Monday, October 30, 2017

Retired and Packing


Saturday was my last day of work. I did get the job done that I had wanted to get done. It was nice to have that out of the way.
Am I happy to retire? Yes and no. 
Yes, because I don't have to be on the cement floor 40 hours a week. My legs get tired of it.
Yes, because I don't have to put undue stress on myself to get a lot of things done in a day or a week. 
Yes, because I don't have to work until 9 p.m. three times a month.
No, because I will miss the staff and the customers. I truly enjoyed working with and for them.
No, because I won't see what is delivered to the store before it goes out on the floor. 
No, because I may miss the stimulation of doing things to keep my brain active. 
Overall though, I am happy to retire (for the third time) and do the things I want to do. 


The house is a mess and I am fighting it all the way. I sort and toss into the garbage or thrift shop boxes what we don't want to take with us. We have friends coming to get items we don't want to move from us. I could scream but I am holding it together. I will finish packing boxes from around the house and then do the kitchen. The mess will get worse before it gets better. I do realize how much I hate mess when we move. 


We have to get Elliott a soft sided carrier for the plane ride. I have to put dog pee pads into it and figure out how to transport a bit of water and food for him to eat at the airports between flights. He has been throwing up hair balls during the night which is not usual for him. I'm hoping it is a season change thing. He is eating as usual and is fine during the day. 
We have 9 days until we leave and there is plenty to do. I will post if there is time. If not, I will start up again when we are settled in Nova Scotia. 

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