Friday, November 29, 2024

Sewing Prototypes Craft Items

 Yesterday was cloudy with a burst of sun in the afternoon before it rained. The high got to 5C. This morning it is cloudy and 3C. Today is suppose to be cloudy with showers with a high of 6C. We could have flurries overnight. 


I started to vacuum with my new vacuum cleaner and had to charge the battery for 4 hours. When I used it while dinner was cooking, I was amazed at how clean it got the floors. The green light on the head shows every speck of dust and cat hair. The cat litter glows. I got the spared bedroom, most of the hall, a bit in my bedroom and part of the bathroom done. It was a bit hodge podge but I was seeing how it worked in different areas. I am impressed at how well it cleans and how light it is to use. I can now clean up the packaging and dispose of it. 

My hip area wasn't as sore yesterday but it did have another pop last night. I am doing more stretching to help get things flexible and less tight. It is working for me as I feel fairly good all day. 


I had a sewing marathon yesterday. I started to make a Crayon Art Folio. I need to buy some velcro as I have none in the house. 

The pockets (3) holds crayons, note pad, and stickers. I have to buy the note pads and find the stickers. I made these years ago for a craft bazaar and they sold out very quickly. I have never seen them sold here so decided to make 3. 

I also decided to make a prototype of a notebook cover. I used the same bee fabric and a bit of lace. I read Pin Cut Sew Studio's blog post and watched her video on how to make one. I measured, cut, pinned and started to sew. I second guessed myself all the way. I cut the fabric again and ended up making it too small. 

I had lined the outer fabric with fusible fleece and the lining with interfacing. I am rethinking this project.

The idea is cute so I will try again using her video on covering a moleskin journal. As I watched the video, I realize that I only need to use interfacing not fusible fleece. I will make one journal for sale and add the 2nd one as a refill. I will then cover some moleskin journals. 


None last night as I was too tired from all the sewing I did. 


    I thoroughly enjoyed a long day of sewing prototypes for sale. I know the art folio is going to be fine and I will sew 3 for now. If I have time and can find crayons on sale, I will do more. The journal covers are a work in progress. If I can figure out the dimensions for the fabric I will be set. The larger journals need to be made so I can see if I like the version I chose. Once done, I will figure out how to batch sew them.

    I am pleased with the new vacuum and am now researching the robot cleaners. I am buying one for daughter for Christmas and will have it shipped to her. If she likes it, I will get one of that brand. It is the highest rated brand at this time. 

    I got out a toy to get Elliott to play. He does about 2-3 minutes of play and then walks away. He has never played a lot and I am not sure why. His favourite exercise is to chase kibble. I will keep at it so he does get exercise. He is over 14 years old so I can't expect him to play hard for long periods of time. 

    We had another good rain last night and everything is wet. I am not complaining as everything runs into the ditch. There are people who need it for their wells as they have been buying water again this year. We need the water table to raise for them. 

    I got a request from a friend to fix her horse blanket. I will grabbed it and start working on it between other projects. I know I what I want to do and will consult with daughter who repairs her horse blankets all the time. 


I have to continue vacuuming the house and clean the bathroom. I do have to grocery shop. If time, I will be playing in the basement whether it be cleaning or sewing. It should be cleaning. I hope to knit tonight. 

Until the next time..........................................................................

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