Friday, February 28, 2025

My Thyroid Is Low

 Yesterday was sunny, then cloudy, and then snowy. The high got to 5C. The highest temperature of 8C was at 1 am this morning. Right now it is cloudy and 6C. Today is going to be cloudy with a high of 6C. 


Yesterday morning I was to the doctor's office to get the results of my blood tests. I was tired when I got there and just wanted to nap. I sat for 15 minutes waiting for him to come in. We went through what I needed -- prescriptions, blood test results, and to see if I had a chest infection. 

My blood test results showed that I did not have a chest infection. My white blood cells were normal. We both cheered over that. Everything else was normal until we got to my thyroid. It was low and I needed a stronger dose of Synthroid. It figures out why I have been exhausted, cold, foggy brained, and anything else that goes with low thyroid. Even my A1C is 5.7% which is great. 

Next he checked my lungs and heart and all is good. We talked about me walking at the arena, my lingering cough, and getting my tetanus shot on March 3. I have to get blood work done just before my next appointment to see if my Synthroid is at the right dosage. 

Once done at the doctor's office, I headed to the pharmacy so I could pick up my new prescription after lunch. I was exhausted at that point but forced myself to go in and do it and to go back in the afternoon and pick it up. 

Once home, I went down to see my friend to let her know about my blood results and to see how she is doing. She had blood taken this week and I needed to know if she had drank gallons of water before going. We had a great visit and I was home by noon. 

After getting my prescription, I spent the afternoon on the couch. I was exhausted. It was the worst day I've had since the catching the cold. I forced myself not to nap as I wanted to sleep last night. I had an okay night though I was awake for a while during the night. 

I was shocked to see how heavy the snow came down mid afternoon. It snowed for several hours and then the snow turned to rain and it rained most of the night. The inch of snow that had fallen is gone and everything is wet. 


    I am grateful for a good doctor. He is great with numbers and saw that my thyroid was off when he was checking my results. I was surprised as I have been on the same dose for 4-5 years now. He is the doctor who got my thyroid stable after years of at least 2 to 3 dose changes a year. He said this is why you are tired and feel like you have an infection. 

    Once the new dosage kicks in, I will be back to trying to loose weight and getting more active. I have things I want to do once I am able to do a full day's work. Until then, I will work on cleaning the upstairs in preparation for painting the rest of the house. 

    I am a bit sore today as the barometric pressure has dropped to below 100 kPa. I will remain sore until it starts to go back up. The joys of arthritis. 


I am going to walk this morning doing as many laps as I can. Once home, I will fold laundry and rest. If I have the energy, I will do some housework that needs doing. I am suppose to go to the quilt shop this afternoon. Once home, I will try to sew and then knit tonight. It depends on my level of energy but I am going to push myself to do it. 

Until the next time.......................................................................

Thursday, February 27, 2025

I Sewed and Knit

 Yesterday was foggy or cloudy with a high of 4C. There was a rain shower in the evening. This morning it is clear and -4C (windchill -7C). Today is supposed to be cloudy with snow this afternoon. The high is to get to 5C. 


I was out to walk at the arena early. We actually had to wait for the doors to be unlocked. There were about 8 of us waiting to go in. I did 6 or 7 laps and daughter-in-law did 10 laps. I worked on my pace as I take a shorter step with my left leg. I have to watch that I am taking a big stride and work through the pain in my hip flexor. 

Once home, I took a look at the ice on the driveway. I stomped some of the lacy edges but didn't do any shovelling. It is slowly melting away. I went inside and had some fluids. Once I had done that it was time to get to work. I vacuumed the kitchen, dining area, hall, and spare bedroom. I mopped the floors also. It was nice to get them done but I was tired from walking and working. 

I spent some time working on the family tree. I have been watching Genealogy Roadshow and learned a few tricks I wanted to use. I went to my great uncle who left his wife and went to the US where he remained for the rest of his life. I looked at all the information I could and found that there was an obituary there for my grandfather. I read it with great interest and learned that my father (who has the same name as my great uncle) was a pall bearer at his father's funeral. I did not know that. I took a snap of the obituary and added it to my grandfather's information. 

Next, I looked at the information of the lady my great uncle lived with and eventually married. I found her in the 1950's US census living in California. She was living with their daughter. It stated she was separated from my great uncle. I also looked at the daughter. She stated that she had never married even though she used her husband's surname (wedding information has been recorded). I also realized that she had a child who had her husband's surname. I learned a lot from that census entry to keep me busy searching and documenting for an hour. 

I had a fair amount of pain yesterday. It is getting better but has moved to my hip flexor and knee. It could be the storm coming in or it could be my usual area acting up. Who knows. The periformis are getting better which is nice. 


I was down to the sewing room to sew for 2 hours yesterday. I worked on the bag I had started and got all the cross hatching done. I then sewed up the bag and boxed the bottom. I am really happy with it. 

It is smaller than my regular sized bags but it will be a nice bag for someone to take shopping for a few small items. At this point, I am ready to add the handles and the button loop. 

I also played with the pattern for the doll's jacket. I taped the pieces together and laid them out. The pattern is out exactly the same amount as the fabric pieces were. 

Now to figure out if I add to the from piece or take away from the back. I am thinking it will be adding to the front piece. I am going to fool around with the front pieces a bit more as I may have to add to the side front princess seam. I wait and see what happens next. I will print the pattern pieces again. 


I forced myself to pick up the arm stitches on the vest. It took me the better part of an hour to get 118 stitches on the needle as I had to work carefully. I did it. 

I can now do the ribbing on it. 


    I am improving with my aches and pains. I need to start doing yoga again to help stretch all my muscles. I know it will help me out a lot. I also need to loose 10 lbs to get some of the extra weight off my joints. All this starts on Sunday. I see the dietician on Tuesday so will get some direction from her. I know I am eating healthy but need to cut back on portion size as I am no longer shovelling snow, ice or slush. 

    I am enjoying working on the family tree. Though my tree is extensive, I am now at the point of finding little things about family members. I am at the point where I have to prove certain things are correct as I have put information in that is wrong and had to take it out again. That takes time and energy. I have learned a lot from watching Genealogy Roadshow on what to look for when I am doing my research. 

    Though I had a nap yesterday, I did push myself to go sew and then knit last night. I need to get back to doing things and try to eliminate the napping. 


I see the doctor this morning which means the morning will be done by the time I leave the clinic. I want to work on the bag this afternoon with hopes of having it almost done. I want to knit tonight. What else I get done remains to be seen. 

Until the next time..................................................................

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Broke My Fabric Fast

 Yesterday was sunny and warm with a high of 10C. This morning it is cloudy and 1C. Today is suppose to be a mix of sun, clouds, and showers with a high of 6C. 


I started the day out with cooking and I made Ginger Sesame Pork Bowls for dinner for last night and tomorrow night. I am working at getting the spice amounts right. Just about there with that. It wasn't a hard meal to make which was nice. 

Once done cooking and cleaning up, I headed out to get some meat that I needed. I still have to make Teriyaki Beef Bowls and a lasagna using fresh sheets of lasagna. I will be making that later on as I have frozen the meat and the sheets of lasagna. 

I got 2 loads of laundry done while I was cooking and I made my bed later in the day. I will have to say it hurt lifting the mattress to tuck in the sheet and blanket. My sore muscles let me know they weren't pleased with that move. 

The sun was really warm and I had the curtains all open using solar power to heat the house. The heat pump didn't run until last night which was nice. The heat and warmth of the sun melted all the ice and snow off the back deck which was a surprise. I thought I'd have some left on it but it is completely bare. The ice and snow along the edge of the driveway melted good and the middle of the driveway was dry. The sidewalk was the same. 

The rain they predicted moved to the north and went along the New Brunswick side of the Bay of Fundy. Another big storm moved along the south side of the province but didn't hit land until it got to Cape Breton Island. 


After a short nap, I headed down to the sewing room. I interfaced the bag and lining and put fusible fleece onto the outer bag. I drew the lines so I could cross hatch the outside of the bag. 

When I put the matching thread onto a bobbin, I realized I didn't have enough thread to cross hatch. I did a few rows and then decided to get more thread. Out the door I went to Avonport. 

I got the thread and wandered the store. I looked at the fabrics as I haven't been in there for a good 6 weeks. I enjoyed looking and found this linen look fabric. I bought 2 half meter pieces for doll clothes. I have an idea in my mind for it. 

I continued to snoop shop and found nothing I liked for the backing and binding for a table runner I want to make next month. I did find this fabric I thought daughter would like. 

I will go back on Friday to get what she wants of the big print and will buy a fat quarter of either the grey or the gold to make piping for that shirt. 

I enjoyed my outing. The drive was wonderful; the roads were bare and it was sunny. I enjoyed looking at the fabrics in the shop. It was an enjoyable trip and got me out of the house. 


I did not knit last night. Not sure why but I just wasn't interested. 


    I need to stop napping as I had a poor night's sleep last night. I was awake a lot during the night and slept lightly most of the night. I didn't walk as much as I normally do and I had more pain than I really wanted. The flare up is going away slowly which is good but it still gives me pain and discomfort. 

    Our weather is going to be cold again this weekend. There is snow forecasted for Saturday which means I could be out shovelling the driveway during the day. These cold periods should be of short duration with hopes that it warms up as we get closer to spring. The worry is how much snow and ice has to melt. 

    I am glad that I went out for a drive even if I did break my fabric fast. It was nice to be out of the house and not having to shovel ice and snow. I will be venturing out more on nice days as I have things to get that I have put off buying as I didn't want to drive in the nasty weather. I am grateful that I can grocery shop 3 minutes from my house and that daughter-in-law took me shopping when she had to get items in other communities. 


I am walking today at the arena. I am sore but I am hoping that I can do more than 5 laps. Once home, I want to do a bit of housework and then sew this afternoon. I would like to knit tonight if I am not too tired. I may have to force myself to pick up the vest and work on it. 

Until the next time.......................................................................

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

I Have A Sidewalk!

Yesterday was sunny with a high of 1C. This morning it is cloudy and 2C. Today is supposed to be sunny and 9C. 


Yesterday morning my neighbour and his youngest son were over and shovelled the driveway. I gave the boy 4 bottles of Gatorade for doing his share of shovelling before school. He was excited as he has enough drinks for his last 4 games. When they left, I salted the sidewalk so the thick ice could melt. 

After a fast breakfast, I was at the arena to walk at 8:05 am. We did 5 laps (1 km) and called it done. Once home, I took a bit of time and started to shovel the sidewalk. It was brutal as I was lifting 12 x 18" chunks of ice that were almost 2" thick. I got quite a bit of ice off that little sidewalk. 

After I had a cup of coffee, I went out and put more salt down on the ice. I was ready for work in the afternoon. 

I spent a lot of time cleaning the house. I laundered the blankets on the couches and then I vacuumed the couches. I got a lot of hair off them. So much so that I had to empty the machine. I also vacuumed the dining room and mopped the rest of the floor, did the small area at the front closet which also go mopped. I then vacuumed the hall and the spare bedroom. 

I realized when I was done the vacuuming that I am having a flare up. I took Tylenol in the morning and I was still very sore. I knew then that nothing was going to work so I rested until after lunch. Resting meant folding laundry. 

Mid afternoon daughter-in-law and I finished cleaning the ice off the sidewalk. A big job of me chipping at the ice and her scraping it up and then us reversing the job. 

We went to the big patches of ice on the driveway and chipped at them. Once done, I salted everything that was wet and we called it a day. It was time for me to sit on heat and rest. 

I did not sew or knit last yesterday as I had no time in the afternoon to sew and was tired last night. With the ice removal completed, I can now start sewing and knitting on a regular basis. 


    February was a brutal month for us. We seem to spend all our time shovelling snow and doing ice removal. We are now to have 3 days of rain which is worrisome. Tonight we could have freezing rain which is not wanted. I will be out salting the driveway late this afternoon. 

    My cold is getting better. My head and chest are clearing up. The cough will linger which is normal for this cold. I didn't have an allergy attack yesterday doing the couches which surprised me as I removed a lot of hair from it. Having clean blankets is also helping too. I am done with the cold and want to be back to normal asap. 

    I am really looking forward to getting back to sewing and knitting. I have missed doing it. Hopefully I can do some of both each day now that I am feeling better and the weather is improving a bit. 


I have two loads of laundry to do. The first load is on and almost ready for the dryer. I have to make two dinners and then vacuum and mop the kitchen and hall floors. Then it is out to get a few groceries and salt. If I have time, I would like to sew on the purse. Maybe I will be able to knit tonight. I do have to salt the driveway tonight just in case we get freezing rain. 

Until the next time........................................................

Monday, February 24, 2025

And It Snowed

Yesterday was cloudy and ended up snowy. The high got to 1C. This morning it is cloudy and -6C. Today is supposed to be sunny and 2C. 


My first job of the morning was to do the balance sheet. I started off good and then had to redo it as I had several stupid mistakes. I did much better when I did it the second time. I have spent very little money this month due to having a cold. 

Next up, I cleaned the dining room. I really worked hard on it. The floor was heavily coated with cat hair and fluff. I had an allergy attack. I pushed through and got it cleaned except for one small area that I will do today. The floor was vacuumed and mopped. It is actually shiny. 

I did go grocery shopping and got what I needed. There was safety salt so I bought 2 bags. Stores are now stocked so I will get more to start stock piling for next winter. My last stop was to the bank. 

After lunch I had a nap as I was tired. My cold is almost gone and I think my body is shutting down due to allergies. I really need to get the house cleaned up. With Elliott shedding his winter coat and the heat pump needing the filters cleaned, I am reacting to the dust floating around in the air. I feel much better when I am outside. 

I was out for dinner to celebrate grandson's birthday. We had Moroccan stew which is a sweet and savoury stew with carrots. We had bread with it. I really enjoyed it as it isn't as spicy as I had thought it would be. I was home early as it had snowed almost an inch and the roads were not looking pretty. 

I did not sew or knit yesterday as I rested. I did think about what I want to make for the craft bazaar and looked at ideas. 


    I put salt on the front sidewalk and did shovel some slush off it. Before I went to family's for dinner I put more on. I will put more on this morning in hopes that I can remove the ice today and tomorrow. 

    I hadn't thought about having allergy attacks until I had a good one yesterday. I am now going to have to spend a lot of time cleaning everything in this house to get the cat hair and fluff down to a minimum. I have to start doing a daily to do list so I can get the jobs done. 

    The snow that was forecasted for yesterday lasted a lot longer than anticipated. It really came down hard for a couple of hours. The temperature was warmer than we've had it and we have warm temperatures and rain coming in this week. It is going to be a mess outside. 

    I was talking to a couple at the grocery store. He kindly put the salt into my car. He and I enjoy shovelling snow and he does his neighbour's driveway for her. He was telling me that a couple of people in the area he lives in (behind me) had heart attacks while shovelling. Both are recovering he said. 


I have to shovel the driveway and salt the sidewalk this morning. If I don't go to walk, I will finish cleaning the dining room, vacuum the floor and launder the living room blankets. If I walk I will try to do some of the list. In the afternoon, I will have to chip away at the ice on the sidewalk. I also have to make something for dinner. At the moment, it looks like I won't be sewing today and will probably not knit tonight. It depends on how tired I am. I am looking forward to having the snow and ice off the driveway and sidewalk so I can sew and knit. I am missing it a lot. 

Until the next time.........................................................

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Push Day In The Kitchen

 Yesterday was sunny with a high of -5C (windchill -10C). This morning it is cloudy and -10C (windchill -16C). Today is suppose to have flurries with a high of 0C.


Yesterday was push day. I got a load of laundry on first thing and then started to clean the kitchen. I cleaned the surfaces and then decided to clean out the baking supply cupboard. I descaled the Kurig. I took out garbage and recycling. I pushed myself to pull out the stove and wipe the sides of it and vacuum behind it. I vacuumed the floors and then mopped them. I stood back and admired how clean and minimal it looked. I was really pleased with how much I got done. And, yes, I was tired. 

After lunch, I had a short nap. I really needed it. Later in the afternoon, I opened the front door to let in fresh air and I scraped another tiny layer of ice off the sidewalk. It is a solid 2" slab of ice and is barely melting in the sunshine. 


I did sew yesterday. I started off with making a doll's jacket out of faux suede. The shoulder princess seams were a delight to sew together and I enjoyed the process of doing them. When I went to pin the shoulder seams together, the front shoulder seam was 1/4" shorter than the back one. I was shocked. I put the paper pattern together and it was the same. Unfortunately, it went into the trash as I could not fix it. I tried to no avail. 

I decided not to let that send me upstairs and sulk. I took out fabric that has languished in the stash for a while. I started to sew pieces together and am making a bag. 

I am at the point where I need to interface the pieces and add fusible fleece to the outer bag fabric. There are some scraps of fabric left which will go to the quilter's group. I am excited to see how this bag turns out. I need a successful sew at the moment. 


None done last night. I was tired. I did look at it briefly so I am at the point where I am ready to start again. 


    I am glad I pushed myself yesterday and got the kitchen cleaned up. It was something I needed to do. I did feel my energy levels go up and down which I expected from being sick. I need to keep pushing to do things each day rather than sit on the couch.

    We are supposed to have 5 warmer days in a row. I am looking forward to that so I can chip away at the ice on the short sidewalk. I plan on having the front door open so I can air out the house while I am working out there. We will need many days of warmer weather for the ice and snow to disappear as there is so much of it. Hopefully it will be warm but not too warm as it could cause flooding. 

    I need to do another brain dump for meal planning. I have finished up the meals I have made and need to get my ideas of what I want to eat on paper so I can get groceries and then make them. The last meals I made were good so I am wanting to make more. I am sick of soup at the moment so need to figure out a few lunches. 


I have to do the balance sheet, tidy up the dining room, fold laundry, and get a few groceries. I want to work on the bag this afternoon with hopes of knitting tonight. If it is warm enough, I would like to scrape another layer of ice off the sidewalk. 

Until the next time.............................................................

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Another Day of Being Out and About

 Yesterday was a a mix of sun and cloud with a high of -1C (windchill -6C). This morning it is cloudy and -8C (windchill -13C). Today is suppose to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of -4C (windchill -10C). 


My plans changed in a minute. I went with daughter-in-law to New Minas. She had to return an item to Home Depot. While there, we looked at dishwashers. She found 2 she liked so she can now research them. 

Our next stop was Walmart where we did some grocery shopping. We enjoyed being in the store as we looked around some. I got a few things I needed and she got items for grandson's birthday party last evening. We were home just before noon. 

We did scrape snow off the driveway before we left. It took us less than 10 minutes. We looked for salt; none in New Minas. I did take some household coarse salt and sprinkled it on the sidewalk. A quarter of a cup has very little melting power on a thick slab of clear ice. I was able to go out later and scrape a thin layer of ice off the top. 

I didn't sew yesterday afternoon. I rested once again wondering why my energy levels are so low. I hope to get an answer next week when I see the doctor. I may just have to push myself to do things in the afternoon. 

One thing I did do was to look and see what is being offered for classes (sewing, quilting). I found a 3 day retreat where you bring your projects and sew what you want, meet people, and have a bit of fun. I am thinking of doing it. It is at the end of March when the weather is much nicer than it is now. 


My plan today is to clean the kitchen and do a bit of laundry this morning. I want to sew this afternoon so may have to force myself to do it. I may even try to knit tonight. I think I push myself to get sewing and knitting again. 

Until the next time..........................................................

Friday, February 21, 2025

Another Day of Chipping At Ice

 Yesterday was a mix of clouds and sun with a high of 0C (windchill -2C) This morning it is cloudy and -3C (windchill -8C). Today is suppose to be a mix of sun, clouds, wind, and flurries with a high of -2C (windchill -11C). 


I was out early for blood collection. I got to register quickly but had to wait for 4 others ahead of me. I gave 4 vials of blood and a urine sample. I was home by 8 am. 

I had breakfast and then rested as I had had a poor night's sleep plus I also feel tired after giving blood. It has always been like that. I dozed off and on and woke to hear a noise in my driveway. I looked out and daughter-in-law had started to chip ice off it. I was out the door in 5 minutes to help her. She would chip and I would scrape and then we would change jobs. By the time we were finished, we had a big hunk of what was left gone. We enjoyed listening to the chunks of ice make a musical sound as it slid down the icy lawn into the ditch. The driveway is as good as we could get it at that time. 

I rested in the afternoon as I had little to no energy. I keep wondering why as I feel great outside. I have a feeling my house if stale and needs me to open the windows. It could be too warm and I could be over dressing. I know some of it is the cold I am getting over. 

I was back outside at 4:30 pm to scrape some more ice as it had melted some with the warmer temperature and sunshine. I am now at the point where I am going to leave it alone for a few days. If I work on anything, it will be the short sidewalk. It is solid ice. I will start at the stairs and try to move a bit each day. I have a 50 lb bag of safety salt arriving on Monday. That is when I will get serious about the sidewalk. In the mean time, I will see if I can chip away at it a bit each afternoon. 


    I have not knit or sewn for a while. Part has been ice removal. I do get tired from that. Part has been the cold. I need to get back at it again as I can see the end of the tunnel with ice removal and this cold. 

    I have not gained or lost weight in the past while. I am hoping that the results of my blood work is good. I do want to loose weight and will do it. I know I have a lot more muscle development which will make it harder to loose weight. But I will pick away at it. 

    We talked to a couple who walk our street daily. They are like us, so done with winter and are ready for spring to arrive. It has been a difficult winter here (and most of Canada) and people are tired of chipping so much ice in the past week. I don't mind shovelling snow but I don't like chipping ice. 


I am going to turn the heat down and start cleaning upstairs this morning. It is time to start cleaning again. I have a week before I have another appointment so I can do some each day. I would like to sew this afternoon and try to knit tonight.

Until the next time........................................................

Thursday, February 20, 2025

Shovelling Ice Again

 Yesterday was sunny and warmer with a high of -4C (windchill -9C). This morning it is clear and -7C (windchill -13C). Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of 0C. 


Yesterday morning, I did a load of laundry before going to physiotherapy. I was happy to get that done. Physio was great. I did the exercises in the gym area before seeing the therapist. She did her alignment test on me and all is great. Then it was time to do some manual work on me. It was more to see if I was still flexible and I am back in the normal range. 

We talked about my fall and she feels when I landed on the basement floor, I put something back into place that was slightly out. We talked about me not having a flare up shovelling snow and ice and she is excited about what I am now doing. I am in good shape and will see her in 6 weeks. From there it will be longer between visits unless I have a flare up or my SI joints decide to act up. 

On my way home I got more cough medicine as I really felt my cold was going to my chest. I also looked for salt -- none to be found in the store. So I came home a bit unhappy but determined to scrape ice off the driveway. I worked on it for a good 30 minutes before having lunch. I was making progress as the ice was melting in the sun. 

After lunch I had a short nap. I literally fell asleep sitting up. Once I woke up, I felt much better. My cold seemed to be much better than it was in the morning. I actually felt like myself again. I got up and made my dinner for last night and tonight. 

I was back out to chip away at the ice. It was coming up in big chunks with water running underneath. I now have about 75% of the driveway clear of ice. It was a big task but I got lots of ice moved. It would have been worse to deal with if I hadn't had help on Monday. My neighbour came over to inspect my work and to tease me about salt. We are both going to start stock piling 10 bags for next winter. Like many others, we got caught having to a bag of salt each during the storm. 

I went to visit my friend after I had shovelled ice and we had a great visit. She has been home for a week now due to the storms and has spent most of it quilting. She has been fighting a bit of a cold also. We took her dog for a short walk on my way home. It was cooling off and the water had turned to ice. We were both being careful. 

I slept poorly last night. Most of it was from something I ate and it flared up my IBS. I have an idea what it is and will be eliminating it from my diet. Part is the stress of having a driveway of ice and not being able to clear it right away. I will be fine as I am settling down and feeling much better. Tired but fine. 


I am out soon for blood collection. Once that is done, I will come home and eat breakfast and decide what I will do. If I need to nap, I will. I do want to remove more ice from the driveway this afternoon. I know I won't be sewing or knitting today as I will be outside this afternoon and resting this evening. 

Until the next time.............................................................

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

A Day Out Shopping

 Yesterday was another cold windy day. The temperature hovered around -9C (windchill -17C). The coldest it got was at 9 am; -12C (windchill -23C). This morning it is cloudy and -10C (windchill -16C). Today is going to be cloudy with flurries with a high of -1C (windchill -7C). 


I vacuumed the living room and most of the dining room before having to charge the battery on the Dyson. I did mop the living room and some of the dining room. It was nice to get that done. 

Daughter-in-law arrived to take the car for osteopathy as her car needed to be charged. She had gone to New Minas to pick it up. She said the drive was horrible -- windy with white outs. She sat, rested, and relaxed for a bit before we took off for her appointment. I decided to go with her and do a bit of grocery shopping afterwards. 

The drive to osteopathy was windy but the roads were bare and mainly dry. There was very little blowing snow also. We were both happy that the roads heading to Halifax were in such great condition. 

After osteopathy, we headed into Bedford to get groceries. We did Walmart only. I did look and found no salt in the store. We had lunch and headed home. 

Once home, I put away the groceries and looked at the driveway. The ice is still super glued to the ground. No chipping ice was happening. I was also super tired as I am still fighting this cold. I feel it wanting to go into my chest. All I wanted to do was rest. I didn't nap but I sure wanted to. I did cough a lot yesterday. It is a bark that I didn't want to hear. 

I looked at the knitting briefly in the late afternoon but I had no energy to work on it. 


    This cold is driving me crazy. My head is clear but my chest is a bit sore from coughing. I just wish it would go away and let me get on with life. I am done with being sick. 

    With the weather getting warmer (near freezing), I will have to go out and start chipping away at the ice on the driveway. This morning I looked and the pathway seems a bit wider than what we made it. I am hoping that I can do some each day until I have it cleared off. The snow we were to have on Saturday is not happening so I can take my time with this job. 

    I have been emailing the company I bought the plate I wanted from. They have told me I will be notified when another plate comes in to stock. I am very annoyed that they are not reshipping the plate back to me but will sell it to someone else when it returns. I call this poor customer service. Once I get the plate, I will give them a poor review and will not recommend them to any one. It has been a circus with them not shipping it after I bought it, then shipping it with the wrong address which I let them know twice, and then putting me on a waiting list. They do know I am very unhappy with them but I want this plate so my daughter has a serving for 4 in this pattern. 


I am going to do a load of laundry before I go to physio. Once done, I will be checking to see if there is salt in town. If there is I will be buying several bags. I have to make dinner and I will probably rest today as I am fighting this cold. If I have the energy I will do a bit of chipping of ice if I think I can move any of it from the path edges. I also have to drink lots of water today as I give blood tomorrow. 

Until the next time.............................................................

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

A Horrible Ice Storm Hit Us Hard

 Yesterday was cold, windy, and snowy. The temperature dropped all day to -6C (windchill -16C) at 5 pm. This morning it is cloudy, windy, and -11C (windchill -20C). Today is going to be windy, snowy, and cold. The high is to get to -8C (windchill -22C).


As I was getting dressed (early) my neighbour texted me for my salt so he could salt the driveway. I rushed and gave him the one bag I had. He poured it down the driveway so we could scrape a trail from the garage to the street later on. It was at that point I wished I had gone out at 6:30 am to shovel slush. The weather had turned colder and the slush froze solid very quickly. Our neighbour said his driveway was freezing quickly as he was shovelling it. By the time he got to the top, it was frozen. 

While I waited for family to come over, I ate breakfast and then folded laundry. It was put away. When they arrived, I got dressed and went out. (Okay, I had been out earlier to see if the Dutch hoe would move the ice and it did.) Family started from the street with the ice tool and I started from the garage with the Dutch hoe. We slugged away getting ice chipped off the driveway. Our friend came over to help with his metal shovel. We worked away realizing that we could only do a pathway down the driveway where it had been salted earlier. We had to give up when we couldn't get the ice off easily. We tried really hard but to no avail. 

Once we were done, I rested. I was tired from all the work I did. I am sure everyone else was tired also as they worked really hard also. I did recover but I had aching muscles from using the Dutch hoe. I did sit quietly and watched the snow fall silently saying nasty words under my breath. By the time I went to bed, I was a bundle of nerves from the wind blowing so hard. We had gusts up to 75 km/hr and it was noisy out there. I did sleep better than I had thought but I am tired this morning from all the activity I had done in the morning and having my nerves rattled with the wind. 

Elliott spent the day under a blanket sleeping only to emerge to eat. Last night he wanted to have the blanket tucked in around him and he slept peacefully by my side. He was cozy warm. 


I did sew yesterday. I got the base sewn into the body of the rabbit. It was a difficult job as the legs were an annoyance. But I got it done. I didn't take a picture of it as I needed to work on the shirt. 

It was time to work on the sleeves of the shirt. I spent well over an hour printing the designs and trying ideas. Daughter finally decided on these for the sleeves. 

This sleeve is the first I have ever done with lettering and I am a bit worried about it. I also have to do 2 hoopings for this sleeve which is a bit nerve wracking. 

The other sleeve has 3 sprays of flowers on it. It is also a double hooping. I am a bit worried about it but think I will have it under control when I print the small flower once again so I know where the center of it is. 

Once I have the designs done correctly, I will lay the sleeves side by side and tweak the placement. Then I can start embroidering them. 


None done last night. I may pick it up this afternoon if I am too tired to sew. I was tired last night and I may be procrastinating on picking up the stitches. 


    I was so grateful that family and friends helped me get a pathway down the driveway. It was hard work. I didn't want to give up but knew we had done all we could. We laughed as the Spousal Unit would have worked at it for hours to get the driveway cleared. I also learned that I will have 5-6 bags of salt in the garage during the winter. One never knows when a storm like this will hit us again. This is the 2nd time since we moved here that we have had this type of freezing rain. 

    I watched some video clips on the snowfall in Ontario and Quebec. It is unreal how much snow has fallen and how high the piles of snow are and how people are struggling to deal with it. And to top it off having a plane overturn at the airport in Toronto must have been the worst thing to hear about. 

    I am very disappointed that a plate I bought daughter was not delivered as the company put the wrong address on it and ignored my email about that. The parcel is now being returned to them and they have refunded me my money. I can order it again they said and I will. But this time I will nag them from the time I order it until it is delivered. One thing I have learned is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. 


I am going to do a bit of housework this morning and make two meals so I have something to eat for the next 2 days. If I have the energy I may sew, if not I will knit. I will probably be in bed early as I am tired as I didn't sleep that well last night. 

Until the next time....................................................................

Monday, February 17, 2025

More Done On Luna Lapin

 Yesterday the weather was a combination of sunshine, clouds, snow, and freezing rain. The temperature got up to -4C (windchill -7C). This morning the wind is blowing and it is 2C (was up to 7C at 4 am). Today is suppose to have wind and flurries with the temperature dropping to -2C during the day and -11C tonight. The windchill could be as cold as -18C.


I had energy yesterday and put it to good use. I did 3 loads of laundry and put clean sheets on the bed. I scrubbed the bathroom and mopped the floor. It was nice to get that done. 

I also did the balance sheet. It didn't take long to do and I am happy with how I have stayed home so far this month. Basically I have only bought food and over the counter meds for my cold. Between the weather and this cold, I have had no interest in shopping. 

 I made a pot of chowder. This recipe is similar to the one I make. I put in Italian seasoning and don't put in anything spicy. I also cleaned up the kitchen and took out the recycling. I stopped at that point knowing I had done enough for the morning. I wasn't tired but knew I needed to rest.

The snow started to fall around 2 pm and it was pretty heavy at times. I went out at 4:30 pm and shovelled the driveway. There was a good inch of snow on it. Two children (ages 6 and 7) came to help and mom came over to supervise them. They scraped the snow off the driveway and I busted up the ice along the edge of the driveway. The boy decided he could bust the ice off one spot and he got most of it off. I was pleased with how the driveway looked and called it done. 

The snow started again after I got inside and then came the freezing rain. The temperature rose during the night and it must have rained quite a bit. I am itching to go out and shovel but have promised family I will stay inside until they come over this morning. The roads were plowed at 9 pm so I know they are safe to be on. I think I heard the salt truck during the night. 


I sewed yesterday and enjoyed myself. I worked on the Luna Lapin rabbit's body. I was very careful while sewing making sure I did a good job. The legs were hard to sew in as the fabric wanted to pleat over on the back. I finally got it done. 

The video on how to do the body is on the tv. The next step was to sew a 2" seam so the bottom of the body was joined. Easy. Then it was time to put the bum in. That seemed to take forever. I pinned each section carefully making sure there were no pleats and then hand basted it in place. That was another slow job. 

The legs are now put through the opening and the base is ready to sew together. 

I stopped at this point as I knew I had to go and shovel snow. 


None done last night as I was tired from being so busy. The tiredness hit me like a ton of bricks at 8 pm. 


    I was really impressed with how much energy I had yesterday. I am also surprised at how strong I have gotten shovelling snow and ice. The cold didn't weaken me too much as I rested and did what I had to do. I have to say that I enjoy being outside in the fresh air shovelling snow. The only time I don't want to go out is when the wind is cold and nasty. 

    My hip is not bothering me as much. I am not sure if resting longer periods and working hard outside has strengthened it or if it has decided to give up being sore. The only aches I have are when a weather system comes in. I am not taking Tylenol very often now. I know both legs are stronger than they have been as I am able to walk more during the day. 

    I have slept better the past two nights. I am not waking up to blow my nose or cough. I have felt more rested and my mental attitude is good. I want to do things once again. 

    I am hoping that this is the last bad storm we will get this winter. Two freezing rain storms a few days apart was quite the surprise. The temperatures seem to be creeping back to normal this week. Everyone is done with these storms and are waiting for spring to arrive. 


 I am going to fold laundry this morning and wait until someone comes to shovel the driveway. I promised family that I wouldn't shovel until they arrived. I am going out to help as I want the fresh air and exercise. I hope to sew this afternoon and maybe knit tonight. What gets done depends on snow removal. 

Until the next time................................................................

Sunday, February 16, 2025

A Day Of Rest (Again)

 Yesterday was sunny, cold, and windy. The high got to -6C (windchill -15C). This morning there are some clouds and it is -7C (windchill -14C). Today is suppose to cloud up, snow and then turn to freezing rain. The high is supposed to get to 4C. 


I was tired yesterday and really felt lethargic. I keep thinking my cold is getting better but I am wondering if it is slowly going into my chest. I am hoping not. Most of the symptoms I had are gone but I am still coughing and blowing my nose. I am hoping that I am at the recovery stage. 

I was out after lunch to get my prescriptions. The wind was cold. The store was busy not crazy busy. People are buying as the stores will be closed on Monday. I got what I needed and left quickly. I just wanted to be at home not out with people. 

I did not touch the driveway yesterday. I did watch the sun melt some of the ice that is along the sides of the driveway. I made sure I was not out there getting over tired. 

I did not sew or knit yesterday as I had no spare energy for anything. Truth be known, I ate horribly yesterday which didn't help. 


My goal is to make a pot of soup, do a bunch of laundry, a bit of housework, and try to sew this afternoon. I want to stay up until by usual bedtime so I may try to knit tonight. I am going to pace myself so I don't get exhausted. 

Until the next time.............................................................

Saturday, February 15, 2025

Shovelling Hundreds of Pounds of Ice

 Yesterday was cold and windy. There was even a snow flurry with big fat snowflakes. The high got to -5C at 6 am and crept down wards all day. The windchill was horrible. This morning it is clear and -11 (windchill -21C). Today is suppose to be sunny and windy with a high of -4C (windchill -13C). We are under another freezing warning for Sunday night and Monday. 


It was a busy day at this house. My two jobs of the day were to cook dinner and do ice removal. I started with ice removal. 

I started with the front landing knowing that the ice doesn't stick as hard to the composite deck boards as it does to the cement driveway. I opened the front door and began the job. It was harder than I had thought. I got the shovel under a bit of the snow and ice and tried to get a piece loose to throw on the lawn. The whole slab wanted to move. I carefully moved it a bit not wanting to hurt myself. When it started to move, I kept pushing it slowly and it slid off the landing and broke up on the sidewalk. I carefully shovelled it off the sidewalk onto the lawn. The pieces were over an inch thick. 

I went back inside and out into the garage. With the garage door opened, I could assess the situation. The driveway was sheer ice. I chipped a bit at the door but to no avail. I threw a bunch of salt on the driveway and went inside. 

While inside, I made dinner. I had decided to make Betty Crocker's Spaghetti 1950's style. I had seen it made on a YouTube video and it looked good. I didn't use the bacon as I had none. I used a different pasta which I like. I spent my time chopping and dicing and cooking this dish and had a nice pot of sauce. (I made a half batch). 

Once the sauce was made, I got dressed and was back out the door. I was able to shovel a lot of ice off the driveway where I had salted. It came up in good size chunks that I could handle easily. When I had finished that part, I salted the ice that was left on the part I had shovelled, the sidewalk, and down the driveway. I was ready for the afternoon. 

The afternoon session of ice removal was brutal. The wind was blowing harder and it was colder. But, I kept at it as the salt water had run down the driveway under the ice and it was lifting quite easily. I spent a lot of time shovelling and got most of the ice off. I am going to say I got 80% of the driveway cleared off. 

The shovelfuls of ice were heavy. I could barely lift them but I had to as I wanted it off the driveway. What I got onto the lawn slid down into the ditch. What I pushed off at the ditch went sliding into it. The ditch is quite full now as the snow plow put the road's ice into the ditch also. When I could no longer chip ice off the edge of the driveway I salted those areas and stood back to admire my work. 

The white patches are dry salt and the bottom of the driveway has a bit of snow on it. It is basically dry this morning. The sidewalk is bare and salted. 

When I got into the house, I was tired. I had shovelled hundreds of pounds of ice off the driveway. I didn't rush as I needed to make sure I didn't slip and fall. I walked only on the cleared driveway. I sat and drank liquids as I had sweat. My muscles let me know they had a good workout. 

I didn't sew or knit yesterday as I was tired and a bit sore. I knew it would be a long stretch if I got much more than I did.  Resting was on higher up on the list.


    I am late posting as I had to go to the community hall to make 2 batches of sandwiches. They were short on help so I was out the door is less than 30 minutes. We got done in good time even if we were still down one person. 

    I am proud of myself for what I did yesterday. I was careful and made a plan so I wouldn't fall. I did get a talking to today for doing it but if I can do it I will do it. My helper is in PEI for a hockey tournament this weekend. I am also ready for the next go round of freezing rain. Plan is to salt the driveway tomorrow afternoon in hopes that the ice won't stick as solid to the driveway. 

    My cold is improving. I have less symptoms than I had. I am over the worst and now need to get back to normal. I feel that going outside most days and keeping active when I could helped me a lot. I also rested when my body told me to. I found a balance I could live with. 


My body has said to rest again today. I am tired as I didn't sleep as well has I had hoped to. I need to get my prescriptions this afternoon and will buy another bag of salt. If I have the energy I will sew and knit and if not I will vegetate on the couch. 

Until the next time..............................................

Friday, February 14, 2025

A Messy Storm

 Yesterday started off cloudy and ended up with snow, rain, and freezing rain. The high got to 2C at midnight. This morning it is clear, windy, and -5C. Today is suppose to be mainly cloudy with some flurries, and windy with a high of -5C. 


I started the morning off with cleaning the dining room table and vacuuming a bunch of floors. None were mopped which I want to get done. I did spray the house with Lysol to help kill any cold germs that might be hanging around. 

I was out just after 10 am to order my prescriptions, get a couple of things for my cold, pay the water/sewer bill, and mail a letter. The grocery store where I order my prescriptions was busy. People were panic buying as we were having a storm. The aisles were full of people and the line ups were super long. I went to self check out and got a till quicker than I had thought -- 5 minute wait. I was out of there as fast as I could get my items paid for. 

At the municipal office, it was dead quiet. I talked to the two tellers for a bit. One helped look after Elliott when he was really sick. She told me the other grocery store was getting busy also when she stopped in on her way to work. The post office was also quiet and I found a parking spot on my first attempt driving down the street. Usually you have to park in the back lot of the post office but not yesterday. 

It started to snow lightly on my way home. The amount increased as the day went on and then it turned to a messy mix of snow and rain. After supper I could hear the ice pellets hitting the back of the house as the wind was blowing from that direction. I looked out at the driveway to what seemed to be an icy mess. I was glad I had no where to go yesterday afternoon. 

I was in bed early last night. I was listening to some music on a YouTube video and fell asleep on the couch. I slept well last night which was wonderful. I was awakened at 3:30 am as the plow vehicle was doing our roads. The usual time for them to do one round of plowing. It isn't quiet but you know the roads will be in good shape for the morning commuters. The roads had been salted during the day so I am assuming they didn't do them during the night. I could be wrong. 


I spent the afternoon stuffing the rabbit only to look at it and hate it. I will take out the stuffing today and toss the body into the trash. It is not something I am proud of. But, it kept me busy. I am sure most of the "ugliness" is from me working on it while fighting the cold. There is absolutely no way to fix it to look better. Part is the pattern has no shape to it at the neckline. Part is me trying to make it look better and failing. I am okay with failures as it is part of the learning process. 


None done as I could barely keep my eyes open. 


    My cold is improving some though I am still worried it could go to my chest. I know it wasn't the flu has I had my flu shot. It didn't turn into pneumonia as I had that shot also. Not covid as I was not near anyone who had it. I am sure I got it at the arena using the elevator. It isn't kept as clean as it could be and I probably got the cold virus on my hands and wiped my face getting myself sick. My last cold was in Dec. 2020. I am back to wearing masks and using a lot more hand sanitizer so I can stay healthy for the rest of the winter. 

     I am trying to balance doing things and resting. I get frustrated as I want to do more each day but my body is saying to rest in the afternoons. I am noticing I can do a bit more each day as long as I have a good night's sleep. If I don't, I have to rest more. 

    We are to have more snow on Sunday. I am not looking forward to that but I will deal with it when it comes. At least it won't be cold and there won't be freezing rain. 


I am not sure what today is going to look like until I assess the driveway. I want to clean it off and salt it. I do have to make dinner for the next 2 nights plus soup. I may not get any sewing done and I will probably not knit tonight. Cleaning the driveway is the big job for today. Cooking is 2nd and sewing and knitting are at the bottom of the list. 

Until the next time......................................................

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Another Day of Resting

 Yesterday was sunny and cool with a high of -6C (windchill -13C). This morning it is cloudy and -14C. Today is suppose to be ugly with snow, ice pellets, and freezing rain. The high is to get to 0C. 


I was out the door to walk at the arena at 8 am. We walked 25 minutes and did 1 mile. It was less than usual as I have a cold and was tired to the bone. We also worked on my stride as I am getting better at walking. Proper stride makes my hip flexors sore and they pull my knee inwards. I did make some improvements with some pain but I am improving each time we walk. 

I went to the grocery store when done and got a few things. This included Buckleys and some throat lozenges. I was tired of coughing and feeling horrible with this cold and thought I should try this combination. 

Once home, I shovelled my driveway. I did enjoy the exercise and being out in the fresh air. I worked slowly as there was no wind and once done, I put salt down. I wanted the driveway bare and salted before the storm arrives. It worked as the driveway as bare in the late afternoon. 

I was out for a volunteers luncheon. Daughter-in-law picked me up and we arrived early to find 2 volunteers already there. It was a great luncheon in which you learn a lot of information of what is going on in the community. We learned  that Dominos pizza is coming to the community and where it will be located. We have 3 privately owned pizza places in town but no big name pizza. People are excited about it coming to town. 

Once home, I put out the garbage and then I rested. I may have had a very short nap (15 minutes). I had very little energy as my cold seemed to be getting worse rather than better. I kept taking the cough syrup and lozenges every 4 hours. I knew it wasn't pneumonia as I had the vaccine for it in December. As the afternoon wore on, I started to feel better. I woke during the night and my head was clear. I was breathing much better. This morning I am feeling better but I still can't overdo it. I don't want it going to my chest.


    I am quite worried about the storm coming in. Though it is only to last 4-6 hours, it has put us under a freezing rain warning. I want to be home when it starts to snow around noon. I feel for those people who have to commute this afternoon as the roads could have some nasty icy patches. I am sure there will be accidents. 

    I just read that a year ago today I had dry needling on my sore muscles and we were working on my gait. Today most of my muscles are nearing 90% recovered and my gait is much better even though we are still working on it constantly. I am much better than I have been for a long time. I have realized that osteopathy and physiotherapy have been great for me while massage therapy did very little to help. I think my body wasn't in a place where it was benefiting from the massages. 

    We have Nova Scotia Heritage Day on Monday. All stores will be closed for this holiday. I have to make sure that I have enough food for Monday. I hope to take care of that on Saturday when I pick up my prescriptions. 


I am going to slowly do some cleaning this morning and then go and order my prescriptions to be picked up Saturday afternoon. I would love to work on the rabbit this afternoon. I am not sure if I will knit tonight but if I do it will be a bonus. It is a day to do more resting and recover from this nasty cold. 

Until the next time...............................................................

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Cooking and Sewing Failures

 Yesterday was sunny and cold with a high of -4C (windchill -10C) at midnight. This morning it is clear and -12C (windchill -15C). It did snow a bit during the night. Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of -6C (windchill -8C). 


I made 2 dinners yesterday morning and my cooking skills went to the bottom of the class. I put too much seasoning in the meatballs and then burnt the milk in a pot. I got the meals done, the dishes done, and the pot scrubbed clean. I had to scrub the top of the stove also. I did learn that I do not need seasoning in the meatballs other than salt and pepper. The bbq sauce you put in and then roll them in gives it a nice flavour. What can I say about the burnt milk -- don't cry over it. 

With the kitchen cleaned up, I had very little time to do any other cleaning. I had lunch as it was noon and rested a bit before going to sew. 


I should have stayed out of the sewing room. Or should I say, I should have checked the embroidery before starting it. When done, it was 1 inch higher than the other side. I could have cried and I did stress out over it. 

When I showed daughter, she wasn't worried at all. She said the button bands will hide some of the mistake and that stones and crystals will fix the rest. It helped me a lot knowing she can fix it. Me, on the other hand, would have cut out a new front and stitched the design out again. 

While stitching out the design, I worked on another simple bunny. I embroidered a face on this one and sewed the front and back together. Turning it right side out was a bit of a struggle. When I realized if I turned the ears first it was easy to get the rest of the body out. 

He needs to be pressed and then stuffed. I will be giving him to a friend for Easter. 

Craft Bazaar - I had thought about doing some simple doll clothes for the craft bazaar but I know of 2 other ladies who make them for sale. My goal was not to make items that others sell so they were temporarily eliminated. If I do make doll clothes, I will make a few very simple outfits to sell (like 3) to test the market. I do know one lady makes couture outfits as she has plenty of time to do that. The other lady makes cute dresses in limited styles. Mine will probably be a skirt and sweater combination as they are easy to make. At the moment, the items I am making are not sold by anyone else at the craft bazaars. 


I did not touch the vest last night due to being unlucky during the day. 


    We are under a special weather statement for tomorrow. Snow will start in late morning and turn to ice pellets or rain later in the day. I am going to be outside throwing salt on the driveway today and then shovelling snow late in the afternoon tomorrow. I am not looking forward to this storm as it could be nasty. 

    I slept poorly last night. Most of it was from my cold. I am still fighting it though I am clearer in the head (just keep me out of the kitchen and sewing room) and my energy level is going up a bit more each day. I know today will be a low energy day due to the poor sleep I had. 

    When I was done cooking and all was cleaned up and covered, I sprayed the whole house with lysol. I am hoping that any cold bugs on surfaces are dead. I am also using a lot of hand sanitizer to keep my hands ultra clean. I am done with this cold and don't want it lingering in the house. 

    I watched part of the video on the Luna Lapin rabbit's body. Way too much to remember so I stopped watching and will not work on it until the weekend. I need to get the sequence of steps correct as you attach the legs at this stage. I want to make sure I know the steps up to and including attaching the legs so I don't make a mistake. 


I am out to walk at 8 am. When done, I need to get 3-4 items from the grocery store and then home to salt the driveway. I am not sure how much housework will get done, but I will do as much as I can. This afternoon I will stuff the rabbit and finish him up. I also need to get garbage to the curb later this afternoon for pick up tomorrow morning. I am certain no knitting will be done tonight but I could surprise us all by doing some just to keep awake. It will be an early night for me. 

Until the next time................................................................