Yesterday was a sunny day with a high of 4C. This morning it is 1C. Today is suppose to be wet with a high of 10C.
I had physio-torture yesterday. When assessed, I was leaning to the right and forward as my SI joint was out of place. I laid on my tummy while the therapist got up on the bed on her knees. She pushed down on the SI joint gently 3-4 times and then pushed hard. We had a good crack. She repeated the process for another good crack. It was back in place. I laid on my side for more torture and then on my back for traction pulls. A few pops were heard. I had the TENS machine and heat after that.
When I got up, the pain was from sore muscles. I am still not standing perfectly straight due to them being so sore. But I can wiggle my back, stretch, and do things. I have to be careful not to do over do it. The cause - vacuuming and mopping floors. Advice is to get a robot vacuum cleaner.
At home, I sat on the couch for a couple of hours with heat on my sore spots. I was exhausted from the session. The pain and exhaustion was like I had when I started this journey 18 months ago. I allowed myself to rest. I did get up to do some small chores and stretches during my rest time.
My last box of Chef's Plate arrived before lunch and I put it away. I will not get any more until January. I am looking forward to these meals and will make a couple of the recipes again. Though a bit pricey, I do like the concept of getting everything pre measured with fresh ingredients.
I did sew yesterday as I felt better and needed to get the bag done. It isn't perfect but I do like it.
I forgot to cut the lining back by 3/8" so I turned it over to make a band of lining showing at the top. I stitched in the ditch to hold it in place. There are a lot of pockets on the inside which I am hoping she will like. My next project is to sew the binding strips together and put them on the quilt. I will hand sew the binding strips down over a few afternoons when I need to rest my sore muscles.Knitting
I forced myself to knit 8 rows on the sweater. They took a bit of time as I had to figure out the decreasing situation. I am on a roll now.
I am enjoying knitting the sweater and have about 72 rows left until I will be finished the sweater.Thoughts
I am so thankful I only had to suffer for 24 hours with my SI joint out of place. I am tolerating the muscle pain as I know it will go away over time. They are probably sorer than they should as we have another weather system coming in this morning.
I am behind in everything and will be hobbling around trying to get caught up. I think I can do it if I don't have to sit with heat on my sore spots for long periods of time.
I have to take a friend shopping for groceries (I will get mine also). I also have to be around for a parcel to be delivered. I want to start wrapping gifts and do a few other small things today. Tonight I want to knit on the vest.
Until the next time....................................................................
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