Sunday, February 09, 2025

A Day Of Rest

 Yesterday was mainly sunny with a high of -3C (windchill -9). This morning it is snowing and -8C. Today is going to be snowy with a high of -5C (windchill up to -16C). 


I was tired yesterday and moved very slowly. My first jobs of the morning were to finish making chicken soup. I added the carrots and orzo to the chicken and broth and got 4 lunches. The second job was to take the meat off the turkey breast (half) and cube it for 2 dinners. I added rice to them and put them in the fridge. Lastly I cleaned up the kitchen. By then I was tired. 

I tried to nap twice yesterday and both times I was unsuccessful. My phone dinged and rang. I finally gave up and stayed awake. To do that I would walk around the house, watch TV, and sit quietly struggling to stay awake. I managed to last until 8 pm when I quietly went to bed. 

I slept much better last night. I was awake for an hour early this morning but managed to sleep before the alarm went off. I think I will be in much better shape today.

My cold is improving though I am coughing now. I did have a bit of a fever last night as my body fought the virus. I am still monitoring myself and drinking lots of fluids. I am hoping I will be over this thing by the end of the week. 

I didn't sew or knit yesterday. I had no interest in it and knew I wouldn't enjoy it at all. It actually would have been torture doing hand work. Resting was in the books and resting is what I did. 


    I am behind on the house work and hope to get back to it starting today. I will plug away at it one room at a time until I am caught up. I have been keeping the kitchen clean but it needs to have the appliances wiped down good, the floor swept and mopped. The rest of the house needs to be attended to but I will start in the kitchen. 

    I am happy I had the energy to get some meals made yesterday. I need to make dinner for two days and then I can start cooking again for four days in a row. I will need to buy groceries. 

    The weather is turning cold again. When it warms up for a day or two, it is going to snow. It seems crazy but it is basically normal. We can have snow today and heavy rains next week. The way the weather rolls in Nova Scotia. 


I am out to make sandwiches this morning and when I get home I need to do laundry. My goal today is to clean the kitchen from top to bottom. I want to sew this afternoon and try to pick up the stitches for the arm band on the vest tonight. I may have to throw in some snow shovelling this afternoon if it continues to snow like it is right now. 

Until the next time....................................................................

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