Yesterday we left home at 5:30 a.m. for the race and I ate breakfast on the way. A good breakfast with carbs and protein. We arrived just after 7 a.m. and I got my race package which included the race map.

As more people arrived the excitement started to be felt. The 21K runners left at 8 a.m. with lots of cheering from the crowd. Their route is marked in green and it was a bit of a gruelling run with some steep hills.
Next we watched the kids run twice around the track in the park. The two leaders got their pace and held it and were amazing. Next we did some warm ups and the Get Happy Team stayed together and stopped when it came time to stretch. A big no no for us.
The 5 and 10k people went at 9 a.m. I hung out at the back of the pack as your have a time start and stop chip on your bib. My goal was to walk 3 minutes and run 4:30 min until I was finished. The 5k ran the red and 10k the blue routes on the map. We ran on the flat and the 10k had some hills.
I didn’t break my pace at all. My km splits were pretty good until we got to 4k.

When I started 5k, I was doing great. By the time I was two-thirds of the way through I started to slow down. I realized I was having a sugar glucose low. I yelled at the Spousal Unit to bring the PowerAde to the finish line as I ran by our car. I was shaking as I went down the final stretch but I kept running. I said I was having a sugar low and a volunteer took me for oranges and PowerAde. Within 15 minutes I was back to normal.
I got a shirt as part of my registration package and everyone who completes the race gets a medal.

A close up of the medal.

This was enough as my goal was to finish. My time was about 49:55 which I am happy with. Warm, muggy summer weather slows me down and this was under what I had anticipated. No more races until October. I will continue to walk/run and I want to start some core exercises.
Pearl, thank you for your comment on the race. I carried that in my heart when I ran.
On a sewing note, the long zipper foot is for the Husqvarna sewing machine. I love it and use it for a lot of technical sewing. Sewing the seam below an invisible zipper allows me to get in close in tight spots as I move the needle. Top stitching close to an edge is another way I use it. I try to use my sewing machine feet to help me all the time.
Today I have to get a few things done and then attack the green shirt. I want to get it done and out of here.
Until tomorrow…………………………………..