Tuesday, October 15, 2024

New Projects Started

 Yesterday was wet, wet, wet. There were down pours and thunder and some wind. The temperature crept up all day and the high got to 17.5C in the evening. This morning it is cloudy and 10C. Today is suppose to be mainly cloudy with a high of 12C. 


I started the morning out doing the balance sheet. It balanced in a short time with only a couple of errors caused by me. It should have been a breeze as I haven't been in a store for a week. Other than a stupid mistake that I found quickly, it was done in good time. 

I also made a big pot of turkey soup base to freeze. I got 5 meals which I will add vegetables and noodles. 

They are in the freezer waiting for cooler weather to arrive which will be sooner rather than later. I do enjoy soup in the cold weather. I got the kitchen cleaned up. 

I also puttered around a bit tidying up. I put the hand sander away along with a tub. I checked to make sure I had everything in order and started to think about what I will be decluttering next. I will probably do my bedroom as I will paint it next. 

I listened to the thunderstorms roll in. They were far away with most being faint rumbles. Some were louder in the evening with the last one being the loudest. The lightening was bright, the boom fairly loud and it poured rain. That was at 11 pm. When that storm passed, all was quiet and I finally fell asleep. 


I spent time pinning the pyjama pattern onto the flannel. I did stop and copy the yoke pieces so I could add a 1/4" seam to turn under. I cut them out and they are ready to sew. 

I moved on to sew the doll's skirt. I enjoyed making it as it always turns out so cute. This one made me happy. 

The pattern is from Oh Sew Kat and is free when you sign up for her newsletter. I have this pattern plus 3 more from her and love them all. Having sewn something simple has me wanting to sew more doll clothes. 

Daughter and I talked about the next quilt I will be making for them to donate to a dog club. The money it makes when auctioned off goes to a children's hospital. The panel has been chosen and I decided to learn how to make a migrating geese border for it. I will be practicing on a doll's quilt and maybe a panel I have in the stash. I have a good 6 months to practice before I have to do the quilt. I also have a lot of other items to sew up before then. 


I was down to the sewing room before lunch and wound the yarn for the next pair of socks. The colour is called Nerds On Wheels. The lady who sells this yarn sells yarn from a trailer throughout the Maritimes. Her favourite colour is purple. The company who dyes the yarn is Nerds With Needles and is in Halifax. 

I also dug out the white yarn to start knitting the doll's sweater. I did start it before dinner. This sweater will be white. When I tested the pattern I remember doing it in 2 colours and trying to remember to change colours and do the pattern drove me crazy. The next time I made it, I used only 1 colour which was one thing I didn't have to worry about. Anyways, I got 10 rows knit on the sweater. 

In the evening I set up the socks to knit and got 10 rounds done on it. It is interesting to see how one side of the sock is purple and the other is black and white. 

And the other side.

If this continues down the leg, the black and white part will be the heel part of the sock. 


    We were put under a rain warning at 8:00 pm. The ground is saturated and with a second storm coming in (or was here), there was chances of flooding. I think we had a good inch of rain or more fall yesterday. We have mainly sunshine for the next week which will be nice. 

    Our street has been busy this morning. Two pick up trucks and 2 dump trucks, one which has a trailer attached to it. It seems as if they are going to pave the driveway for the new house at the end of the street.

    Yesterday I spent a bit of time looking at my sewing room. I have to make a big decision on the "stuff" in it. It was one of those days where I was close to getting rid of it all. I didn't get that far. I know I need to have less as I can't keep track of all that is in that room. It is still above my clutter threshold. I need to keep thinking about what I have, what I can let go of so I can keep that room better organized. 


I am thinking of going to New Minas to get a few things that I need. I will not be going to the quilt shops as I have nothing I need. It is paint and food. I hope to sew this afternoon and will knit tonight. It all depends on how tired I am. 

Until the next time............................................................ 

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