Yesterday was a mix of sun, clouds, and rain. The high got to 7C. This morning it is cloudy and 1C. Today is suppose to be mainly sunny with a high of 6C.
It was a long day in the city and a fun one. After getting what we needed for the next dinner at the community hall, we wandered the Halifax Mall for a couple of hours. We did the two main floors of stores and had lunch on the first floor. We didn't do the other part of the first floor. We had to go to another area to shop some more.
In the other area, we did up Walmart. Then it was on to Costco. We stopped (for some unknown reason) and I spotted slippers. I felt them and called daughter-in-law over. With the recommendation from a shopper, we each got a pair for Christmas. These slippers are similar to Ugg slippers and are carried in Costco every winter.
I bought a Dyson vacuum cleaner. The one I had settled on had too small a bin so I got the one I had a larger bin. We did wander around and while I waited for daughter-in-law to pick up something a gentleman and his wife told me that the vacuum was a great buy and to also get a robot cleaner. They have both and love them. So I save my pennies for a robot cleaner.
Our last stop of the day was at the Lindt chocolate shop. We signed up for card and to get 10% off until the end of 2024. We also got a free chocolate. I bought chocolates for the candy holders I will be making for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day dinners. This store really tested me as I had a free chocolate in my pocket and was craving something sweet due to the smells. I didn't eat the chocolate and got over the craving after a strict talk to myself. I have a lot of chocolate stored in the garage for Christmas but I won't touch it.
We got home and I was really tired and sore. We had walked 4km which was all cement. I applied heat to my sore hip and started stretching it out. I did a lot in bed and got a pop (not a crack) in the hip area and the pain was almost gone. Hurrah for what ever happened in that area.
I unpacked the vacuum cleaner and used it. The green light on the one head shows all the dust, cat hair, and other tiny debris on the floor. I was embarrassed at how dirty the clean floor was. I'm on a mission now to start vacuuming the house every other day.
I didn't sew yesterday but I did two things. I put away some craft supplies I bought. I need to find a box to store some ornaments in on the shelf. The paper is for reindeer candy holders.
The second thing I did was to make a list of crafting items I want to make in the next year. Some are gifts for family, some are for the craft bazaar. It is now ready for me to work on. I only have one pattern to buy. I did have it but it got lost when my old computer died.
I worked on the socks and am ready to start the first decreasing row for the gusset.
I am still working on the first ball of grey yarn and wonder if I will have enough to finish the socks or if I will have to start another ball. We wait and see what happens.Thoughts
I did really well walking so much yesterday. I have a feeling that my soreness is still tight muscles pulling joints inwards. Though I have improved a lot, this last part is really testing my patience as I want it to be better now and not later. I keep pushing myself to do more stretching in hopes it will help.
My craving for chocolate and sugar was really bad when we stepped into the Lindt store. I knew I couldn't eat any of it as I need to eliminate it from my diet. It was hard and I know I have a few more days of craving. It will get easier with time.
My plan is to put the central vacuum hose away and clean the spare bedroom using the new vacuum cleaner. I need to do laundry and get groceries. If I have time, I will start sewing doll clothes. I want to knit tonight.
Until the next time............................................................
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