Yesterday was sunny and then a mix of sun and clouds. It snowed at 7 pm. The high got to 3C. This morning it is cloudy with a light rain and 6C. Today is supposed to be a mix of sun and clouds with a high of 11C with it being 6C near us. I'm not sure what that means.
At 8 am Rosey the Robot scared the daylights out of me when she said she was going to vacuum. I thought she was to vacuum at 1 pm. I checked and I had forgot to change the time. I raced in to the bathroom and got the items off the floor so she could do her job. Because I changed her time, she did the floor again at 1 pm. Cleanest bathroom floor ever.
I put the sheets from my bed into the washer and dryer. I cleaned the bathroom which needed doing. I folded laundry that I had done the day before. I made my bed later in the afternoon.
My Chef's Plate box did not arrive and at 8 pm I talked to them. I wasn't notified that it was delayed (weather??). I have to say I was worried about the driver as he is such a nice person. The box is to arrive today and they know I will be looking at the ingredients carefully. I was prepared to cook a meal but had to heat up frozen lasagna for dinner last night.
I spent a lot of time in the sewing room prepping the bag for the retreat. I interfaced the back pieces and basted the heavier interfacing in place. I then cut the light fabric for the lining and the piping.
The pieces were sewn together and then I made it into piping. I have enough cord to make one more hunk of piping. I then started to add the piping to the front and back. I hand basted the piping in place and then sewed the top part to it carefully. I use the piping foot on my Diamond hence why I did it at home.The back got done first and I really love it. Daughter called the piping fabric Saskatoons.
I did the front piece next and it looks good also. The handles and to closure tab also had piping added to them. I just photographed one handle. The last job was to cover the button using a scrap of the Saskatoon fabric. I was done and quite tired from doing all the prep. The bag was the most time consuming as I need both my sewing machines when I make them. I have it ready to sew with the Juki.I have a few piles of items stacked to put into a bag to take to the retreat. I will start that today and focus on finishing it tomorrow. I have a spool of thread to buy for the bag.
I picked up the socks and knit 20 rounds last night. I was tired but I can knit them in my sleep.
I checked my yarn stash and have enough yarn for 6 more pairs of socks plus another pair of the bamboo silk yarn to knit between now and Christmas.Thoughts
My birthday is Sunday March 30. I will be at the retreat that day and will come home to have dinner at family's. Daughter-in-law makes our birthday dinners and we have to do hers. It has been a tradition since we moved here in 2017.
I was stunned at how much snow fell in a short period of time last night. The deck was white with about 1/2 -3/4" snow on it. The wind came in bringing warmer temperatures and rain. The snow is gone this morning. It is going to be cool with a couple of days of flurries. Not how March is supposed to end. At least in my books.
Rosey the Robot has certainly been forcing me to keep the house picked up. That is a plus. I know I will have to mop the floors as there are couple of marks that she can't get off. She doesn't have the spinning pads to do deep cleaning. If I decide to have another vacuum I would get the Narwal Freo X Ultra. At this time Rosey is doing the job I want her to do and I can do the mopping as necessary. I know I will have to vacuum with the Dyson to get into the places that Rosey can't get to.
I was surprised at how fast Chef's Plate responded to my inquiry about the delivery of my box. They have taken care of a few details so I will be notified if a box is delayed again. They know I will be looking at the ingredients in each bag to make sure they are fresh.
I am going to do a bit of housework before I go with daughter-in-law to her back to back appointments with physio and osteopathy. When we get home, I want to start packing for the retreat. I do need to cook a meal tonight. I also want to knit on the socks.
Until the next time..................................................................