Monday, October 21, 2024

Small Jobs Completed

 Yesterday was a beautiful sunny day with a high of 20C. This morning it is cloudy and 12C. Today is suppose to be sunny with a high of 21C. 


I spent the morning in the spare bedroom painting the window and its trim. I did two coats and need to do one more coat on the interior casing?? I was amazed at how sloppy the professional painters were. The top of the trim was not painted, nor was under the sill. In areas, the primer still showed where they missed putting on the paint. Once I was done that I rested as my muscles were sore from going up and down the ladder. I was on the third rung yesterday which I haven't done yet while painting. 

After lunch, I went out and enjoyed the warm sunshine. It felt wonderful to be out there while I planted garlic. Once that was done, I tidied up the two flower pots and cut back the rose bush by 1/3rd. I will do more after the next frost as I will have to cover it with burlap. 

I rested a lot in the afternoon as I was going out to help serve dinner at the community hall. I enjoy helping out but it amazes me how fast people leave and how few remain to finish up the job. I am not a regular but I did as much or more than others did. I will go back as I support daughter-in-law as she works hard at the catering part of the hall plus looks after the bookings and maintenance of the hall. 

I did not sew or knit yesterday. 


    I am so happy that the warm sunny weather has returned and that I was able to enjoy being out in it yesterday. It starts to cool off this weekend so I may have to go out and enjoy it a bit each afternoon. 

    I spoke with a contractor last night and he will come and do some work for me when I am ready. I have to paint a bit faster so I can have him come in the spring. Once I get the trim done in the spare bedroom, I will move on to my bedroom. I can paint all the trim once the walls are painted. I will also need to buy and paint all the crown moulding. 

    I have stalled with decluttering the sewing room closet. I need to figure out what I want to do with the leather on the coffee table. I know I will keep some the scraps to use but someone needs to enjoy the leather rather than have it sit in my closet. 

     I also see that the community hall has 3 craft bazaars in November. I am going to all of them to get the information needed so I can take part in one or two next year. I also want to see what people are selling and how they set up their tables. 


I am going to do the balance sheet first and then onto painting the window. I want to mop the floors and move furniture around so I can finish the baseboards on Thursday. This afternoon I am going to sew and I will knit tonight. I also want to sit on the deck steps and enjoy the sunshine this afternoon. 

Until the next time................................................................

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