Thursday, November 08, 2018

We are Making Progress

Yesterday was a glorious day. It was sunny with a high of 17C. Though we wondered where it came from, everyone was enjoying it to the fullest. Especially in November. We will see it a bit cooler but sunny for today and tomorrow. 


Yesterday was a day out getting the car serviced and groceries bought. I also went to Weight Watchers.  
I finished reading 
How to Manage Your Home Without Losing Your Mind: Dealing with Your House's Dirty Little Secrets. 
It's free on Unlimited Kindle 
It was a great read and I did some deep thinking while reading it.
The upstairs of our house is below our Clutter Threshold. I can tidy up quickly on a daily basis and if life gets in the way, I can tidy up and do the necessary cleaning over a couple of days without it becoming a project. Keeping the house tidy is not a project. Projects have a beginning, middle and end and when done, I ignore it until I have to do it again whether it is in a month or 6 months. Keeping the house clean goes on day after day after day.  It is doing the things like washing the dishes, sweeping the floors, picking up the clutter that keep the house clean and tidy. Everything has a place to go to. There is no wandering around the upstairs trying to find a place for it. It was our goal many years ago and we have succeeded with the upstairs. 
The downstairs, overall, is above our Clutter Threshold. The sewing room is the worst offender and I am trying to move it towards being below the Clutter Threshold. The family room needs some tweaking and I'm hoping it will be fine. I need to follow the rules Dana White sets out. And focus on it daily. 
Going back to Weight Watchers was hard. I knew I had gained weight and it was mainly due to not watching what I was eating. The secondary reason (which is an excuse) was the amount of pain I was experiencing. Physical pain as my body ached from my shoulder to my knees. It left as fast as it arrived but it lasted for 2 weeks. As soon as the pain subsided, I started to eat better and I'm almost back on track. Today, I need to start tracking points. 


I knit another 25 rows last night and need to decide if I have to knit 5 more rows before finishing the second end. I'm thrilled with what I have accomplished and will start writing up the pattern. 


I have to continue loading the sewing room this morning. Furniture and machines will go back into the space. Then it will be the notions. I have to sort out the garbage bags into trash and recycling. I'm not sure if it will get done today or not. Depends on my energy has I didn't sleep well last night. It is a wait and see situation. 
Until the next time.................................

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