Saturday, December 28, 2024

Doll's Outfit Finished

 Yesterday was sunny with a high of 3C. This morning it is clear and -7C. Today is suppose to be mainly sunny with a high of 4C. 


I was out the door to the optometrist hoping it was open. It was and there was one patient and a very bored staff. A technician told me the arm was broken but she fixed it with super glue and shrink wrap. I can wear them but can't fold the one arm. I'm good with that. I also made an appointment with the optometrist for April 2. We have to wait 2 years between appointments unless we have certain health issues, which I don't. 

Once home, I got busy. I cleaned the bathroom and did a load of laundry. Once the bathroom was done, I headed downstairs to do some cleaning in the family room. 

My goal was to clean off the coffee table and polish it. Some items got put away, some put into the donation box, and a bit tossed. 

I am hoping it will stay this way. I can put stuff away when I am done working there. I also dusted the tv stand and a bit of ledge. By that time, I had Elliott downstairs telling me it was lunch time. 

After lunch, I did some tidying up in the sewing room. I put away a box that held Christmas gifts. I dusted the table and desk. I also emptied the two garbage cans I have in that room. 

Elliott decided to have a good sleep in the evening. He went under the blanket and then poked his head out and slept soundly for quite a while. 


I finished the doll's outfit yesterday. One button and snap was sewn onto the top. The pants were made and finished in a couple of hours. 

Though I wasn't going to take part in the Iconic Barbie outfit, I am glad I did. I really had fun making the two pieces. 

I am still deciding if I want to do Sewing With Cinnamon in 2025. I have enjoyed making the outfits though I do feel rushed some months to get an advanced outfit completed. I am also wanting to make a stuffed rabbit this year and may focus on it. I am still thinking. 


None done last night. I need to get back to knitting the vest. 


    I was impressed at how quickly the technician fixed my glasses. I have decided that I will get a 2nd pair so I have a back up pair to wear. I can get them at Walmart or Costco. My main pair will be from the optometrist. 

    I am slowly getting the sewing room and family room cleaned up. The sewing room has been more difficult as I need to make more decisions. The family room is easier as I know I will be downsizing my craft materials. I am working on a balance of trying to do something in both rooms each day. 

    I have finished all my sewing projects I had planned for December. What I do for the next couple of days is bonus projects. I want to sew in the afternoons but know I need to spend at least one afternoon working on the memory book. 

    I am still sore from when I had both SI joints out. I am wondering if my right hip has tipped forward causing pain in my back and down to my knee. I see the osteopathy therapist in 2 weeks and will find out then. 


I need to fold laundry and launder the sheets on my bed. I also want to do some tidying up upstairs and then do some more downstairs. The family room will be the table the Cricut sits on and I will empty two garbage containers. The sewing room will be sorting through some fabrics on the shelving unit. I want to sew something this afternoon. I hope to knit tonight. 

Until the next time.......................................................

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