Tuesday, November 19, 2024

A Wall Was Painted

 Yesterday was warm and windy with a high of 5.5C. This morning it is wet and 5C. Today is suppose to be damp and windy with a high of 8C.


I was starting to get ready to paint when I got a phone call from the person who mows the lawns. He was wondering if my lawn had been mowed since Halloween. He was at my place waiting to know. It hadn't been so I had to wait for him to unload is equipment and start so I could pay him. I am also on his list to have him plow the driveway when I can't. 

I started painting late and was rushing. When I went to get up I slipped and landed back on the floor. I only fell about 8" but it made me stop, think, and slow down. I wasn't hurt physically. I did get the wall painted before lunch (about 2 hours). 

I was sore when I started and sore when I finished. My slip was caused by rushing when sore. It is all soft tissue soreness which means I need to get this room done and then rest. One more coat of paint on the wall and then around the windows. Once cleaned up, I will be putting the paint away until after Christmas. I think I have earned a rest. I am close to having half of the upstairs painted. 

After lunch I was out to pay my water bill and pick up some groceries. The wind was cold to the bone. When out of the wind, the temperature was fine. Once home, I put away the groceries and went out and covered the rose bush with burlap. That rose bush has new leaves growing on it due to the warm weather we have been having. I didn't trim it back and will do that in the spring. 

I rested for a good hour and then got the spare bedroom ready for me to sleep in. I had a decent sleep under a feather quilt. Haven't slept under one since 2010 and it was warm and cozy. I may put the other queen size one I have on my bed. 


None done yesterday as I was too busy. 


I unknit the sock I started as I wasn't happy how it looked. I decided to use smaller needles. I started over again with a different look. White cuffs, grey sock, and white toes. I got 21 rounds knit on the first sock. 

I like the tension better using smaller needles. I love the yarn as it is soft to work with. 


    I am ready for a rest from painting. I have pushed myself a lot lately to get my bedroom done and will push until it is completed. One of the reasons I have been pushing is how bright and light the house feels and the other reason is to get someone in to do some work in the spring. After Christmas I will start again with paint 2 days, rest a day and then paint 2 days. I really need the rest day. Right now rest days have been osteopathy and this week physio. 

    My IBS has flared up again. Part is pushing myself to get things done and, I think, part is from having too much dairy. I am going to eliminate dairy for a while and see if it is the culprit. I have upped the amount of dairy for more protein as I am rushed for time to prepare food. I need to make time to eat properly. 

    I set aside sorting through the family room for this week. I will begin sorting through my stuff next week and work on the memory book. Some of the clutter is causing me some anxiety while other clutter isn't. The clutter that isn't causing anxiety is what I have worked through and am letting go of. I need to move it into the mechanical room to get rid of a bit later on. The stuff that is causing me anxiety needs to be sorted through and purged. I have a pretty good idea of what is going, what I will stall on, and what is staying. I need to focus on doing crafts I truly love to make. 

    I stopped watching some videos on minimalism as they were starting to annoy me with their do this, do that approach. I am down to watching two only. One talks about what she does and leaves you to decide if it is right for you. The other one is more about the journey and how they are trying to find what is right for them. She also talks about books and gives her opinion on them. She will agree with some points and disagree with others. Both approach the feeling of calmness in your life but in two different ways. I do enjoy them. I am realizing that I will know when my house has just the right amount in it. The sewing room closet told me that. 


I am going to paint the wall in my bedroom and clean up the painting supplies leaving only the trim paint and brush out. I hope to clean up the desk area in the sewing room this afternoon and knit on the socks tonight. It is a stay at home day as it is wet out there. 

Until the next time..............................................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous10:56 PM

    Glad that you weren't hurt in your fall. The fresh paint looks so nice, and I admire you pushing through with the projects. I seem to struggle with just deep cleaning my house for company, so reading about your accomplishments helps me stay on track. Marianne
