscles are not as tight and my stride is improving. I am pleased with the improvements but know I need to continue doing what I am doing. I am hoping to start painting again in the next week. I am ready to do the ladder once again. 

    Today is the last day of the decluttering challenge but I know I have more to do in the sewing room. I need to look at the fabrics and make some more decisions on how I am going to sew them up. I need to dust and mop the room. I also need to change the ironing board cover. I know that I can clean and declutter all year long which I hope I will do. 


 This morning I have to do yoga and then I will take the vacuum cleaner down and do one pass in the sewing room. I want to try and finish quilting the quilt today and cut out the binding. I want to knit tonight. As it is cold outside, I am staying home today. 

Until the next time.................................................................. 

Monday, January 20, 2025

Nearing The End Of Quilting The Cardinals

 Yesterday was rainy for part of the day and cloudy the rest. The high got to 8C. This morning it is wet and 1C. Today is suppose to be a mix of rain/snow with the temperature dropping to -7C this afternoon. 


I was very busy yesterday morning. I laundered the bed linens right away and got the bed made in the afternoon. While that was happening I started to cook meals. 

My first dish was meat loaf so I could have meals in the freezer. While it was cooking, I made a pot of fish chowder. I diced up potatoes and cooked them in the air fryer. While they were cooking, I made the rest of the soup. This time, I put a mix of halibut, salmon, shrimp and scallops in it. 

While the soup simmered I cooked more potatoes and carrots for the meat loaf dinners. In the end, I got 5 dinners, and 4 lunches made. 

By 11:30 am, I had the meals done and the dishes washed. Next up was doing the balance sheet. That took me about 15 minutes to do as I had two debits and one credit entries. I only bought groceries last week. I needed nothing else. 


I had a bit of self talk yesterday about my attitude in the sewing room. I did much better while sewing the cardinals. I finished the center block and then stitched in the ditch around the light triangles. 

Once they were done, I pressed two of the corners and got more stitch in the ditch done. I am half done that part. Once that is done, it is only the 4 corners left to do, stitch around the whole square, trim, and bind. 

I am hoping to have the quilting done this afternoon. 


None done last night. I was tired. 


    The snow is gone. The warm weather and rain took care of it. With today's forecast, we could be white once more. We are going to have a cold spell for several days. 

    I am happy to have meals in the freezer. I do have Chef's Plate being delivered today for this week. I will use up 3 of the meals I made and will have to make chicken soup on Thursday. Next weekend I will have to do more freezer meals using up what I have in the freezer. 

    Today's declutter is fabric. I did that in the fall but I still need to revisit the stash. I need to think about what I have left and how I will use it. Most of it is Christmas prints and I need to have a list of projects I can make from them to sell at the craft bazaar. I have some other fabrics to use up this year and then there is the fabric for piping. I almost gave up making it but daughter is now using it for her western shirts rather than hoarding it. I will be spending a bit of time over the next few weeks handling the stash and getting a game plan in place. By the end of this week, I want to have the bag of fabric scraps gone to the quilter's group. 

    I am looking forward to physiotherapy on Wednesday. I am wondering if my SI joint is not seated properly. I am stretching it nightly and getting it to pop into place. I am also stretching my leg trying to get the muscles to relax. That is working and I am hoping that it continues to improve. 


I am heading out to walk at the arena this morning. When I get home, I will have my 2nd cup of coffee and heat on my hip. Then it will be time to put away the laundry and vacuum and mop the kitchen floor. I want to quilt this afternoon, look at the stash, and knit tonight. 

Until the next time............................................................

Sunday, January 19, 2025

More Quilting On The Cardinals

 Yesterday was mainly cloudy but not dreary. The temperature rose all day to 1C by 1 pm. It remained there for the afternoon. This morning it is raining and 6C. Today is supposed to be rainy this morning, cloudy this afternoon and the high is suppose to be 8C. 


I did yoga yesterday morning and got all the basic exercises done. When I checked my Fitbit, I hadn't hit the start button. I am still stiff but I do feel a bit more limber than I did a few days ago. 

Once done yoga, I vacuumed the floors and mopped the living room floor. It was nice to have a clean floor. The amount of fine dust picked up by the vacuum cleaner is amazing and there seems to be a fine coat of it on the floor each day. 

I also did a load of laundry and it is ready to fold this morning. I am keeping up on it a lot better this year. I am also keeping the kitchen tidier on a daily basis. 

I fought low blood sugar again yesterday. Not as bad as the day before. It was more in the hungry low, which I was. I didn't have to eat more carbs as my dinner had a bit more carbs in it. 


I got the wine bottle bags put away after putting a tag and decorations on the ribbon. I then copied the rabbit's leg onto tag and got them cut out. 

I am ready to trace the leg and soles onto the fabrics. 

I spent the rest of the afternoon working on the cardinal wall hanging (which may be a small quilt). I finished the 4 inner triangles Figuring out which trees to stitch is hard as I don't want too many but I need enough to hold the pieces together. 

I started on the center square and got almost half of it done. It is a balance of too much vs too little stitching. 

Mentally I struggled with the quilting. I don't mind quilting doll quilts, hot pads, bags, and placemats. When I have to do a larger project, I tend to beat myself up. Yesterday was no exception. My brain could see everything wrong with the stitching as I work on it. I kept comparing myself to my fantasy self -- that person who would have done a perfect job on it. It was time for a talk to myself. 

I will be happy when this is done and put away. I will enjoy it when I bring it out for Christmas as all the mental anguish will be gone. I love to piece quilts together but I hate the quilting part. This is why I take my quilts to the long arm quilter. 

I looked at my cutting table and it is almost fully cleaned off. I have one tiny pile to deal with and then I can scrub it clean.


I knit a lot on the vest last night. I have 14 rows to knit in pattern (no decreases) and that side of the front will be done. 

I hope to finish that side tonight and start on the other side. 


    I have been fighting with a mild bout of January depression. I have been hard on myself thinking I am not doing good enough. Yesterday was the worst as I was ready to put everything in this house into the trash and walk away from it all. My fantasy self had made one great call in my head. I had a pretty serious talk with myself and felt better. I had to focus on the good things I am doing. I think part of the depression comes the dull grey days and the set back I had with my SI being out and taking longer to recover than I had hoped. I know I will have to have another talk to myself before winter is over. 

    The rain and warm weather arrived during the night and most of the snow is gone. Hard to believe that yesterday morning was white and this morning is green. This warm spell is short lived and it turns cold tomorrow night. We have 3 cold days before we go back to normal temps for January. 

    Today's declutter challenge is backing for quilts. I have one backing fabric as I buy the backing when I take the quilt to the long arm quilter. If stash is included, I have mine in fairly good shape and am working on sewing more of it up rather than buying new fabric. My goal is to buy only what I need to finish a project. 


I have to do yoga, the balance sheet, and fold laundry. I have to make some meals for the week this morning. I want to work on the cardinal quilt and get more done on it. I hope to knit tonight. I am hoping that having a busy day will keep me more happier. 

Until the next time.............................................................

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Working On A 15 Year Old UFO

 Yesterday was a lovely mix of sun and clouds with a high of -5C. Last evening it was clear and -11C (windchill -16C). This morning it is partly cloudy and -7C (windchill -10C). Today is suppose to be mainly cloudy with a high of 2C. We are to get rain tonight. 


I was out the door at just after 8 am to walk at the arena. I got there and no daughter-in-law. I forgot she was busy this morning. In I went and walked on my own. I did 7 laps using my poles. There were 6 of us walking which was nice. By the time I left, there were 10 people walking. When done walking, I did some stretches and came home. 

At home, I had a cup of coffee and put heat on my hip. Once that was done, I did some tidying up around the house. There wasn't a lot to do but I got it done. I had to charge the battery on the vacuum cleaner and while it charged, I cleaned the filter. 

The low tire light came on when I started the car at the arena. I came home and put the car into the garage thinking it would stop in a warmer spot. At 3 pm I looked and it was still on. I went over to the tire shop and they filled the tires as all of them were low due to the cold snap we had. They had done several vehicles that day. I thanked the person and came home a happy person. 

I struggled with low glucose all day. I was tired and cranky just before meals. At dinner I was quite low and I ate extra carbs to help bring it up and stay up for the night. I am hoping it did the trick. I will know when I go to eat breakfast. 


I cleaned up the sewing table so I could lay out the UFO I want to work on. I cut the backing and sandwiched it together. Choosing the right colour thread was hard as the backing is light (used from the stash). I finally chose a beige variegated thread which shows on the darker colours. 

I am doing stitch in the ditch which means I have to stop, pick back to where I jump out of the ditch and start again. I do a lot of tying off but it works for me. I started on the outside edge of the light border and moved inwards to the center block. Once that was done, I did the outside of the tiny black border and around the corner of one inner triangle. 

I was happy with my progress so I decided to stitch the bottom of three branches in the corner block. I do like it as it adds some depth and holds the block in place. 

I am happy to be working on this after it has sat for 15 years waiting for me to finish it. I was going to take it up to be long arm quilted but decided against it. I think choosing the thread colour was the hardest part for this project. Where to quilt comes as I am working on it. I hope to have it ready to bind by Monday.

The other UFO is still on the stash shelf. Once the cardinals are done, I will look at it and make a decision on whether to finish it or let it go. If I keep it, it has to be done by the end of February. It means looking for tiny red buttons to add to it. 


I worked on the vest last night and got a lot more rows done. It is hard to take a picture at the moment and I will take a picture of it once I have the one front done. This will be the last vest made from this pattern. I will have made 3 of them. 


    I was so grateful to see the sunshine yesterday. It certainly put me into a positive mood. We may see some sunshine today and rain tonight and tomorrow. Then it will be cloudy with flurries and cold again for the next week. 

    I am enjoying walking on the track in the arena. I got a good pace yesterday and kept it up for most of the 7 laps. I will use the poles all the time for the next while as I find they help me keep walk straight and I can focus on my stride. I know that the physiotherapist will be working on my SI joints and tight adductor. 

    I put the shirt on hold for the moment. I need to buy the embroidery pattern and spend some time getting it ready for embroidery. I have to be in the right frame of mind to do that. It means printing the pieces out and then laying them out on the shirt to see how they look. Choosing the threads is messy and requires me taking a lot of pictures to send to daughter. Then I have to do a stitch out and repeat the process over and over until I get it right. It was easier to do the cardinal yesterday. 

    Today's decluttering challenge is batting. I will go through the box of batting I have and sort it. It isn't a lot and I know I will use it up quickly. I also toss the scraps into the trash. I have lots of batting for smaller projects which is perfect. 


I have to do yoga this morning and then will do some cleaning up in the living room. I also need to do a load of laundry. This afternoon I will work on the cardinal wall hanging and I will knit tonight. 

Until the next time...............................................