Friday, November 22, 2024

Cleaning the Master Bedroom

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds though mostly cloudy. The high got to 8C. This morning it is wet and 8C. Today is suppose to be wet with a high of 8C. 


I decided to tape and paint the trim around the window. This is the job I really don't like as I think I do a terrible job. I found out I was overworking the paint wanting it to be perfect. When I left it alone, it was fine. 

I left the room for two hours and rested for two hours as my hip was sore from balancing on the top rung of the ladder. I went back and stripped the tape off the walls and was pleased with the results. The paint was dry so I hung the curtains. 

I then started scrubbing the floor under the window. I scrubbed with a cleaner and then rinsed it with Bona floor cleaner. I then set up the furniture in that part of the room. 

The curtains match well and the furniture pops against the light walls. The room looks huge and bare which means I need to start thinking about decorating it after Christmas. 

I shut the curtains so the house would be dark last night. 

I think it is very monochromatic at the moment and I know that navy and white will be fine in there. The more I looked at it, the more it needs a pop of colour. 

I had to keep moving or I'd fall asleep on the couch. I spent some time cleaning the kitchen. It was nice to have a clean kitchen with no painting supplies on the counter next to the sink. 


None done yesterday as I was too tired to make decisions on what to toss and what to keep. 

I have to buy fabric this week to make a friend a new bag for traveling. She wants the same as I made her a couple of years ago only with pockets on the inside. It will be her Christmas present this year. 


I did a few rows on the heel flap and then stopped when I had to make dinner. I didn't pick it up in the evening as I wasn't able to focus on anything. 


    My exhaustion has been from not sleeping well and pushing myself to get the master bedroom painted. I was tired but not falling asleep when I went to bed. My mind was actively thinking about how to get the room done. I was also sore from osteopathy, physio, and climbing up and down the ladder. I have realized that I can paint but I need to take days off to rest my body and mind. 

    The little accent colour in my room is almost eluding me so why I will be looking at artificial flowers for inspiration. Once I decide, I will have to figure out how to add it to the room. I also have a couple of pictures to hang up which I love. One is a counted cross stitch picture I did years ago and the other is a picture I had redone many years ago. My uncle gave it to my parents as a wedding gift in 1945. I may also get a black headboard. I still need to think a lot about what else I will do in this space. It has to be minimal so I can sleep relax and fall asleep easily at night. 

    With Black Friday sales in full swing, the Dyson vacuum cleaner I want is on sale. I will probably get it this coming week when I go looking for the fabric for the bag I am going to make. 


    I have to do the balance sheet today. When done, I will continue cleaning in the bedroom. I would like to sew this afternoon and tidy up the binders. Tonight I want to knit. I am trying to balance work and fun so I won't be so tired tonight that I have issues falling asleep. 

Until the next time.......................................................

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Possibly accent colors I might suggest to use with your white and navy (and the grey walls/white woodwork): Coral (bright, pinkish orange), mustard, burgundy, a plum purple, or forest green. Marianne
