Yesterday started off cloudy and ended up with snow, rain, and freezing rain. The high got to 2C at midnight. This morning it is clear, windy, and -5C. Today is suppose to be mainly cloudy with some flurries, and windy with a high of -5C.
I started the morning off with cleaning the dining room table and vacuuming a bunch of floors. None were mopped which I want to get done. I did spray the house with Lysol to help kill any cold germs that might be hanging around.
I was out just after 10 am to order my prescriptions, get a couple of things for my cold, pay the water/sewer bill, and mail a letter. The grocery store where I order my prescriptions was busy. People were panic buying as we were having a storm. The aisles were full of people and the line ups were super long. I went to self check out and got a till quicker than I had thought -- 5 minute wait. I was out of there as fast as I could get my items paid for.
At the municipal office, it was dead quiet. I talked to the two tellers for a bit. One helped look after Elliott when he was really sick. She told me the other grocery store was getting busy also when she stopped in on her way to work. The post office was also quiet and I found a parking spot on my first attempt driving down the street. Usually you have to park in the back lot of the post office but not yesterday.
It started to snow lightly on my way home. The amount increased as the day went on and then it turned to a messy mix of snow and rain. After supper I could hear the ice pellets hitting the back of the house as the wind was blowing from that direction. I looked out at the driveway to what seemed to be an icy mess. I was glad I had no where to go yesterday afternoon.
I was in bed early last night. I was listening to some music on a YouTube video and fell asleep on the couch. I slept well last night which was wonderful. I was awakened at 3:30 am as the plow vehicle was doing our roads. The usual time for them to do one round of plowing. It isn't quiet but you know the roads will be in good shape for the morning commuters. The roads had been salted during the day so I am assuming they didn't do them during the night. I could be wrong.
I spent the afternoon stuffing the rabbit only to look at it and hate it. I will take out the stuffing today and toss the body into the trash. It is not something I am proud of. But, it kept me busy. I am sure most of the "ugliness" is from me working on it while fighting the cold. There is absolutely no way to fix it to look better. Part is the pattern has no shape to it at the neckline. Part is me trying to make it look better and failing. I am okay with failures as it is part of the learning process.
None done as I could barely keep my eyes open.
My cold is improving some though I am still worried it could go to my chest. I know it wasn't the flu has I had my flu shot. It didn't turn into pneumonia as I had that shot also. Not covid as I was not near anyone who had it. I am sure I got it at the arena using the elevator. It isn't kept as clean as it could be and I probably got the cold virus on my hands and wiped my face getting myself sick. My last cold was in Dec. 2020. I am back to wearing masks and using a lot more hand sanitizer so I can stay healthy for the rest of the winter.
I am trying to balance doing things and resting. I get frustrated as I want to do more each day but my body is saying to rest in the afternoons. I am noticing I can do a bit more each day as long as I have a good night's sleep. If I don't, I have to rest more.
We are to have more snow on Sunday. I am not looking forward to that but I will deal with it when it comes. At least it won't be cold and there won't be freezing rain.
I am not sure what today is going to look like until I assess the driveway. I want to clean it off and salt it. I do have to make dinner for the next 2 nights plus soup. I may not get any sewing done and I will probably not knit tonight. Cleaning the driveway is the big job for today. Cooking is 2nd and sewing and knitting are at the bottom of the list.
Until the next time......................................................
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