Thursday, October 17, 2024

Playing With The Cricut

 Yesterday was a mix of sun and clouds with rain in the evening. The high got to 10C. This morning it is clear and 2C. Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of 13C.


I got a phone call early from the doctor's office to be there just after 1 pm for my flu shot. It was short notice but I changed my plans for the day. The clinic was busy with people getting their flu shots. The doctor's son was taking our names and calling us in. The receptionist was ticking our names off in the main part and the doctor gave the flu shots and an RN (his daughter??) was monitoring people. We walked out through his wife's dental clinic and another son was working in there. Their children help them when they are home from university (he has 5 children). 

My reaction to the flu shot was mild. Sore arm and a bit tired but nothing that was bothersome. I usually crash from the shots so this was a bonus. 


I didn't sew yesterday (planned break) but decided to declutter a few tubs in the closet. I decided to do three tubs. The first one was lace trims. I dumped the full tub out on the coffee table.

The amount was unreal as I had collected a lot. Lace trims can be hard to find in our area. I was frantically buying lace trims when I saw it with no plan in mind.  I started out handling the lace trim in bags. I decided if I was keeping, donating, thinking about, and trashing. All the loose lace was bagged. I made my decision based on fibre content and width. When done, I had kept 50% or less of the lace. The rest was donated. Small bits were trashed as they were useless. 

I looked at the pile I am donating and knew that I would never use them in any projects I have planned now or in the future. 

Next up was the bin of elastic. I had bought some that was too wide for pyjama pants. Some was too wide for doll clothes. They were sorted and I kept about 50% of what I had. I know I will use it all. 

The last tub was the button tub. I didn't get rid of a lot of buttons. But I got them sorted and the ones I had in my knitting bag are down stairs. Some of the buttons may go the next round of decluttering. At the moment some may be used when I make bags. I did keep the Winnie the Pooh buttons as they are harder to find and I will use them on a project later on.

I was done by noon and I was mentally tired. I had made a lot of decisions in 2 hours. Will there be more space on the shelf in the closet? A bit but I will know the containers are not as full and have what I can use in them. I still have 5 (?) more containers to go through. Then it will be the floor space that will need to be done. 


I decided to play with my Cricut yesterday afternoon. I had a great time relearning things. My goal was to cut out the following design onto vinyl. 

I had planned this last year and was short an ornament. I got one on Tuesday when shopping. I cut the two pieces of vinyl and proceeded to make the first ornament. 

Getting the large letter onto the ornament was difficult. I snipped the transfer tape and worked until I had it as smooth as I could get it. Applying the name was a breeze. 

There is a small triangle showing in the initial that I cannot figure out what went wrong. I won't redo it as it is not really noticeable until the light hits it. I was done for the day and it took 2 hours to cut the vinyl and finish one ornament. The ornament took the longest amount of time. But, it was fun to make something different for a change. I will get these finished and ship them to daughter.


I knit on the socks last night and got 20 rounds done. The purple is slowly moving from the front to the back now which is fun to see happening. 

And the back.

These are enjoyable to knit and I am enjoying knitting them on alternate nights to the sweater. 


    I am glad that I was able to get my flu shot yesterday. As we say one down and one to go. I am waiting for the Covid vaccine next month. Then I will be set for the winter months. I am now wearing a mask when shopping. I also am using a lot more hand sanitizer. I don't want to be sick this winter so am being very careful when out and about. 

    I was happy to feel my stress threshold decrease as I purged/decluttered the tubs in the sewing room closet. As I handled each item, I knew if I would use it or if I could go. I feel better knowing that what is left will be used for projects. What I let go someone else can enjoy making items using them. I will do more every couple of days. There is still a lot to go through in that closet. My goal of having less and then nothing may be met. I am realizing that I was "hoarding" stuff and it is still weighing me down. 

    The lawn was mowed yesterday and they will be back in a couple of weeks to do the hedge. I will be talking to the owner about what we can do underneath the hedge so I have less weeding to do. 


I have osteopathy this morning and then need to get a few items at the grocery store. Once home, I would like to make one piece of piping and maybe work on one more ornament. Tonight I will knit on the sweater. 

Until the next time..................................................................

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