Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Nearing the End of the Sewing Room Reload

Yesterday started out wet, got warmer and ended up being 13C this morning. We will be having this warm weather again this coming week. 


I woke up last night as my C-Pap machine shut off and I was not getting the pressure or air I needed to breathe. We had a  5-10 minute power outage. Strange looking out the window and seeing lights across the highway and our area pitch dark. I tried the little lamp I have and, low and behold, the batteries were dead. Had got it out for the windstorm and didn't check the batteries. The joys of my Slob Brain. 
I am working on my Clutter Threshold. I am focusing on not moving stuff from one area to another without it having a home. Moving stuff from one place to another tells me I am over my Clutter Threshold. It is hard, especially as I am loading up the sewing room and know I have too much. 

Sewing Room

I had a fairly successful day in the sewing room. The vast majority of the fabric and trims are put away. I kept saying where would I look to find this as I was putting some of the stuff away. I also tried to put likes with likes. 
The closet is fuller than I'd like it to be. The left hand side is for my embroidery attachment, thread and stabilizers. I had to put more stabilizers on top of the doll's stuff. I'm okay with that as I know I will not be buying stabilizer for a very long time. 

The doll's fabric is quite extensive and I must try and sew up some fabric each week so I can get it sewn down. 
The fabric is all on the shelving unit with a bit of space to spare. I have a lot of sewing to do and will be focusing on the fabric on the second row from the bottom (mostly reusable grocery bags) and the white stiff interfacing on the bottom right hand side and the fusible batting on the left hand side of the bottom shelf. The amount of fabric is staggering and it annoys me. 
It is a little better covered up. I have to do a lot of sewing this winter. It's called suck it up and sew. 
I have about 10 meters to give away that is ready to be delivered Friday. I also have a bunch to donate to the thrift shop in New Minas. 
The ironing board, cutting table, and press table are next to go into the sewing room. From there it will be the little items. The stuff that may end up being clutter if I don't contain it. 


We have to take the car in for an oil change, tire rotation, etc. Then it will be grocery shopping in two different towns. A busy day for us but we need the break from being inside for the past 4-5 days. 
Until the next time.........................

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