Monday, February 10, 2025

Large Hot Pad Finished

 Yesterday was snowy with a high of -6C (windchill -10C). This morning it is clear and -17C (windchill -22C). Today is supposed to become cloudy with flurries with a high of -4C (windchill -8C). 


I was out again to the community hall to make sandwiches. All of us battled the roads both ways as it was snowing fairly good. We had some good laughs during the 90 minutes we were there.

Once home, I rested some and had fluids. I am trying to stay hydrated with this cold. Once that was done, I tackled the kitchen and got it clean except for the floor. I really scrubbed it down and did all the appliances. When done, I sprayed the area with Lysol to make sure it was disinfected. 

In the afternoon, I was out to help the neighbour's youngest son shovel the driveway. We worked away on it and got it done in good time. As the road had been plowed, he did the berm while I did the upper part and we met in the middle. He enjoyed the gatorade I gave him so will be buying him more as payment for shovelling. He has them after he plays hockey. 

By the time the driveway was finished, I was running out of energy. Fighting this cold has really taken it out of me. I rested and hydrated hoping some of my energy would return. It came back a bit. 


I finished hand stitching down the binding. It didn't take long and I am glad it is done. 

The backing is quite interesting also and could be put on the table with it showing. 

I did hoop stabilizer onto the big hoop and pinned the other shirt front onto it. It took a bit of time but it wasn't as hard as I had thought. Making sure the lines match up is the hardest part. 

It is ready to stitch out today if I don't have to shovel snow. 


None done last night. I was able to concentrate on picking up stitches. 


    I keep hoping my cold is improving and though it is it hasn't been as fast as I wanted it to be. I am able to do more each day which is good but I do get tired easier than I like. I am fighting to keep it from going into my chest but I feel like I am loosing the battle. We wait and see. 

    I stayed away from Tylenol yesterday to see if I can handle the pain. It wasn't as bad as I thought so I won't be taking it unless I absolutely need it. I think my session at osteopathy got the muscles back in place and not hurting. I know my knees will throb when we are having a weather system come in and nothing works for that. I just have to endure it. 

    I am trying to get back to cleaning the house on a daily basis. It has been hard but I need to do some each morning. Between the depression and this cold, I have got behind and need to focus on getting things done. 


We are not walking today so I am going to work on cleaning my bedroom, folding laundry, tidying up some spaces. I would like to get a few groceries also. I want to start stitching out the shirt and work on a simple project while that is happening. Maybe tonight I will have enough energy to pick up my knitting. 

Until the next time............................................................

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