Saturday, October 12, 2024

Ready To Hand Sew

 Yesterday was sunny and windy. The high got to 13C. This morning it is mainly cloudy and 10C. Today is suppose to be showery with a high of 17C. We are under a wind warning until tomorrow morning. 


I had to turn on the heat yesterday morning for an hour as the house was 17C. Once the sun came up, I opened the curtains and let the sun heat the house. It was nice all day. Heat is on again this morning. 

I tested for Covid and am negative. I test again tomorrow morning with hopes that I am not going to get it. My cold hasn't materialized into much of anything but I am still staying home so I don't give it to anyone else. I know I have been fighting a cold so am not taking any chances. 

I looked out the living room window and saw a bright double rainbow over the houses on the other side of the street. By the time I got my phone it was dull and in less than 5 minutes it was gone. 

I painted the last wall in the spare bedroom. I was almost 3 hours from start to finish (including clean up). 

It was a lot of work but I did get it done without the SI joint flaring up. It was sore but not unbearable. Second coat and I'll be ready to do the trim. I hope to get the semi gloss paint on Tuesday so I can start painting on Wednesday. 

As soon as I had cleaned up from painting, I was out to put away my bbq and turn the table on the deck upside down. I knew I had to be prepared for the winds early. Family is in New Brunswick until tonight. 

The power went off and on twice in the afternoon. I am assuming it was from the winds we were having. I am monitoring the fridge and so far so good. I see that a community 35 km from us lost power about the same time as we had our power go off and on. It could be related.


I worked on the jacket yesterday. The lining was sewn in and the jacket turned. I was ever so careful handling the fabric and succeeded in getting it ready to hand sew. 

I have to hand sew the lining to the sleeves and then stitch down the cuffs. The jacket needs 3 snaps on the front and the skirt needs one on the waistband. 

I am not sure what I am going to do with the left over fabric. It is hard to work with as it frays. If I choose to sew it up, it will have to be something simple. Maybe a blanket with a deep hem on it. 

I have put out some of the fabric for the next projects. There are two doll's items (skirt and pyjamas), 3 pieces of piping, a basket, and hot pads for daughter. That should keep me busy for a couple of weeks as they are all simple projects to sew. 


I finished the 2nd sock and just have to finish the inside.

They are very nice socks and should keep some feet warm this winter. 


    The wind came up quickly yesterday and is still blowing good this morning. Not sure where this has come from as the wind is from the SSW. There were gust up to 48 kph when we had the small power outages yesterday afternoon. They are calling for gusts up to 80 kph this morning. I am ready if the power goes out. 

    I am slowly starting to get my thoughts together to mail the first box out. I have got some of the items I want to put in it ready to go. Other items need to be wrapped carefully as they are breakable. I need to focus on getting some items sewn for the next box. And I need to go shopping for a few items. 


I need to put the 2nd coat of paint on the wall. I want to do the hand sewing on the jacket and finish the socks tonight. I am home all day today due to the weather. 

Until the next time................................................................

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