Saturday, October 05, 2024

Doll Quilt Ready For Binding

 Yesterday was more cloudy than sunny with a high of 19C. This morning it is cloudy and 12C. Today is to be a mix of sun and cloud with a high of 19C. 


I decided it was time to clean the dining room and hopefully the living room. I got the dining room done. It was a big job as I cleaned and then decluttered. I also struggled with wanting an office space. As I was going through items in the dining room I was convincing myself I needed that room. But did I?

After a short rest and doing some thinking, I realized I wanted an office but I didn't need it. What I needed was to get all the tubs I have in the dining room sorted and organized and everything put away. I needed to have a space to put them into and the server was perfect for that. 

This piece of furniture is under utilized so I decided to utilize it more. I cleaned it out and got all my "office" stuff into it. It is perfect for everything I have. What I need immediately each week is behind the door and easy to grab. 

The drawers hold containers of things I need - pens, keys, and much more that I have in tubs. When I need to put my computer away, I can put it in the cupboard part on top of the white tray. 

I will have to say that decluttering and organizing brought forth some surprises. I found a gift certificate to the used book store and will be buying books (along with the credit I have) for the little library on our road. I found the other gift card I knew I had. I also located my library card so I can borrow books online. Yes, I am going to start reading some books again. 

Once I had purged and wiped the surfaces again, I mopped the floor. It was dirty as I have ignored it for several weeks. The area looks great once again and I am pleased with my results. It is calm and minimal in design. I did not need an office, I needed a space to put my office items into that is a part of this area. I have a tub of important files and manuals in the spare bedroom closet. It is fully organized and I can get at it easily when I need to find something. 

One thing I did do this time was to move everything onto the table and act like I had just moved in. I had, at this point, decided I needed to sort what I had for my "office" supplies. It was a case of taking them and sorting like with like into tubs. It was looking at the paper I had and dealing with it. A lot went into the trash. I struggled a bit with what was to go in each tub and drawer but I got it done. Some items went out to the garage and some down to the sewing room. I can now see how I wish to decorate this area. It has brought forth ideas for place mats, table runner, etc. 

I will have to say that when I was finished the area, I was both physically and mentally tired. I had made a lot of decisions. I had the wants vs needs fight in which needs won. I brought nothing new into the room and used what I had. 

Late in the afternoon I went grocery shopping and it was busy. I wore my mask in the store. The number of Covid cases in our area has increased and I am now at the stage of being careful when shopping. 


I got the doll's quilt ready for the binding. I worked on it hard and when I got it done, I realized I had forgot a step. I didn't trim the main part of the quilt before adding the borders. I will have to remember that the next month. 

The binding is cut and ready for me to sew together and put on. 


I pushed myself knitting last night and finished the leg on the second sock. 

I can now start the heel flap. 


    I have fought the want for an office since we moved in to this house. I don't know why as we didn't have one in Ashcroft or Kamloops. I got my balance sheet folders in order over a year ago using an idea from the Minimalist Mom and what I had on hand. The necessary paperwork goes into the folders each time I shop, get the mail, and after I do the balance sheet. I think it was more the clutter I have let collect since spring. I needed to get it back to just what I needed. I did throw out 2 note books that I didn't need and stopped worrying about having freezer/pantry inventories. They were taking up space and adding to the clutter. I am where I want to be right now in the dining room. I am not organizing my clutter. I am enjoying the space. 

    I hauled out what I have bought for daughter and son-in-law for Christmas. I have lumped it into piles and now need to make a list of what I need to buy and make. I have a few ideas rolling around in my head that I need to write down. I will be visiting Amazon to place an order along with doing a trip to Ikea. 

    I slept horrible last night as the house was warm and I was worrying about my hip. I still think it is the SI joint and the muscles that are acting up. I just need to relax and monitor the situation. 


I am heading into the spare bedroom to clean it up and scrub the floor on my hands and knees. I want to move the furniture around so I can prepare to paint the rest of the room. I am not sure if I will nap or sew this afternoon. I am out to family's for dinner and may not knit tonight. It depends on when I get home. 

Until the next time...........................................................................

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