Yesterday was another sunny day with a high of 4C. This morning it is cloudy and 0C. Today is suppose to be foggy with periods of drizzle or freezing drizzle. The high is suppose to get to 5C.
Yesterday morning I was slow. I did get the laundry folded and the sheets done. The bed was made in the late afternoon. I cleaned up my laptop putting a lot of file folders into order and onto the tetra drive. That was a big job but I am glad it is done. I am ready for 2025.
Downstairs, I cleaned off a side table and dusted it. I also cleaned up the table the Cricut is on and have it ready to use again. I also did some tidying up on the table where I am working on the memory book. Items were put into a tub or the trolley. I also played with some paper and have the center fold of the signature 2 ready to make.
My hip has been really sore and annoying. During the night I rolled over and it cracked 3 times. It is much better today. The muscles are sore but the SI joint is not painful like it was. I am sure it will still crack some more as it finishes seating itself.
I looked around in the sewing room and checked to make sure the fabrics to see if I need to do anything with them. The quilting cottons are fairly well organized and waiting for me to start sewing them.
I made 4 meters of piping for daughter. I had cut it out earlier in the month. I zipped through it quickly.
Next up I got out the Child's Crayon Art Folio. I worked on it until it was finished. I need to buy some stickers for inside and it is will be done.Knitting
I got the knitting out, did a few rows, counted, and had to unknit as I had decreased too often. I am back on track now and will continue to knit evenly until I have the right length.
I did not realize how tired my body was from the pain from the SI joint. Once it seated itself last night, I slept for 5 hours before waking up. It isn't finished seating itself and the muscles are sore from the pain. I, on the other hand, feel much better.
The fridge started making a noise and I have to empty it out and defrost it. I need to get the person in and see what is wrong or decide if I am going to buy a new one. The temperature in the fridge is okay but there is ice build up in the freezer. This is today's job.
Our sunshine is gone for the next week. It is going to be cloudy, warm, and wet until Jan 1 and then cooling off after that. I think we are in for a long winter which usually does not start until late January.
I am quite happy with how the family room is cleaning up. It was messy but not as bad as I had thought. I have one box of garbage to empty and then tidy up one trolley. Once that is done, I can finish cleaning up the room and call it done.
I did look around the sewing room and will be decluttering it more. It is more organized than I had thought but I need to continue figuring out what I want to keep and what to let go of. I keep asking myself "how much is too much" and am slowly getting it figured out.
I have to empty the fridge into the small fridge and freezer and defrost it. While that is happening, I will clean the kitchen and do the balance sheet. This afternoon, I will make more piping for daughter. I will have to clean up the fridge and wash the towels I used. I hope to knit tonight.
Until the next time...................................................
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