Yesterday was cold, windy, and snowy. The temperature dropped all day to -6C (windchill -16C) at 5 pm. This morning it is cloudy, windy, and -11C (windchill -20C). Today is going to be windy, snowy, and cold. The high is to get to -8C (windchill -22C).
As I was getting dressed (early) my neighbour texted me for my salt so he could salt the driveway. I rushed and gave him the one bag I had. He poured it down the driveway so we could scrape a trail from the garage to the street later on. It was at that point I wished I had gone out at 6:30 am to shovel slush. The weather had turned colder and the slush froze solid very quickly. Our neighbour said his driveway was freezing quickly as he was shovelling it. By the time he got to the top, it was frozen.
While I waited for family to come over, I ate breakfast and then folded laundry. It was put away. When they arrived, I got dressed and went out. (Okay, I had been out earlier to see if the Dutch hoe would move the ice and it did.) Family started from the street with the ice tool and I started from the garage with the Dutch hoe. We slugged away getting ice chipped off the driveway. Our friend came over to help with his metal shovel. We worked away realizing that we could only do a pathway down the driveway where it had been salted earlier. We had to give up when we couldn't get the ice off easily. We tried really hard but to no avail.
Once we were done, I rested. I was tired from all the work I did. I am sure everyone else was tired also as they worked really hard also. I did recover but I had aching muscles from using the Dutch hoe. I did sit quietly and watched the snow fall silently saying nasty words under my breath. By the time I went to bed, I was a bundle of nerves from the wind blowing so hard. We had gusts up to 75 km/hr and it was noisy out there. I did sleep better than I had thought but I am tired this morning from all the activity I had done in the morning and having my nerves rattled with the wind.
Elliott spent the day under a blanket sleeping only to emerge to eat. Last night he wanted to have the blanket tucked in around him and he slept peacefully by my side. He was cozy warm.
I did sew yesterday. I got the base sewn into the body of the rabbit. It was a difficult job as the legs were an annoyance. But I got it done. I didn't take a picture of it as I needed to work on the shirt.
It was time to work on the sleeves of the shirt. I spent well over an hour printing the designs and trying ideas. Daughter finally decided on these for the sleeves.
This sleeve is the first I have ever done with lettering and I am a bit worried about it. I also have to do 2 hoopings for this sleeve which is a bit nerve wracking.
The other sleeve has 3 sprays of flowers on it. It is also a double hooping. I am a bit worried about it but think I will have it under control when I print the small flower once again so I know where the center of it is.
Once I have the designs done correctly, I will lay the sleeves side by side and tweak the placement. Then I can start embroidering them. Knitting
None done last night. I may pick it up this afternoon if I am too tired to sew. I was tired last night and I may be procrastinating on picking up the stitches.
I was so grateful that family and friends helped me get a pathway down the driveway. It was hard work. I didn't want to give up but knew we had done all we could. We laughed as the Spousal Unit would have worked at it for hours to get the driveway cleared. I also learned that I will have 5-6 bags of salt in the garage during the winter. One never knows when a storm like this will hit us again. This is the 2nd time since we moved here that we have had this type of freezing rain.
I watched some video clips on the snowfall in Ontario and Quebec. It is unreal how much snow has fallen and how high the piles of snow are and how people are struggling to deal with it. And to top it off having a plane overturn at the airport in Toronto must have been the worst thing to hear about.
I am very disappointed that a plate I bought daughter was not delivered as the company put the wrong address on it and ignored my email about that. The parcel is now being returned to them and they have refunded me my money. I can order it again they said and I will. But this time I will nag them from the time I order it until it is delivered. One thing I have learned is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease.
I am going to do a bit of housework this morning and make two meals so I have something to eat for the next 2 days. If I have the energy I may sew, if not I will knit. I will probably be in bed early as I am tired as I didn't sleep that well last night.
Until the next time....................................................................