Sunday, November 25, 2018

Anthology Bag Done

Yesterday was sunny and windy. Though the temperature was above 0C, it was still cold in the wind. Mid afternoon, the wind quit and the temperature rose to 6C and we were out the door. 


As the goal was to put up the Christmas tree lights yesterday, we thought it wasn't going to happen. The Spousal Unit came to talk to me and said it was lovely outside. I was ready to go in a flash. I climbed the ladder and got all the lights up around the garage and front door. Decorating is done. No one was hurt and no one died in the process. The sunshine was the best thing for both of us. 


I headed down to the sewing room in the morning and worked on the lunch bag. I really wanted it done. Some one on a forum stated the link needed a password so I'm hoping this one will work. 
Anthology Bag
I worked on the tab and got it done with no issues. I put in the button hole after finding a button in the stash. I pinned it onto the bag and zig zagged it into place. 
The lining was made by adding a 3" strip of fabric to the top. I made the lining like the bag and when done I inserted it into the bag for a trial fit. I used the flashlight on my phone to see what was going on. 
The lining was too big. I had an idea it would happen so I took it out and sewed the triangles a bit deeper. The width was now perfect but the lining was too long. I started taking  the lining up by 1/2" and then crept it up 1/4" at a time until it fit. I removed 1" from the top of the lining and it fit perfectly. 
It is hard to see but the lining fits smoothly in. I do love the matching fabric at the top of the lining. 
When done, I was thrilled with the results. 
I am having fun with the scraps and what is left will be sorted out and the useless pieces tossed and the rest kept to do some Japanese fabric weaving. I will have to get the fabric as I have a wonderful idea rambling in my head. 
I have put the flannel and pattern on the table to cut out the pajama pants for grandson. 


I finished crocheting the cowl for the dolls. I always struggle with the last row which is reverse crochet. I have enough yarn to knit a messy bun hat to match. If there is enough time, I have to knit another doll size messy bun hat and that will be two balls of yarn gone. 


I am heading out to shop. We need more meat as we have only got chicken in the freezer. I have to get grandson's blazer (button repair) and pants (let hems down) so I can work on them. 
Until the next time..........................

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