Yesterday was sunny and warmer with a high of -4C (windchill -9C). This morning it is clear and -7C (windchill -13C). Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of 0C.
Yesterday morning, I did a load of laundry before going to physiotherapy. I was happy to get that done. Physio was great. I did the exercises in the gym area before seeing the therapist. She did her alignment test on me and all is great. Then it was time to do some manual work on me. It was more to see if I was still flexible and I am back in the normal range.
We talked about my fall and she feels when I landed on the basement floor, I put something back into place that was slightly out. We talked about me not having a flare up shovelling snow and ice and she is excited about what I am now doing. I am in good shape and will see her in 6 weeks. From there it will be longer between visits unless I have a flare up or my SI joints decide to act up.
On my way home I got more cough medicine as I really felt my cold was going to my chest. I also looked for salt -- none to be found in the store. So I came home a bit unhappy but determined to scrape ice off the driveway. I worked on it for a good 30 minutes before having lunch. I was making progress as the ice was melting in the sun.
After lunch I had a short nap. I literally fell asleep sitting up. Once I woke up, I felt much better. My cold seemed to be much better than it was in the morning. I actually felt like myself again. I got up and made my dinner for last night and tonight.
I was back out to chip away at the ice. It was coming up in big chunks with water running underneath. I now have about 75% of the driveway clear of ice. It was a big task but I got lots of ice moved. It would have been worse to deal with if I hadn't had help on Monday. My neighbour came over to inspect my work and to tease me about salt. We are both going to start stock piling 10 bags for next winter. Like many others, we got caught having to a bag of salt each during the storm.
I went to visit my friend after I had shovelled ice and we had a great visit. She has been home for a week now due to the storms and has spent most of it quilting. She has been fighting a bit of a cold also. We took her dog for a short walk on my way home. It was cooling off and the water had turned to ice. We were both being careful.
I slept poorly last night. Most of it was from something I ate and it flared up my IBS. I have an idea what it is and will be eliminating it from my diet. Part is the stress of having a driveway of ice and not being able to clear it right away. I will be fine as I am settling down and feeling much better. Tired but fine.
I am out soon for blood collection. Once that is done, I will come home and eat breakfast and decide what I will do. If I need to nap, I will. I do want to remove more ice from the driveway this afternoon. I know I won't be sewing or knitting today as I will be outside this afternoon and resting this evening.
Until the next time.............................................................