Tuesday, February 11, 2025

I May Have Over Done It

Yesterday started out sunny and around noon it started to snow. The high got to -6C (windchill -10C). This morning it is clear and -14C (windchill -15C) on one weather app and -17C (windchill -21C) on another app. Today we are to have sunshine and flurries with a high of -5C (windchill -9C).


I started out the morning by stripping the bed and laundering the sheets. From there I worked at cleaning the bedroom. It was dusty so I dusted all the furniture, baseboards, and ceiling fan. I had an allergy attack doing that as there was a lot of white dust in the room. I vacuumed the floors carefully and mopped them good. The room smelled so much better afterwards. I made the bed and called it done. 

When I had to wait for the floors to dry in the bedroom, I did the balance sheet for the past week. I really have not been out a lot nor have I bought much. I certainly am not lacking for anything. I made my shopping list also as I had some items to replace. 

My last job of the morning was to fold 3 loads of laundry and put them away. I had laundered them on Sunday so I did well at getting them folded and put away 24 hours later. 

After lunch I went grocery shopping and got most of what I needed. I missed 3 items off my list as I was hunting for certain items needed to make meals. I will go back later this afternoon to get them. Once home, I shovelled the driveway enjoying the fresh air. It was still snowing and just under an inch of snow had fallen. I will have to say I was the only one out shovelling snow but I really didn't care. 

I got the groceries put away and I was exhausted. My body is still fighting the cold and trying to keep it from going to my chest. At the moment it is trying to go there but I am hoping it won't. I had a sinus headache from the cold. I sat around and had a pity party with myself for feeling so horrible. I'm over it now as there is nothing I can do about it. I think part of the problem yesterday was I over did it. 


I did not sew yesterday as I was tired. I did some thinking though. 

    1. I watched a video by Crafty Crafts by Deanna about what she aims for when selling at her one craft bazaar a year. Her ideas are great and I will be keeping them in mind as I get ready for mine. I know she will be starting to make her crafts for sale in March and I do watch her videos for ideas. 

    2.  I am going to make one more large hot pad set and call that category done. I need to launder the fabric and cut out the pieces so I can make them up quickly. Then I will move on to making another Child's Art Folio. 

    3. Start making canvas bags so we can do vinyl designs on them. I need to make a prototype so I can make sure I have the right size. I have been avoiding this project and need to get on with it. 

    4. Design and make some ornaments for sale. Another project I have been avoiding. 

When I have completed these ideas I will have to do another list of ideas that I need to accomplish. I will have to say the cold has really knocked me for a loop at getting projects done. 


I did not knit last night. I was tired but I may be using that as an excuse to just sit and veg in the evenings. I am going to push myself to knit every night until this project is done. 


    I think my cold is near the end of its cycle. I do have energy but it fades as the day goes on. My body gets tired from fighting the cold which is to be expected. I just need to drink lots and rest when I am tired. But, I also need to push myself to do a bit more each day. One good thing is that I am back to thinking about what I want to do each day and getting it done. 

    I have been shovelling the driveway as often as possible. It isn't just to have it cleaned off but it is exercise and fresh air for me. With less snow to shovel, I can get the job done quicker on my own and be outside which is good for me also. 

    The cold nights will continue for a few more nights. We have just had the full moon which could be why it has been so cold. When the groundhog said 6 more weeks of winter, he wasn't kidding. I expect we will see more snow and more cold weather before mid March. The day temperatures will probably get a bit warmer as time goes on but it could mean more snow. 


I have to make dinner for the next two nights and will clean up the dining room area. I want to sew this afternoon as I need to stitch out the front on the shirt. I will also go get the few things I forgot at the grocery store later this afternoon. It will be a quick trip. I am going to force myself to knit tonight. 

Until the next time.................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:07 PM

    Glad to hear you are soldiering through on fighting the cold. Sounds like it is winding down, and hopefully your energy will pick up, though you have been active enough with the shoveling and cleaning. I was wondering whether you make doll clothes for craft shows? It might be something to think about, even a few in sort of a production line strategy? You do such a good job with the doll clothes, just thinking it could be profitable with the right choices. Marianne
